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Me and MCGamer


Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
I have been playing MCGamer for about 2 years now. I joined right after they got there hub :D! I was a total noob (and still am to some extent). I scrape by just enough to record for this great server now. The community and server has been and will be my all time favorite. You meet so many interesting people on here and I hope I continue to do so. I don't know about other people but I have stuck with the MCGamer server through all that's its been through recently. For example the MCGamer V2 release. Many people just wanted the stats reset and when they got v2 that hated it. I realized that the devs are way smarter then the rest of us ( for a good reason lol) and I stuck with it. Sure there was some bugs but of course that was going to happen to any major release on any server. I loved the update and its going to pave the way for bigger and better things for the server. The stats reset is another thing that I applaud the MCGamer server for doing. I am in no way a try hard and I wont ever crack the top 20000 but they are going to update the leader boards and add a bunch of cool stats which I am pumped to see how bad they will be xD. I also believe that the 1.8 update will help the server run easier ( only having to worry about 1 host rather then 2) and 1.8 will get fixed over time just like the v2 release did.

Finally over time I have grown to love this server and its community and I will do whatever I can to help make it a better place for everyone. So I am now going through the process of applying to be your mod ( not in a demanding way of course, just saying that I would love to represent the community if course :D) I don't know how long or how many tries it will take but I am committed and I want this. I hope one day I'll be able to help everyone that I possibly can. I intend to stick around for a long time so I guess that I'll get it eventually xD. #Maxxwilformod. If you guys have any questions just ask and I'll try to answer them seeing as I have been playing for a while lol. Have a great day!


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks Man! I'm really hoping for it :D the mods are so nice on this server
Thanks for the support man Man! I'm really hoping for it :D
Heya! Next time, edit your second quote into your first because when you double post it just adds extra space to the thread that could clog it up c:

Simply do that by pressing the 'Reply' button to all responses you'd like to quote and they'll all show up. Just a little heads up for ya


Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
Heya! Next time, edit your second quote into your first because when you double post it just adds extra space to the thread that could clog it up c:

Simply do that by pressing the 'Reply' button to all responses you'd like to quote and they'll all show up. Just a little heads up for ya
Alright y thanks! :)

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