Naw i don't get offended by stuff like that
It was all in good fun.
Come on ts and talk sometime?
I'll be coming onto Teamspeak somewhat regularly haha it's just that my timezone suuckkkss!!
You will be missed, you were a great moderator and an even greater person!
Thanks man c; I'll miss being a Moderator here, heck I already do but I know that this will probably be a better choice for me now that I have resigned and I can do whatever I want without the duties of being a Moderator here coming in the way.
Keno no. Just no. You have to stay and tease tayemack123 with me more.
Taylor has been one of the funniest people to tease that i've met over MCGamer
Even know I won't be able to actively do so... i'm sure it can happen sometime hahahaha
OKAY NO, I got CatQueen for you
aside from the family feud, you're (mostly) always welcome in my ts channels!
CatQueen represent!!! I'm so sorry that Dillon is a pain in the butt but he's honestly such an awesome guy
Hope he becomes a Mod here, i'm sure he'd do great
Byeeee! On a side note, you stole my name!!!
Although we never talked on McGamer. I knew you from other places and from experience, knew that you were very good at your job. Sad to see you go. Hopefully I will still see you around either on McGamer or elsewhere.
Killer! We'll definitely talk through that other community that I seem to have been on as of late
You'll be missed man! Good Luck in future<3
I might be missed for a little while, but after a bit, i'll just be another lost memory amongst the many great memories to be made over MCGamer
Thanks for the kind words, I may not have known you, but it truly means a lot that you've gone out of your way to reply to this thread.
You will be missed Keno, you were actually my first foreign friend I met over MCGamer. Just stay owner on Orchestra and I'll be happy.
JJ you absolute legend! It'll be full actual moist days when you start picking up your Report Abuse game again man! You've been slacking!!! I don't think I can retire from being owner on the Orchestra but... ye!