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Staff 4416 hours


Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score

lol derp let's fix that real quick

For me, at least, today is the 14th of January. This date marks 6 months as being a Moderator here on MCGamer. To celebrate this personal milestone, I’ll share with you my MCSG story. I will probably post my Minecraft story when I hit 1000 posts, but there’s not much to comment on nowadays in the forums- no real room for discussion. Without further ado, here it is..

Prior coming to MCGamer in late March of 2014, I despised MCSG and its community. Back in the day, I was a Moderator on a now much smaller PvP server called OresomeCraft (a few of you may have heard of this) which had a fair share of its playerbase coming from MCSG. At the time, I was ignorant of what the community really was- I believed the ‘negative’ side of things I saw from the community to be representative of MCSG and MCGamer as a whole. I didn’t like people who were from MCSG. I talked trash about the server, and the people from it. In general, I had a hatred of MCSG. After things started falling through the roof for OresomeCraft, I decided to apply back in late 2013- not really expecting to get anywhere. I put a bit of effort into writing an application that was pretty crummy in review now, and was denied for being under age (at this point, the minimum age requirement was 15 and I was 14). I didn’t care, and would most likely have declined an interview if ever I got to that stage. I resumed normal activity on OresomeCraft.

Skipping further to early March 2014, I started becoming more and more active on MCSG. I purchased Gold donor whilst it was on sale for $20, and eventually decided to register on the forums and have a serious attempt at Moderator. My application was pretty good back then, in my opinion- however, looking back on it, it still wasn’t 100% from me. I got declined again, this time for lack of information. I may have also been declined for being underage (at this point I was 14 and 11 months old, and was trying to get some slack cut for me- lol), I forget. I applied for the last time after I turned 15- I think 2 days after my birthday, which coincidentally was when my good friend iVelocityGaming had become Moderator. After 2 weeks, I got moved to pending, and was happy I’d at least not been initially declined. 2 weeks after that, I was moved to interview stage. For 2 weeks after that, I talked with my waiting buddies, who if memory serves me right were xStatiq who was EnzoFx at the time, duckluv321 and heyyoitsjayo (those are the only ones I remember- sorry if I missed you <3). Every now and then, staff would come and talk with us- I was more often than not the only one waiting in the waiting room when it was late evening/night time in Australia was me- I may have played a game or two with KitMencha and DoubleEss when they came down and asked me if I wanted to play a game or not on one of those very nights.

After 2 weeks of waiting in the waiting room, I was finally interviewed by Le0, Krypton (who led my interview) and KitMencha- pretty much the whole AU Sr. Staff team at the time. I passed my interview, and became Moderator- I was taken aback by the fact that I’d become staff, because I didn’t fully see myself going all the way.

Things slowed down when I got Moderator- same things for 6 months, more or less. The only things that changed were the faces of new Moderators whom I had befriended and my activity. For about a month after becoming Moderator, I was very active. I gradually grew less and less active as I shifted attention otherwise paid to MCGamer to other servers and my school life. Eventually, and this was quite recently, I found myself to be almost neglecting MCGamer completely. School holidays for the end of the year came around, and I returned to being active as I used to be.

That brings us to ‘today’- me writing this story 5 days early so as to save myself time and carrying on with regular staff duty. I don’t know what the future will hold- only time will tell. I hope to stick around for a while though. 8^)

Thanks for a good 6 months!


Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
im guessing you a us mod since I've never seen you... congrats on 6 months :D and isn't it the 13th today???
I'm an AU mod. It's 14/1 for us here in Australia, but either way it doesn't really matter, because I *should've* become mod on 13/7 in US/other places anyway.


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Congrats Dyna! I can still remember when you were just a regular member.


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
I remember the first time I saw you in game you were gold donor. the next day you were mod! Congrats on six months Dyna :)

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