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Non-Renewable Energy or Renewable?


Jul 18, 2013
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I'm sure that a thread has probably gone by through the past years about this topic but I was interested on everyone's opinions on the topic since it's one of the more bigger issues our generation has to deal with. For those who forgot below are some of the more common resources to create renewable and non-renewable energy. Whilst saying this remember the second law of thermodynamics which states that whenever energy is transformed from one form to another form, entropy (energy being released) increases and energy decreases.


Solar Panels (Energy harnessed for the sun or light energy converted into electrical energy)

Wind Turbine (Energy harnessed from the wind into electrical energy through a turbine)

Hydroelectricity (The production of power through use of gravitational force of falling or flowing water say from a dam)

Nuclear Power Plants (Nuclear energy designed to extract atomic energy from controlled nuclear reactions)


Fossil Fuels (Burning of coal, petroleum or gas to heat up water into steam which turns a turbine which creates electrical energy)

Love to hear your opinions.


Aug 20, 2012
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I'd type something lengthy and intellectual.. But I'm on a bus on my phone D:

Nevertheless, we as a planet should be coming up with alternatives to non-renewable sources because eventually we will be at a shortage, and most things of a non-renewable nature are more hurtful to the environment.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
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My vote is solar, but this is the issue:

Thread moved to Off Topic Discussions.


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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Nuclear Power Plants (Nuclear energy designed to extract atomic energy from controlled nuclear reactions)
Issue: Nuclear power is not renewable, at least not yet. Currently, nuclear power operates via nuclear fission, relying on a depletable source of radioactive metals such as Uranium. So hypothetically, if Nuclear power plants used up all the uranium in the world, the fuel source would be gone with no source of replenishing.

That being said, I had a fun time doing a little research on the Nuclear Power as Renewable Energy proposal, which states that by alternating fusion and fission reactors, you can hypothetically make nuclear energy a renewable resource; you would break some Uranium down via fission, then build it back up via fusion, and repeat. But we're not quite there yet, so I think of Nuclear power as non-renewable.

That being said, I'm a big fan of renewable resources, if not for sustainability reasons then for health and environmental reasons. That being said, I don't think our current society would be able to immediately adjust from cheap-and-established non-renewable energy sources to expensive-and-relatively-inefficient renewable energy sources. The transition would be necessary, but it would take multiple generations to fully accept and become established. But as technology inevitably makes energy gathering much more efficient, renewable resources will become a more practical alternative to non-renewable, and so its adaptation (and its inherent advantages) will become more widely accepted as well.
It's either that, or we're going to all kill each other for the last drop of oil.


Aug 5, 2014
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Issue: Nuclear power is not renewable, at least not yet. Currently, nuclear power operates via nuclear fission, relying on a depletable source of radioactive metals such as Uranium. So hypothetically, if Nuclear power plants used up all the uranium in the world, the fuel source would be gone with no source of replenishing.

That being said, I had a fun time doing a little research on the Nuclear Power as Renewable Energy proposal, which states that by alternating fusion and fission reactors, you can hypothetically make nuclear energy a renewable resource; you would break some Uranium down via fission, then build it back up via fusion, and repeat. But we're not quite there yet, so I think of Nuclear power as non-renewable.

That being said, I'm a big fan of renewable resources, if not for sustainability reasons then for health and environmental reasons. That being said, I don't think our current society would be able to immediately adjust from cheap-and-established non-renewable energy sources to expensive-and-relatively-inefficient renewable energy sources. The transition would be necessary, but it would take multiple generations to fully accept and become established. But as technology inevitably makes energy gathering much more efficient, renewable resources will become a more practical alternative to non-renewable, and so its adaptation (and its inherent advantages) will become more widely accepted as well.
It's either that, or we're going to all kill each other for the last drop of oil.
But seriously I think that yes renewable energy should be achieved but for some reason some people don't see the reason for it. (ex. Climate Change, Running out of resources, e.t.c.)
I'm way too lazy to write a ton on this but yeah GO RENEWABLES.

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