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[GUIDE] How to: Kill Teams [3]

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Jul 13, 2013
Reaction score
This will be re-written, as I think, and some others, thought that this was not good enough. I'll re-write it in a new guide.


Welcome to the 3rd guide of how to take on teams. This guide continues from the previous guide written, and anything from the previous guide will not be re-written.

All parts in this guide are continued from the previous guide.


This part contains information on how to take on teams of 5. If this is not what you are looking for, you may skip to the next part.


Teams of 5 can be difficult if you make mistakes frequently. It's difficult to fight teams of 5 in an open space. If you're in a wide area like in Valleyside University, you can engage some fights. If you're in a narrow and/or small space, don't engage in combat as much, unless you know what you're doing.

The key to taking out teams of 5 is get them close together a bit. Try to slow them down, or lead them to another team or player. They may split up to cut you down, so play it safe and smart.

One of the most useful weapons to use while fighting a team of 5 is the flint n 'steel. If you can, craft some flint n' steel, and if you already have some, then try to put them on fire. It'll slow them down and decrease 3 and a half hearts.
Although, use it only from time to time. Use it wisely. Double tap F5 on your keyboard to see the view on your back. It's important that you get them close together before you place the fire down, otherwise, when one of them get's on fire, the rest will be able to come to you.

There's a chance you will get hit when you place down the fire, so when you use your flint n' steel, make sure you try to run away again immediately after placing the fire down.

Teams of 5 can either split up into 2 groups sometimes, or stay together and hunt for chests, or tributes.
If they split up, it's a good chance you'll run into either of the groups. When you do, you'll have less people to take them down if they're in groups.
If you encounter a 2 team, take them on with flint n' steel, a bow, and a rod (of course you'll need a sword).
If you encounter a 3 team, go back to the previous guide and read the part where it explains how to take down a team of 3. A video is also provided in the part.

If they stay together in the same group, which is most likely, follow the things I've said above. They'll most likely try to make it quick when killing you, because they're confident enough to take you down. Although, you may change that if you play professionally.

Play the game safely. Use strategies while fighting the team of 5. It's best to not team with random people, unless you team with trusted friends.
It's recommended that you craft enough flint n' steel during the games if you can. Find fishing rods, and improve your armor and weaponry.


This part contains information on how to fight teams in the water, or underwater. If this is not what you are looking for, you may skip this part.


When fighting a team underwater, or when in water, it's important to remember to use a bow and a fishing rod if you have them. When the team is in water, take a few good shots on them, because they'll move slowly in water. When they get near you, rod them away using your fishing rod.

You can also get a boat and sail away from the team. Although, if they have bows, they can destroy your boat by shooting at it.

When you fight a team underwater, you should also attempt to shoot one of them far away from each other, then take on the rest. If you're doing this with a bigger team than a team of 3, shoot and/or rod away the other teammates, then take on the last one of their team. When you kill him (if you do), do the same with the others.
Repeat this until you take out the whole team.

It's advised you keep yourself at a safe distance from the opposing team you're fighting. If too close, they might successfully launch an attack.

When fighting a team underwater, you should also try to lead them to land. When you get on land, wait for them to come. Taunt them. When they get to land, try to set fire on them. They'll try to attack you then go back to the water. That's when you can attack them.


This part contains information on flint n' steel during fighting teams, and information about it. If this is not what you're looking for, you can skip this part.


Flint n' Steel is used by many people. It's one of the most used weapons in MCSG, after the sword and the bow.

It's important to know information about it before actual usage, so you can use it better.
Flint n' Steel decreases 3 and a half hearts. It's important to use it first, then fight with the sword. That way, more hearts will be decreased. It's not advised to do this instantly though in this case.

Flint n' Steel should only be used when needed, or when the opponents are at low health. You can place fire on the block they're going to run on if you're gonna play it like that. Though to do so, you got to be pretty good.

You're advised to use 2 or 3 flint n' steels per battle. Bigger teams, you probably need more.
Don't spam flint n' steel, just place 1 down at the right time, at the right block. It's best to use it when they least expect you to.

When you fight teams with flint n' steel, make sure you try to get all of them on fire, and if not, then most of them. They'll step back and regen, and if water is close by, they'll go to it. You'll have 2 choices to either attack them at that point, which is recommended, or sprint away and regenerate your health.


Since I haven't done a tips topic for quite a while, this part contains tips on how to take out teams. If this is not what you are looking for, you may skip to the next part.


When fighting teams, make sure you take them out 1 by 1 if you can. If you're good enough, you take them out whole.
Use your bow and rod frequently in dangerous situations. If you have low hearts, run away, or eat a golden apple.
If you're really in a dangerous situation, try to lead the team to other players. The other players might not engage in the battle, but try to lead the team to the other player(s).
Keep long saturation foods with you, like golden carrots, steak, cooked porkchop, etc. That way, you can run and fight longer without worrying about food that much.
Try to make a critical hit on someone. When attacking, jump, and when you land on the ground, hitting them will instantly will cause a critical most of the time.
Try not to engage in battle much. Just try to outrun them, or slow them down then run away.
Don't team with random people. There's a chance betrayal can happen.


It's Tyroneley here. I'll have to end the guide here for a bit because I can only put 10 attachment pictures, and those pictures act as my subtitles and titles, so I won't be able to continue without it. Hopefully, if I have time, I'll make another guide continuing this. But for now, there'll be a slight pause in the development in this guide.
Thanks for understanding if you're reading this.

Previous guides:

Don't mind the attachment below, it's just a mistake I made during writing.


Last edited:


Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Not bad, but you barely went over how to run away from teams, and when to engage. (Literally the most important part) and you also contradicted yourself; In the first part, about how to kill a team of 5, you said to get them as close together as you can. In the Tips section, you wrote to try to take 1v1s. .-.


Jul 13, 2013
Reaction score
Wrote this in a rush, to be honest. Don't worry, I'll re-write this. I'm terribly sorry.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
Thread locked at the OP's request.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via PM. Have a nice day!
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