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Stats: Why do people care so much?


Jan 7, 2013
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I personally have no clue why people go mental over a simple number in a video game, yeah sure you want to show off, but will it really matter? As someone above me said. One day you will log off and never come back on again, which will make the number you have been spending weeks upon weeks on perfecting go down the drain.

And let me tell ya' somethin', stats ain't gonna pay those bills. (To be said with a heavy Texas accent.)


Aug 31, 2014
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Just took out a hacker by teaming with a randy, then we fair fighted. That's a loss I'm going to remember.


Aug 5, 2014
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I believe a lot of people want to win as many games as possible and raise their stats, purely to be recognised, and to be able to show off.
True that.
And let me tell ya' somethin', stats ain't gonna pay those bills. (To be said with a heavy Texas accent.)
LOL Yes that is true very much so.

What I think about stats is your own personal achievement. It really doesn't matter in your whole life. And it's the satisfaction of say getting a 23 kill streak in a 24 player game that makes you happy. It's to get recognition. Stats don't, thought, reflect on your skills as a player. Too many factors that make it inaccurate in displaying someone's skill set. Teasing someone about it doesn't do anything because that person could be amazing and doesn't have a good computer. Or one of his off days. Or something.
I personally like it for the same reason as Ceroria. Big OCD for me and big numbers person. "Where's my arrow accuracy!?" Anyways that's why I like it.
In the grand scheme of things though. What truly does matter? And I mean the GRAND scheme of things. Life the uni-42 actually would be easier. What does matter?
I'm going to get a lot of flare from this………


Nov 17, 2014
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and... If u have a good ratio u can always sell your acc for hella money


Apr 6, 2014
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ElegantAhses, I very well agree with your perspective and point of view, and it absolutely warms my heart learning that there is someone out there brave and courageous enough to finally explain this sort of point. And in a manner, to tell the truth. It is indeed true that people are taking a mere video game to an extent where it becomes a redundant competition. Over time, people will begin to lose the actual morality and true purpose of playing a video game at all.

I have noticed countless competitive playing, and I have seen a large handful of people stating how disrespectful others can get over a game. It begins to make me think why people would go to such extents like cyber-bullying other people, or in other cases, simply hack in-game.
I do understand that a majority of the competitiveness would simply come through the leaderboards and ongoing statistics, where it analyzes a person's performance, and ranks them amongst thousands upon thousands of other players. And from what I can tell, this is due to inspiration, motivation. A motivation and encouragement to be the best.

Unfortunately, in a majority of cases, that motivation is acknowledged in the wrong terms, hence causing a lot of discouragement and a lot of hate among different parts of the community; it is understandable that people wish to improve their statistics and try to achieve high ranks, however, I do not see what purpose or how big of an impact it will have on someone or anyone around them. This is a matter of the term and emotion: Pride.

Pride is an emotion considerably a very dangerous one, people wish to think of themselves great and mighty, or simply being the best and to have superior comparisons among their peers. This had been discussed between me and BitoBain before in a thread relating to emotions, and have agreed upon pride being an emotion that's dangerous as it is charming. People do wish to achieve great things in life, to make the most out of it. But the fact that there are many people aiming for such unlikely goals does prove to show how inspiring it is to be an excellent fighter in a video game.
Yet again, how much worth will a video game have in the end? A king can always be overthrown, forgotten like the game itself. Nothing lasts forever, nor does pride.

In this community, the statistics can show how skillful a person is in fighting, or how much of a battle it would be fighting against them, yet again, there are people who are ambitious towards being the best fighter, the one who wins the most games in a Survival Games community, to see themselves ranked #1 on the leaderboards. However, despite the efforts, the chances of achieving it can be considerably slim, but I do commend those who wish to attempt doing so.
Others, however, wish to improve their statistics so they can join clans, and participate in clan wars. But when applying for a specific clan, being a prestigious or famous one; people must take their time in doing so, we mustn't always rush trying to improve statistics so we can join a clan, especially when bombarding and raging in the servers, trying to get better statistics. Yes, as previously stated by others, the statistics are also a way to identifying who is worth hiring in a clan and who isn't, and that is a purpose that seems relevant.

It seems to me that people who go disrespectful over someone's efforts in a video game is considerably immature. Thankfully, it is possible to report people who take a step too far over the edge and continue abusing someone else over a video game. But it does intrigue me towards how people put so much effort, and in some circumstances, abuse others over a mere video game, I do not see why people must lose their morality, their common sense and courtesy over a video game. To trade such incredible emotions over a little moment's of pride. It is like giving away your soul, your spirit to be the most empowered person. In the end, there will be nothing, in the end, nothing would matter at all.

TL;DR The MCGamer community is for making lovely memories and to form friendships and bonds, not to serve ourselves and make a full-out competitive war among one another, the Survival Games is usually for fun and games. Imagine if you were in an in-real-life situation, participating in the Survival Games, would you simply volunteer as tribute every chance you get to join a game, and to willingly lose all your moral empathy?


Nov 1, 2012
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I personally have no clue why people go mental over a simple number in a video game, yeah sure you want to show off, but will it really matter? As someone above me said. One day you will log off and never come back on again, which will make the number you have been spending weeks upon weeks on perfecting go down the drain.

And let me tell ya' somethin', stats ain't gonna pay those bills. (To be said with a heavy Texas accent.)
This is 100 percent true I spent my life on this game for a reason I will not mention but I found that the friends I was starting to make I lost. Then that day came I didn't need or want this game anymore and what is that number? Well its just a number nothing more...


Feb 1, 2013
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I have to say I agree. Statistics often get in the way of having a good time for many people. The point of video games is not showing off; it is having a good time. People who go around making fun of others because their stats aren't as good are quite frankly sad losers that need to gain some perspective. Having a lot of wins on a minecraft server isn't really something to brag about from an outside perspective. This is why many found the hype that arose because of the "stat reset" so hilarious, while others acted like their life was in danger. I guess it just depends on your perspective.
People that use stats as a mean to put down others are idiots, but trying to get good stats to show off is fun for some. While it was never a concern for me in MCSG because I didn't find the game all that interesting unless I was with others, in Halo I enjoy trying my best to have good stats and have something to show off. It's fun to try to get higher skill ranks and have some cool emblems for your name through feats of skill. Competition and showing off is a big area of video games; speedrunners, e-sport players, and people in clans of all sorts of games find joy through trying to show that they are the best. As long as competition isn't used to put others down, it can be a quite wonderful thing. Those are just my thoughts.


Jul 31, 2014
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This is just my opinion but, the way I see stats is an accomplishment, when I /stats myself or check my records on the website I feel accomplished, and I strive to get that feeling again and again and to improve my ratio and get more wins, not all people think this way but you should not have anything against players who care about improving their stats, as compare it to beating a game, that satisfying feeling of completion is satisfying, and on MCSG that is what drives me back to play, and the fun of improving your skills and getting more wins is satisfying and fun, just because you don't care about stats doesn't have to ruin the fun people get out of it.


Sep 6, 2013
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Why people care about stats?
Because a lot of players do /stats PowerOfAMelon *example* and when they see like 10/400, they think *This players is nub, lol.*
But they don't think about the hackers and the teams, at the moment, players like Gravey4rd (ratio 2/3) win 1 off 2/3 games because there are too many hackers, the stats are not real at the moment.

Kris | Kriszy

Nov 11, 2013
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I guess it's just a thing nowadays. Sadly, a lot of people only play for good stats, and if they fail on their account they buy a stat reset or a new account. It's pretty sad, I know.. but it's just what MCSG has turned into. Also, you can't judge a player by their stats in any way. I have an alt with really bad stats which my friend used to play on a long time ago.. I would say I'm a decent player, and if people judge me of my stats, they're going to get a big surprise when they get in a fight with me.. ;)


Feb 26, 2014
Reaction score
I personally have no clue why people go mental over a simple number in a video game, yeah sure you want to show off, but will it really matter? As someone above me said. One day you will log off and never come back on again, which will make the number you have been spending weeks upon weeks on perfecting go down the drain.

And let me tell ya' somethin', stats ain't gonna pay those bills. (To be said with a heavy Texas accent.)
Will anything matter in 100 years?
Will anything in school matter in 25 years?
It is not the ideology of which it matters or not, it is the concept of achievement.

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