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6 Months At MCGamer


May 31, 2014
Reaction score
6 Months At MCGamer

Lots of people talk about the people that just apply for mod and get it when they never posted on the forums or anything and didn’t really communicate with the community at all. I was one of those people. I knew nobody, I joined basically knowing nothing. To be honest I’m surprised I got accepted.

First off I want to thank duckluv321 because if it weren’t for her I wouldn’t be mod. I was denied originally its complicated so I’m not gonna explain it but if she hadn’t guided me in the right direction I wouldn’t be mod right now. I’m not kidding this is all on her.

Going into the interview stage I said how I was okay and I actually wasn’t afraid, but when I got into that interview room I was a shaking mess. I remember exactly what I was doing that night. I was at my cousins house it was like midnight and I had cranberry ginger ale instead of water and I had eaten so much candy. So I had a lot of nervous energy going into my interview.

My interview was led by Nick (KitMencha), and the other people in my interview were Chandelle and Rusty. Nick was the only one that ever talked and I still never heard Rusty talk up until a few weeks ago. xD

I made a lot of friends, and they’ve changed my life. I don’t know where I would be without them. I tell them everything and they mean the world to me. I’m gonna try to list off all the people I can think of. If you’re not mentioned don’t be offended I might have forgotten you, and also it doesn’t mean I don’t like you.

I want to shout out to the community first before any of you stop reading. You are all important you’re the reason why I’m here, because if they’re wasn’t all of you this server wouldn’t even be running. You guys are all special in your own way, you all are great, and I’m glad to be a moderator here.

So first off I’m gonna talk about StarWilly12 , JacksonReaction , and MRWilcox . You guys were like my closest friends when I first became a mod. Star and Jackson, I still see you and talk to you when I can but Wilcox I haven’t talked to you in forever.

TotalDramaTony :
Tony,so first off this is gonna make me really emotional and also I’m in a teamspeak channel with you as I’m writing this. But you have helped me through so much. I tell you about everything and I have so much fun with you, you make me really happy.

MKFarrell :
MK, before I came back from my three month leave I didn’t know you that well I was in the channel with you and Tony and Veronica and Kelsey a lot but we never talked directly. Once I got back the first thing I did was start talking to you and Tony again and you both make me so happy.

Veronica I dont know what your forum acc is so:
Veronica, I used to think you hated me. Which bothered me cause I thought you were great and I wanted to be your friend but when I first became mod I was really shy and didn’t know how to stand up for myself when I was around you guys cause you joke around a lot. But you think of me as a friend (I hope) and you make me really happy. I tell you everything

(Yeah I know I’ve said a lot of people make me happy <3)

Kelslay :
Kelsey, even though you act foul most of the time. I know we’re really friends. c: Don’t try to deny it because we do have good times. I tell all of you guys everything, and even when you’re in one of your moods you still make me laugh.

Bry, you were my first friend when I joined Invictus. You’re hilarious and nice and you listen to the stupidest stuff I talk about. Even boy problems and then you actually help with the problem so kudos to you.

LadyOfLove :
Shelbae, I don’t even know where to start with you. I’m you’re only apprentice c: Makes me feel special. You do a lot for me, and a lot of the time you make me feel better with the things you tell me when I’m upset. I know that I can talk to you whenever and you’ll listen so thank you. <3 Mom

tayemack123 :
Taye, we just met recently but I feel like I could tell you anything and when I think I’m going to cry you always tell me it’ll be okay and not to worry about it. You’ve also taught me that its important to assume the best not the worst.

Duckluv321, we don’t talk a lot but as I said earlier you are the reason why I’m here and you’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. <3

Banaye, I just met you recently but you’re hilarious and I love talking to you. I just want you to know that.

Rhino1928 :

Rhino, you help me a lot when it comes to building and that means a lot to me that you put up with me and my lack of skill.

David | xRevalize :
David, you’re my Maine buddy, and I really hope we can meet sometime. I’m glad you became a mod again <3

Axanite :
Liam, a lot of jokes involve me and you. I think you’re gr8

MattGlowstone :
Matt, you are so kind and I hope nobody ever pushes you to the point where you’re not. You’re a good friend Matt.

kjh567 :
Kyle, you're always there to give really good advice, and give me opinions. You listen to my babble and then support me afterwards. Ty Kyle <3

Now for the random shoutouts (not in any particular order)

Jay | Ohjayx
jtmboy | Jason
If you're not in there that doesn't mean I don't consider you a part of my life <3 I probably just forgot <3​
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Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Awwwww can't believe I was mentioned xD
Thank you haybae <3 <3


May 20, 2014
Reaction score
:D You'll always be my trial buddy , congratz on 6 months hay :)

EDIT: Aww , you tagged me <3
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Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
I'd love to catch up sometime, when I next see you on I shall poke you <3

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