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Air Asia 320-200 goes missing? Does it mean air travelling is unsafe


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
This is ridiculous, the 3rd plane! They honestly need to step up security because it's getting beyond ridiculous!
Why step up security when in all three plane crashes not one person on board the plane has been accused of any wrong doing? The first Malaysia plane has not had a cause determined, the second one was because of people on the ground, and this one obviously we don't know, but it was flying in bad weather so that may have been a factor. No need to step up security when bad security has not been proven to be at fault for any of these disasters.

As for the rest of this thread, I don't really get why we should be questioning if it's unsafe. Air travel in general is incredibly safe even with three major incidents in a year. If we take all even small air disasters in to account we would find that in 2013 467 people died in all types of planes, and about 1.5 billion people flew in a plane. It doesn't get much safer than that even if in 2014 a few hundred more die that 2013.

Oct 31, 2013
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They went up to 60,000 ft, so I am guessing the altitude was messing with their brains from lack of oxygen.
No they didn't... They were up in 32,000 ft and they asked if they can go 38,000 to avoid the clouds. So the first half is wrong but the second half is right.


Sep 28, 2013
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I really hate it when people immediately spring up with all sorts of conspiracy theories. It's honestly just as bad as making jokes about it, people just use the fact that people died to put forward their crazy ideas about how the government is trying to kill us all. There's nothing spooky about this as AGFire2013 said, a plane crashed and we should be feeling sorry for the people involved instead of making up conspiracy theories.
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
I really hate it when people immediately spring up with all sorts of conspiracy theories. It's honestly just as bad as making jokes about it, people just use the fact that people died to put forward their crazy ideas about how the government is trying to kill us all. There's nothing spooky about this as AGFire2013 said, a plane crashed and we should be feeling sorry for the people involved instead of making up conspiracy theories.
The conspiracy theories about the goverment are so bad. I mean what goverment would plan against their own people. The thing I am saying it maybe just a fault in the planes or fate or someone is shooting them down we don't know.


Jun 20, 2012
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Honestly this is only happening to flights that associate with Asia, first Malaysia Airlines TWICE (or was it 3 times?) and now Asian Airlines. There has to be a story behind this. This can't be that coincidental, the weather there is no different then what the weather could be like in other parts of the world.

I really hate it when people immediately spring up with all sorts of conspiracy theories. It's honestly just as bad as making jokes about it, people just use the fact that people died to put forward their crazy ideas about how the government is trying to kill us all. There's nothing spooky about this as AGFire2013 said, a plane crashed and we should be feeling sorry for the people involved instead of making up conspiracy theories.

then again this is a place to express our opinion about this topic. doesn't mean we don't feel sympathy for the people who lost their lives.
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Honestly this is only happening to flights that associate with Asia, first Malaysia Airlines TWICE (or was it 3 times?) ieand now Asian Airlines. There has to be a story behind this. This can't be that coincidental, the weather there is no different then what the weather could be like in other parts of the world.


then again this is a place to express our opinion about this topic. doesn't mean we don't feel sympathy for the people who lost their lives.
And you know the weird part...
Asian airlines is based in Malyasia. It could be a coincidence


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
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Okay firstly: This is not the 3rd plane that has gone missing. There have been about 8 planes that have gone missing this year. A couple over Africa, one over Brazil, one from the US. One in Taiwan and then the big three: this one, and the two Malaysian Airways planes. Maybe some over Central Asia but I cannot remember exactly.

Air travel is exceptionally safe. . about 10 planes have gone missing this year. if there are 102,465 planes a day that fly, thats about 3,650,009 flights a year. so 8/3650000 went missing this year. With those odds you are better off trying to get struck by lightning twice and then being attacked by a shark.

I'd say flying is very safe. We just don't hear about every successful flight that lands, only the ones that disappear. That's how it should be, but that doesn't mean don't fly.

Also what about cars?? Or boats?? Or trains?? All travel is unsafe in some ways.

Last edited:
Oct 31, 2013
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Okay firstly: This is not the 3rd plane that has gone missing. There have been about 8 planes that have gone missing this year. A couple over Africa, one over Brazil, one from the US. One in Taiwan and then the big three: this one, and the two Malaysian Airways planes. Maybe some over Central Asia but I cannot remember exactly.

Air travel is exceptionally safe. . about 10 planes have gone missing this year. if there are 102,465 planes a day that fly, thats about 365,000 flights a year. so 8/365,000 went missing this year. With those odds you are better off trying to get struck by lightning twice and then being attacked by a shark.

I'd say flying is very safe. We just don't hear about every successful flight that lands, only the ones that disappear. That's how it should be, but that doesn't mean don't fly.

4th major airplane.
Anyway Airtraveling is safe but they die in mass deaths but see on average of every car crash that actually kills people are very rare. But when the car crashes kill people it only kills about a average of 2 while on a plane there are no survivors. Also the reason aircrashes are worse is because when they get lost we usually don't know where it is what happened to the body's what caused it. Plane hacking? Hijacking? Or weather, engines. When a flight goes of the flight tracker we don't know where it is. It can be under a hijacker that can do a suicide mission not making up conspiracy therioes. It could crash in the water with a engine failure if it was a problem in the manufacturing then all the models that were made could be in danger. I will tell you one thing Airtravel is not safer than people think. I am not saying don't fly it all depends on fate.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
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Honestly, I think air travel is space as long as you're travelling to the right places. I mean, more people die in car accidents and shark attacks a year than in a place crash :p


Jul 2, 2014
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Honestly, I think air travel is space
Well, I guess you could fly to space if you wanted to. However, we are discussing the missing AsiaAirlines flight, silly. Take your space exploration dreams to NASA.

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