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Crimson [US & CA Clan]

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Apr 30, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Allan
Ign: SuperBoltzYT
Age: 13
Timezone: US EST
Skype: superboltz4
WINS: 306
Games played: 4526
Strengths: Bow, Sword
Weaknesses: Fishing Rod, Escaping from a fight
Past clans: None
Have you played with the leaders before?: No
Why should we accept you into this cool clan?: This is my first clan and I need experience playing with and against players who are very good at the game in order to improve my skills. I've been making very good progress over the past 2 months (approximately), winning about 200 games (compared to 100 the rest of my time on MCSG). This would be a very good starting clan.
Why do you want to join this clan?: I've never been in a clan before but I work very well in teams and would be a great help if there weren't any good bowers in the clan yet, as that is my greatest strength.
Cute kitty picture (For Jazzy):


Oct 2, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Allan
Ign: SuperBoltzYT
Age: 13
Timezone: US EST
Skype: superboltz4
WINS: 306
Games played: 4526
Strengths: Bow, Sword
Weaknesses: Fishing Rod, Escaping from a fight
Past clans: None
Have you played with the leaders before?: No
Why should we accept you into this cool clan?: This is my first clan and I need experience playing with and against players who are very good at the game in order to improve my skills. I've been making very good progress over the past 2 months (approximately), winning about 200 games (compared to 100 the rest of my time on MCSG). This would be a very good starting clan.
Why do you want to join this clan?: I've never been in a clan before but I work very well in teams and would be a great help if there weren't any good bowers in the clan yet, as that is my greatest strength.
Cute kitty picture (For Jazzy):
Wow you used my cat picture


Jan 17, 2015
Reaction score
Name: Allan
Ign: SuperBoltzYT
Age: 13
Timezone: US EST
Skype: superboltz4
WINS: 306
Games played: 4526
Strengths: Bow, Sword
Weaknesses: Fishing Rod, Escaping from a fight
Past clans: None
Have you played with the leaders before?: No
Why should we accept you into this cool clan?: This is my first clan and I need experience playing with and against players who are very good at the game in order to improve my skills. I've been making very good progress over the past 2 months (approximately), winning about 200 games (compared to 100 the rest of my time on MCSG). This would be a very good starting clan.
Why do you want to join this clan?: I've never been in a clan before but I work very well in teams and would be a great help if there weren't any good bowers in the clan yet, as that is my greatest strength.
Cute kitty picture (For Jazzy):
Accepted for trial. Please be active on our teamspeak.


Oct 19, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Chris
Ign: Armzoid and Conceals
Age: 14
Timezone: EST
Skype: luck0saur the o is a zero
Wins: with both account about 745
Games played: 2000+
Strengths: FnS, Bow, Rod
Weaknesses: Teams and Jazzy
Past clans: #Omega #React #Frozen
Have you played with the leaders before?: Nope
Why should we accept you into this cool clan?: because im cool and together we can all be cool and have kittys and cupcakes
Why do you want to join this clan?: Because you guys look like you know what they are doing and im trying to get back into playing and i want to meet new people
Cute kitty picture (For Jazzy): cant find one :(


Jan 11, 2015
Reaction score
Name: Chris
Ign: Armzoid and Conceals
Age: 14
Timezone: EST
Skype: luck0saur the o is a zero
Wins: with both account about 745
Games played: 2000+
Strengths: FnS, Bow, Rod
Weaknesses: Teams and Jazzy
Past clans: #Omega #React #Frozen
Have you played with the leaders before?: Nope
Why should we accept you into this cool clan?: because im cool and together we can all be cool and have kittys and cupcakes
Why do you want to join this clan?: Because you guys look like you know what they are doing and im trying to get back into playing and i want to meet new people
Cute kitty picture (For Jazzy): cant find one :(
Accepted for trial. Please be active on our teamspeak.

EDIT: 500th post, baby!!!!!


Jan 15, 2015
Reaction score
(Sorry in advance Justin I just feel the need to say this)

OKAY SO you guys come on our teamspeak and we move you up to talk about things. You guys AUTOMATICALLY started flaming in the chat, with other members, ect. We gave some of you guys talk power but YOU GUYS WERE TOO AFRAID TO SPEAK. Evermore was right when he said you guys were all talk. I know NO ONE in your clan and I say one thing and automatically Kin says http://gyazo.com/861c0a707162a6222b9a60215276c5f3. The members then proceeded to change their names to things like 'Meowisaslut' 'Meowisaslutv2' proof: http://gyazo.com/f81940aaa1a5d76475a6b03dd6302d55 http://gyazo.com/a71215a369da0062688ee481d03329c8 and you come on our thread and STILL flame? Haven't you guys had enough? You guys threatened to get a Sr. Mod like 234567 times and all of those we told you to go ahead, we have nothing to hide. Did you? No. That shows alot about your clan's character. Also, we already gave a redo. If it was us, why the hell would we even give a redo? Everyone's been through that and it sucks. Really. By the way you guys are acting we will not be giving a 2nd redo, sucks to suck eh? Also, you say you have evidence but its just screenshots of you having packet loss. Like honestly congrats? Theres no proof that one of our members did it and if there IS please show it to us. We asked you guys for proof 123456789 times and how many times did you show us any that was ACTUALLY relevant? 0. You guys are the most immature clan I've EVER come by. Calling me a slut cause I'm a girl? Leave our thread.
jazzy going ham


Jun 1, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Ben
Ign: TheBKLegacy // Bwekay
Age: 14
Timezone: England
Skype: notabk21
Wins: 113
Games played: 470
Strengths: Secondaries, Teamwork
Weaknesses: Ping ;-;
Past clans: Lots but since 2015: United, Vividus
Have you played with the leaders before?: No ;-;
Why should we accept you into this cool clan?: Because I think that your a good clan and before any desision you should test me skill ;)
Why do you want to join this clan?: Its a good clan and all the players ive heard that are good :D
Cute kitty picture (For Jazzy):


Jan 11, 2015
Reaction score
Name: Ben
Ign: TheBKLegacy // Bwekay
Age: 14
Timezone: England
Skype: notabk21
Wins: 113
Games played: 470
Strengths: Secondaries, Teamwork
Weaknesses: Ping ;-;
Past clans: Lots but since 2015: United, Vividus
Have you played with the leaders before?: No ;-;
Why should we accept you into this cool clan?: Because I think that your a good clan and before any desision you should test me skill ;)
Why do you want to join this clan?: Its a good clan and all the players ive heard that are good :D
Cute kitty picture (For Jazzy): View attachment 42491
Accepted for trial. Please be active on our teamspeak.
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