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My life/gaming story


May 15, 2014
Reaction score
Hey, it's me Nick again... I just think I should share some of my life details and stuff because I've seen a lot of others do it... I thought why not :p

I was born on May the 21st (hehe 9+10). I was an ugly child... And still am... Anyway, when I was growing up I made great friends... Some I'm still friends to this day, but that's just some... I have a lot more Internet friends then IRL, I understand people better via the internet, we have the same interests.

When I got to year 5, I met a couple of idiots, and great friends. We had a great time together! Then in the late 2012, things began to turn tables and screw me over. One of them was the school. We all had our personal school laptops we could play games on, after I cracked the administrator password (the stupidest password ever 1234) I started downloading games, thats when my grades dropped dramatically... Straight A's to B-'s, then C's and a few D's. Another was friendship groups... I hung around bullies which I regret so much... I didn't know they were bullies at that stage... But when it happened to me, I knew I was in trouble.

The bullying started happening to me, I was a target. It wasn't that bad, then year 6 came... And I was in for it. Year 6 was a slow year. Just full of pain... Stepped on, Kicked, Called a idiot, retard ect. One day during a soccer match. I was being hacked (when someone kicks your shin instead of the ball or whatever) and this guy got my knee instead and brang me to the ground, I got up and kicked him... I was away for the next few days at home, telling others I was very sick, but I was suspended for being violent. Basically the same thing happened and I learnt not to retaliate, then... My birthday came... If you've been bullied everyday, you would know it wouldn't stop on any occasion... Anyway, I was brutally stepped on, kicked, punched ect. It was a 4v1, I couldn't do anything, I spoke to the teacher about it. I'm not going to lie, I'm a super sensitive kid, but never expected the kid that bullied me to cry because I called him an idiot.

I started to stop going to school for that very reason. In year 7, it started to stop... But it was still there.
I've met some great great friends that k can always rely on... Not just IRL friends, but Internet friends.

It is still going today, but I know how to put up with it now, but I have amazing friends to help me get through it!

Liam/Ladrain: You're a great friends, I can always count on you for being here for me!

Ivan/Samuel09(random numbers): You're amazing, keep up everything, thanks for being here for me! keep simsstreet going ;)

Jack/SectorHD: I know we barley talk anymore, but I'll keep you in my memories!

Morgan/EctoplasmicNinja: thanks so much for being here for me! You're a great Rad-elaidian :p

Jordan/Palirock: You've always been here for me, thanks lad!

Tyson/Thermalrage: I know we barley speak but I consider you as a great friend!

WTF is your first name?!?/Sanzio: My arab friend c:

Beatrice/RedtailDaemon: Since we've known each other, you have cared for me. I just want to say thank you for everything you have done!

For all of those who I have acknowledged, they are the biggest impacts of my life. I knew there are plenty more but cannot remember all. Thank you for taking time of your day to read these.

Yours truely,
Last edited:


Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
#Lad Life <3 Love ya man stay strong I know them feels.


May 15, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah I meant in a way saying well written. So you are still in school?
Year 8, most of them in my class *gives a thrashing* haha. But yeah I'm still in school. Even if I wanted to leave my bloody parents wouldn't allow it ;)


Jul 31, 2013
Reaction score
That story is amazing! People can be so dumb and fail to see the real damage they are causing. It is great to see you found some friends along the way to help you :) Those are true friends, the ones who stick with you through the hard times :)


<3 Still no shout out?!?! ;-; </3 jk <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ily

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