-IGN (CaSE SenSiTIVe): Rueellen
-Why do you deserve winning platinum donor than anybody, what will you do with the donor, and how will it benefit you? (4-5sentences): I'm applying for a friend since I'm already Platinum, she's been an awful good friend since the moment I met her, she's been there for me and had my back. I wanted to show how appreciative I am but I can't afford anything to get her something so when I saw this giveaway I instantly knew I could attempt to get this for her. Our entire friend group struggles to find a game that we can all join because she's not a donator and that's rather annoying, so I thought I'd try to get this for her so we can enjoy ourselves more on MCGamer. By getting this it will give us a better chance to bond and to enjoy ourselves overall.
-Write 3+ sentences or facts about your self, to get to know you: I'm 16 years old, 17 in a few weeks (7th January to be exact), I honestly love playing Minecraft as it's like my home away from home, I love everyone that I've met over Minecraft and we've become so close in a short period of time, MCGamer was the first ever Survival Games server I joined and played on and I'm British.