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Jacksonbanan's PvP Tips and tricks


Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
Hai c: Welcome to my PvP tips and tricks thread!

Sword Fights

To strafe you need to run around the opponent and hit it while you're doing so, you will be able to hurt the opponent but the opponent will not be able to hurt you, this is quite hard now because too many people knows about it.

Example of strafing (Minecraft doesn't use guns but I hope you get the point.)

Critical hits
To get a critical hit on someone you need to fall down and while falling you need to hit someone, this is usually used by jumping and when you're in the air and almost about to land you hit the person.
Critical hits does more damage then normal hits but are quite risky, if you get hit by someone while in the air they can combo lock you.

I do not personally prefer to block hit, but you can block hit by pressing left click and right click at the same time, do note though that on 1.8 they did remove that feature.

Fishing rod

Infinite Fishing rod

This is a well known tactic and is quite convenient, this will allow you to use your fishing rod as much as you want without breaking your fishing rod. The way to do this is to right-click an opponent and after you hit them with the fishing rod you should switch to another slot in your inventory.


I talked about combo locking previously in this thread, you can combo lock someone in different ways and now I am going to talk about how to combo lock someone using a fishing rod.
Run towards your opponent and when you're close enough, fishing rod them so they get "stunned" in the air, when they are stunned take your sword and hit them, if you did it correctly then you combo locked your opponent.
You can't be too close or too far away though because then it will not work, it all depends on your ping.

Running away from an opponent
If your opponent is chasing you, you should quickly turn around fishing rod them and turn around again and keep running, repeat this as many times as you need to, I personally use this technique if I need to eat but someone is chasing me.


The basics of the bow
There isn't really too much I can tell you about the bow, but predict where you think your opponent is running, players have different ways to avoid getting shot and you can see how the player moves and try to shoot the opponent based of that knowledge.
You might need some time to master the bow but keep in mind that the delay you get when shooting depends on what ping you get.

Resource packs.

Low fire
I highly recommend getting a low fire resource pack, if you have a low fire resource pack and you're burning, it won't cover too much of your screen with fire.

Flint And Steel

The flint and steel AKA FnS is a powerful weapon, some people underestimate it but if you can get someone on fire, you have a big chance of killing your opponent, let's talk about the different things you can do with the flint and steel.
Remember to hide your flint and steel, do not hold it all the time because your opponent will be ready for the flint and steel placement.

The unexpected fire
Some people might have heard about the all mighty unexpected fire.
If someone is chasing you, stop and place fire in front of you really fast so the opponent gets in the fire.
I would recommend just doing this if the person is really close to you, this technique is quite risky but if you see a friend of yours or someone you like spectating, then you should definitely do this to impress the person, 60% of the time, it works all the time.

Jump fire placement
Not sure at all what this technique is called, but if someone is chasing you, you should jump and then place fire beneath you, this is a really risky technique and I would not recommend it unless it's really necessary.

The best flint and steel user (in my opinion)

Zinc is an amazing flint and steel user and the best one in my opinion.

Examples of how Zinc uses the flint and steel


There are 2 tactics in MCSG, Defensive and Offensive.

Most popular Defensive Player

Most people know who Gravey4rd is and I would see him as the most popular defensive player, I haven't seen any statistics about popularity or anything but if I had to name the most popular defensive player, I would say Gravey4rd, no doubt.

Most popular Offensive Player

Again, I don't know the statistics, but I think the most Offensive player on MCSG is Huahwi.
He made a PvP Tips & Tricks video a long time ago, but here it is.



Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Great guide! Only one thing sounds a bit controversial
60% of the time, it works all the time.

Anyway, it really explains some of the more advanced techniques and I'm sure a lot of people will learn from this!

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