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My Story


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
I know I'm not the best player or the most well known player, but I would like to share my story. Plenty of people have seen me around, and I have plenty of friends on here that may care to read. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it because I don't care.

I had known about MCSG a few months before I had actually started playing. A good friend of mine, Okourbono, had played the server since beta. He had come to my house and showed me the game minecraft and the server. I immediately loved it. Later on that year, I asked for a laptop for Christmas. Everytime my parents asked me what I wanted I always told them I wanted a laptop and nothing else. After a few months of nagging them about it they finally gave in and got it for me for Christmas. I was so hyped! As soon as I got it I downloaded minecraft but noticed I had to buy an account.

The next day, the 26th, I got my account, xMDurr. When I first played I WAS AWFUL (lel still pretty bad). I had to keep asking my friend how to sprint and where to go. He kept telling me and eventually I got the hang of it. I was still terrible. I kept playing for the next few days and finally, FINALLY, I won. I had won my very first game on Fortress Pyke. I won in the most annoying way too. CLEAN UP CREW. My friend was taking on a team of two and killed one of them. Then he died. I seized the opportunity and went in and killed him. Next thing I know I hear fireworks! It was the glorious sound of a win.

A few days later on New Years Eve, we stayed up all night. I accumulated about seven wins in that night. I thought I was a god. Unfortunately, no, I wasn't a god. The next day, my friend Okourbono introduced me to a legend. His name was Pedrownzz. He was ranked two or three on the EU leaderboards. (This was when there were regional leaderboards) He was amazing! We played together for a few weeks and he unfortunately got banned for hacking (to this day I still don't know whether he hacked or not).

Then for a few months nothing big happened. I just played and got better and better. I accumulated about 400 wins or so. In January of 2014, ELITEB3AST and I were invited to a clan. An amazing clan. Rivals. Corey, or cf918, had invited ELITE into a skype call. After a few minutes I was added to the call. I didn't want to join, but Corey persuaded me into joining. It was probably the best decision I made. I got into the clan and met a lot of new people. After a one of our clan battles against Reflection, we had a clan merge. We acquired CoolDarkraiDude, Bcuzimbored1243, Cmaaldeibson, zlim95, and a few others. We were growing stronger.

In February of 2014, my laptop broke. Well, I kinda broke it. I was in a game and died, and got mad. I flung my headset off my head and it smacked into my computer screen and cracked it. I thought my MCSG days were over. My parents weren't too happy. They said I didn't deserve a new computer if I was going to treat it like trash. After maybe 2 weeks or so, I kinda felt dumb. I only broke my screen. I connected an external monitor to my laptop and it ran like a champ. I played for about 3 days and it bit the dust. The motherboard got fried. I stopped playing for a few months. Soon I started playing on my parents computer.

When I started playing on it, I joined a game and saw an old friend, WATIII. I said hey to him and he called me on skype. During that call he invited me to my next clan, Reflection v2. They had rebanded while I was gone. We weren't anything special but it was the best time ever. I met a lot of my friends there. Lakers2012, ThunderClunder, Yoshie123455, THE_ONLY_GYMMY, GetHoundooded, Tundrakiller23 (GetArcanined), ToxPsycho (i think that's how it's spelled), Zmanthegamer6286, Sevector, and so many other people.

Since I was better I played in more clan battles and was just overall improving. I had the best time ever in the clan. I was meeting more people and having the most fun ever. I played with them almost all of the summer until school started. Around this time Rivals rebanded. Reflection was done.

After school started, I kinda disappeared. I didn't play full time for about 2 months. I had football everyday for that time. I had no time to play MCSG. I was busy practicing, training, and preparing. After football season, I came back. It was the beginning of November when I came back. I came back ready to play. After about 3 weeks back I reached my 800th win.

Recently, I achieved my 900th win. I hope to have 1000 at the end of winter break.

I still play with some of the people mentioned above. I mainly play with my friend StubbornRadish. Pedro is unbanned and we play every few weeks or so. ELITEB3AST now plays Smite but I still talk to him. Okourbono is my irl friend so I see him about everyday. I also talk to a lot of the other people every so often. I'm not making this because I'm quitting or leaving. I just want to share my story.

I still have much more to write as I go on and as

And remember, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it to me because idgaf.

real slim shadies who ive met along the way

Yoshie123455 DarkraiM8
GetHoundoomed stealthjet45

If I forgot any one message me plox.
Last edited:


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
Very nice story, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! <3. Seems like it wasn't easy, but you got there in the end. Good-work! c:


Oct 27, 2013
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Dec 16, 2014
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Shrek M8 <3

It's creepergoespro add me to the list dudeeee I was in reflection clan

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