- Joined
- May 30, 2013
- Messages
- 1,294
- Reaction score
- 741
Lol that's cool :3 I'll be sure to change whenever I'm able to
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
Lol that's cool :3 I'll be sure to change whenever I'm able to
Added to the Waiting ListIgn: GetRidaHim
IGN Color: GetRidaHim
Second sentence: YouTuber!
Color of Second Sentence: Green
Donor: Moderator
Favourite MCSG map (Background): Dracarys, Solar Frost or Ancient Japan
Building Team?: Team Invictus, Team Elite
Youtube?: http://youtube.com/GetRidaHimPlays
Twitter?: GetRidaHim
I'm at school so I do not know what they look like, I'll take a look when I get home! Thanks!
Done! ( http://gyazo.com/d743acfae60e27b73a5cedee2b64d9ac )Ign: GetRidaHim
IGN Color: GetRidaHim
Second sentence: YouTuber!
Color of Second Sentence: Green
Donor: Moderator
Favourite MCSG map (Background): Dracarys, Solar Frost or Ancient Japan
Building Team?: Team Invictus, Team Elite
Youtube?: http://youtube.com/GetRidaHimPlays
Twitter?: GetRidaHim
I'm at school so I do not know what they look like, I'll take a look when I get home! Thanks!
Added to Waiting List!Ign: ThunderDeath3109
IGN Color: blue
Second sentence: haks on!
Color of Second Sentence: light blue
Donor: Diamond
Favourite MCSG map (Background)emons Breeze
Building Team?:
Youtube?: ThunderDeath
Done ! http://gyazo.com/485968c3ae75f4c79bb4fe7c302c90caIgn: ThunderDeath3109
IGN Color: blue
Second sentence: haks on!
Color of Second Sentence: light blue
Donor: Diamond
Favourite MCSG map (Background)emons Breeze
Building Team?:
Youtube?: ThunderDeath
Ign: LeninCraft
IGN Color: Blue
Second sentence: YouTuber/Streamer
Color of Second Sentence: Red
Donor: Platinum
Favourite MCSG map (Background): SG4, Alaskan Village,
Building Team?: None
Youtube?: https://m.youtube.com/channel/LeninCraftMC
Twitter?: LeninCraftMC
Added to Waiting List !Ign: DividableApples
IGN Color: Red
Second sentence: Inferno Owner
Color of Second Sentence: Red, if you can make it flaming a bit
Donor: Gold
Favourite MCSG map (Background): Par 72
Building Team?: None
Youtube?: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQZC4BujmzGz1xdwk4N7giA
Twitter?: DividableApples
Done ! http://gyazo.com/e8212b2f306cae6029a27745d49bcd51Ign: LeninCraft
IGN Color: Blue
Second sentence: YouTuber/Streamer
Color of Second Sentence: Red
Donor: Platinum
Favourite MCSG map (Background): SG4, Alaskan Village,
Building Team?: None
Youtube?: https://m.youtube.com/channel/LeninCraftMC
Twitter?: LeninCraftMC
Added to the waiting list Thank You!Ign: TopOfTheWorldGM
IGN Color: Green
Second sentence: Dont need one
Color of Second Sentence: N/A
Donor: Diamond
Favourite MCSG map (Background): Holiday resort
Building Team?: Not in one but im in a clan (Rebels)
Youtube?: TopDoesMC