Hey guys its DayDuskDawn (Adam) some of you may know me, heard about me or don't know me at all but first off i'm not the CA King it's a joke. So lets take it back on a timeline mission July 7th 2011 I, Adam, bought a MC account that's name has been unspoken by the ones who know. Anyways, i started playing mc on this randy server that is probably non-existent atm. I had a wooping 15 frames and a wired Logitech wallymart mouse and i was at my peak. But really doe i couldn't see the screen it was to blurry. (Fast forward 3 months or so) So i asked my mom for a gaming pc and she said later for my birthday (november 21) and so i waited. Around september ive gottoon a lot more familiar with MC and changed the setting with optifine to achieve around 40 frames or so. My buddies from hockey some of you may know (Rixel_ , Captain_sausage , BigSnipeShow , CMJTML) had a server going and invited me to play. (it was more fun for them i was basically getting trolled the whole time (im still a noob). So eventually i got permissions in the server and started for real. Then i decided to get a new accoutn and make a YouTube channel and see if i could be the real deal. I got my computer my blu yeti and i was ready.
I started Try-Harding the leaderboards cause who cares'bout school right and that's all i did. In 3 months i think i had around 300 wins or so which is good and i was pumped. I started uploading and making random lies when i didn't want to upload. It was the dream, i started getting recognized in mcsg ca servers and i was stoked (only 100 subs). That Spring i met the best player ever (at the time he was by far the best ive ever seen in game) WilTheBlodin i sucked up to him so much and did anything to get his skype. Anyway me and Captain_Sausage kept getting those leaderboard points and summer hit. Rixel_ stopped playing mc and went to DayZ (much better game) and i kept going at those leaderboards 24/7 with captain_sausage then one day some randy said they would make me art for my channel (300 subs) so i was down free stuff is cool. He added me to a call with his friend in it named SoloSh0ck who really became my friends friend more but w/e he is still super chill. So solo's friend gave me templated art LOL but w/e they were cool and fun to play with so i didn't say anything.
That summer, Captain_Sausage left for a 2 week vacation for camping. Kinda pissed me off summer just starts and im alone try-harding the leaderboard. I get into game first game of the day i remember like it was yesterday. This guy gets stacked of spawn full iron and we are playing holiday resort i chase him with my weapon off spawn wanting that armor for about 4 minutes when he turns around with the fist-glitch and whoops my ass. I broke my mic that day f88king threw it at the wall i was mad, anyway i check the kids stats i go and type /stat huahwi. Lone behold this kid had 600 wins and 1.2k games the god ratio. I was like damn whatever he got lucky. (remember that i played ca all my life and basically knew everyone's IGN and never seen him b4. Anyway next match goes on and he is there again! TSG2 and i just broke my mic so i was going to make him pay. I got the fist glitch and off spawn full steam at him. I died again...... so you can't beat them join them right? i got his skype and he wasn't a child like i thought he seemed 16 or so. Whatever so we played together split wins and he was saying how he left US cause of ping and stuff and ImFake (dont really know how to spell it) and me were the only people he knew. Well he taught me pvp and we met Yngii and Jimmy41658245629 (dont really know it was his phone number) and i suggested he make YouTube JimJim was all for it too so he made a video of to got 30 views and he didn't think anything of it.
Fast forward last summer and we are kicking into gear im at 450 subs Huahwi at 200 and jimjim at 300 rixel at 500 (he made my channel art and huahwi's and captain_sausage and so many others) (i think he is almost as good as fin but w/e) so anyway proxniggles comes along at we are all chill and goofing around having fun playing factions (captain_sausage returned and huahwi made me a god at pvp) anyway one day huahwi left and he started uploading with lovelights so w/e peace nerd he was at 2k or so never thought anything of it. Me captain and niggles kept playing and having fun i got 1k wins and niggles had a ton of baseball (all i remember is him at his spitz in skype all day) then my internet started acting up youtube took to much time and mcsg got boring and it clappessed fast
i have to go to hockey so its a quick finish if i forgot anything sry love all of you i talked to played with u can add to the journey if u know any of it
but ya add to the story if u know anytihng and peace m8's cyha around CS;GO and LEAGUE OF LERGENDS
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