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A Lesson


Dec 29, 2014
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A few days ago there was this homeless guy named Jahir, ( you'll understand how I know his name) I'm in high school so Everytime I would walk home i would see the poor mange slept on the side walk with a few coats on and a bag full of fundamental and essential stuff, at first people , even my self were like "he's only going to be here a few days" blah blah then around Christmas I had a party and i saw this woman with no heart go up to him and demand for him to move making him feel worthless and she told him if he didn't move she would call the police for invasion of property and it wasn't even her property! I obviously felt a lot of sympathy but sadly I didn't do anything that night, then on New Year's Day I see him sleeping in the same place alone and on that night it was really cold and snowing hard. So I go up to him because I felt really bad. There was a deli across the street I took him to the deli told him to get any food/ beverages he may want and so he did. I kindly bought it for him. Later I went back home got some of my jackets made him a very hot tea along with my mom and went back to give it to him. I also donated around 50$. He gave me a hug and I was proud I did something to make him smile over everything he would have been going through. So it was January 2nd and I took him another tea and we were having a conversation results he was a man of 50 years old named Jahir I felt bad because no one at that age should be made fun of or be living in those conditions. Since my mother drives , we took him to a local shelter made for the homeless donated by the government! That woman that made the poor guy feel worthless was arrested for some reason I don't even know.

Be nice to everyone no matter what there condition is, no matter if its behind a computer because you never know what they might be going through.

I hope you guys enjoyed a lesson I've learned , just thought I'd share this with you guys


Oh, you must have a proud feeling :)
And you should be! That's very nice from you.

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