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Sorry | Fresh Start

Do you forgive me ?

  • Sure :)

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • No ;c

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters


Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
Firstly. I would like to apologize to all the people in which i may have hurt, abused or annoyed people.
I do acknowledge that i was very immature and have realized that.

RedtailDaemon - I was rather harsh on you when you removed me from skype , only realizing it was to prevent dosing, so you removed everyone. I got a bit mad and called you out for been different because of what clan you are in, Apex. Although we are cool now i wanted to officially mention it.

xFaTaL - At first i disliked you because you were good friends with Invoto and helped Duality so much, So basically i was jealous ;c. Then Exile happened, probably the best clan i'd been in. I forgot what stupid reason i left but that is when things got bad. I am honestly very sorry. Still to this day you for some reason despise me. If you could tell me what i'm doing and how i could be your friend again that would be wonderful :)

Kingyy_ - Alot of explaining to do.
- Kingson we first started of on a very bad note , Influx vs Duality. I will admit i did kind of get mad when you made up your own messages about us forfeiting. When i got your Skype i talked to you in probably the worst manner ever, i was rude and abusive so i apologize for that ;c. After that i believe we were all good , we talked to each other and we both said sorry in some form of communication. Then i applied for Influx , which i did get trailed for ;D. All was good the trail was going somewhat OK but everything changed when you made your decision. I got declined , so as my old self i B*tched about it, i cried a river (Not literately). I said some stuff about the clan then i guess you just hated me. Then Exile Happened we actually somehow got along ;) . I left Exile but we were still cool.We had a fight about a 1v1 and then you hated me. You wrote an apology which i thank you for ;). Next was when i applied for integrity . I got mad because of some comments and as what i usually did i would write a harry potter book about it . We had a fight over skype again and i just blocked you because i was getting pissed. Even if you don't want to be my friend can you please stop abusing me :(

Lussh We had our past , you banned me on aussie pvp for flying which annoyed me so i had a go at you. I'm really sorry and i hope you can forgive me <3

itstomy I was really really really mad at you because we truced for one game because i kinda knew you and you had a 4 team behind you. We waited for refill then i went my route and got 5 diamonds and crafted boots , so did you. We all started 1v1's and you asked me to 1v1 very very early on , i did say no as i was probably the most stacked and should 1v1 in the middle/last of the fights. When it was time you said 1v1 i said no so you and your teammate chased me around the hole map ;-;. I stopped and said fine , we got into a difficult area and your friend stood behind me. We started bowing each other down then we went into sword fight. Your teammate came behind me and dogged me D:<. I was mean to you over skype and hated you. You apologized so i thank you for that.

Yozy_XD I thought you were really mean and bad which you were to me on Kharizma's thread but now you are really cool and i respect you for that.

Straplela I hated you for a little bit because you said gg to me when your teamate killed me ;( . I gave you alot of hate on skype , but we both apologized to each other :) Now you are a really nice guy :)
Ps: Stop getting wins so fast you make me look bad ;c

SectorHD I hated you , not sure why. But i apologize and hope we can get along.

NakedNarwhal We were good friends for a decent period of time but one game gengar and i were recording together and we killed you #biggestmistake , the next game we played which you were in I killed you of spawn . I am really sorry about that hopefully we can be mates now since i applied for Kharizma :)

ep1cn00bt00b I hated you for no reason for all actually. You were really good so gengar and I didn't like you for that ;c . Gengar talked to you and said you were a nice guy , he was right ;). We were in teamspeak and you didn't know it was me and you seemed to be having a nice time , you found out my ign and you were cool about it so thanks ;). I'm really sorry for that incident in integrity , i hope you can forgive me

TomMcPvP We were mates until one day on orchestra when i was ping abusing you for days. You got mad so as usual i would get mad. I'm sorry and i hope we can be friends kinda c;

Spoekta Gengar , you and me all teamed on a breeze 2 game which you happened to be streaming. Gengar and I both were listening to what you were saying. I took of my armour because you and geng nearly broke all my iron gear ;-;. We heard you say let's dog Dejay ! You hit me twice ;o , i was 1 heart. Geng and i both reacted and both killed you before you got an extra hit on me. You then called me and gengar a F**got. From that point i disliked you. I am happy to forgive you :) hopefully we can be mates or neutral friends

I would like to state that after my 2 week break from mcsg i have changed and I believe i have matured and learned to respect peoples opinions , thoughts or desires. If i have missed any other people I would personally like to say sorry. :) Thank you
Last edited:


Jan 5, 2015
Reaction score
I appreciate your somewhat "apology". In nearly all of your apologies to all different people you diss them and complain about how they were wrong. Re-think your apology please, I definitely do not accept your apology.
- Kingson


Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
I appreciate your somewhat "apology". In nearly all of your apologies to all different people you diss them and complain about how they were wrong. Re-think your apology please, I definitely do not accept your apology.
- Kingson
I will change that if you feel that way, I have edited yours. I can edit others later


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
I seriously am way to inactive in the community. Or I am too careful. I have not been part of controversy before honestly :)


Sep 26, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks alot man for some good memories and i forgive you. Maybe we could skype again. Thanks


Jan 5, 2015
Reaction score
DeJay, thankyou for your apology, feel free to come on the Sublime ts to play with me sometime ;)


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Everyone deserves a fresh start! It's great to see people do this and I wish more people would at least try.

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