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How I tore my ACL

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Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Well, I'm guessing most of you read the story on how I broke my wrist...

Back with another injury story. Going to be making a lot more. :)

Let's begin...

How I tore my ACL.

Or so I thought......
It was November 13th, 2013. Today was the first tournament I had in my Basketball season. I had 3 games today, and it was my first ever game with my team. I was pretty excited to play. Let's just skip ahead. We had lost 1 game already and won the other. It was towards the end of the last game when something had happened.

I had already dropped 19 points, and we were about to win. 10 seconds left in the game, no need to do much, we were on a fast break to seal the game, I drove and about 4 seconds before the buzzer rang, I euro'd down the lane and when I shifted my weight on my left knee, I heard a pop. This was not a good pop, so I dropped the ball and I just dropped to the ground. It was the end of the game, but everyone slowly was getting curious what was happening since I wasn't moving.

I didn't feel pain, nothing at all. I just couldn't move my leg. It felt like it was locked in position. My coach, parents, and the ref thought nothing of it. They slowly helped me up and I walked it off. I was basically limping but I ended up walking fine. I eventually made my way to my car with my Dad and my best friend, who had came to watch. I got the car, and I couldn't move. I couldn't make any way to fit my leg into the car, and that's when I knew, I had to get it checked out.

We didn't go to the hospital just yet, we went home, I put some ice on it, and I Skyped Jaan to tell him what had happened. 10 more minutes later, I hung up on Skype to go to the Hospital. It was not fun.

We waited 4 hours in the Hospital, very boring, and not fun at all. Finally, we had gotten called into get an X-Ray. The X-Ray had came back negative. Nothing. 30 minutes later, the doctor called us in to tell us what was wrong. He told me I had slightly torn my MCL and that I should be fine in 2 weeks. Just keep it easy.

I did what he said. I kept it easy, iced it, wrapped it up, and was on crutches. This was also around the time that school basketball was happening. I was missing practice (it was 7AM Practice but y'know :p) and I was mad that I couldn't play. After the end of 2 weeks, I had started to play again, but with a brace, still trying to keep it easy but I was eager to play. Around this time, a father who is a medical doctor who actually specialises in sports injuries heard what had happened. He wanted to see me.

Until then, he wanted me to take it easy. I couldn't play until then. With games coming up, I was a bit devastated. But I went ahead with it.

When I got to see him, he told me he wanted me to get an MRI. The only appointment we could book was a month from that time. (In January!) We said okay, but I couldn't play until I got one. We actually found another place I could get an MRI, but this required me to leave with my dad on a Sunday morning at 7 AM in freezing cold. We did it anyways.

We got the results back, and we had to go see the doctor again. He told me that there was nothing on the MRI? But he said that he doesen't believe it? He told my mom that he wants another MRI on my left knee again, so we kept our appointment in January. I was allowed to play during this time!

Played a few games, until the MRI came. If I didn't say before, an MRI is basically when you sit still in a machine for half an hour. BORING. Anyways, I got it done, and went to go see the doctor again.

Different news this time... Apparently, I tore my ACL. Not my MCL. These stories are not making sense? He told me no basketball until I get ANOTHER MRI the next day.

This was really hard for me, I was missing out on games for school AND competitive. My knee felt fine, I didn't really believe all these stories.

I got the MRI, and this time I was sent to a specialist downtown. I went during school, so I missed it. I waited about an hour in the waiting room, and finally the doctor came. So this lady, told me that there was nothing wrong? She said this and I quote "You are completely fine, but your kneecaps are pretty loose".

Don't even get me started on this lady. A so called specialist? Anyways....

We went back to the doctor that actually made sense. I had to get one last MRI to confirm what has happened. This was during February (2014), 4 months from the actual incident.

But this time, I got 2 MRI's. One for each leg. I don't know why, but it was done. I couldn't play Basketball and I had to use crutches to prevent further damage, EVEN THOUGH it didn't hurt. I felt fine.

After both MRI's, I was called in again. You won't believe this.

Apparently, I had a bruised kneecap on my left knee, and I tore my MCL on my right knee? What the actual...?

A week later, I got called in again. I got an actual answer this time.

I slightly tore my ACL and bruised my knee cap.

After thousands of answers, hours of MRI's, I had finally got the answer I had been looking for. Even though I missed out on tons of practices and games, I knew it was best for me.

This was kind of hard to me. I was left out of Basketball. Being told that you can't do something you love, really hurts and it took a toll on me. I was told so many different things but the answers were not certain, so I didn't know who to believe. I am greatful that I eventually got an answer, but I was quite stressed out during this time.

Till this day, I am still going through therapy for my knee, and am still told to play carefully. It sucks but I accepted that this is life.

I never actually thought that something so simple and something that I thought would be just a scratch, would actually become so serious and time consuming.


PS: I'm sorry if it was all jumbled and didn't make sense. It was hard to remember what had happened but I tried my best. Let me know if you need to know anything that I might not have included
Last edited:


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
Dang, must suck for you going through all those MRI's. xD


May 19, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah, the injury struggle is real. I had a real big lump that popped up on the side of my knee. It swelled up a lot at times in the day, and I had to get crutches. A second MRI I had revealed this lump in my leg, and of course, assuming the worst, possibly being a tumor, I had to get surgery. It ended up being a blood clot.


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah, the injury struggle is real. I had a real big lump that popped up on the side of my knee. It swelled up a lot at times in the day, and I had to get crutches. A second MRI I had revealed this lump in my leg, and of course, assuming the worst, possibly being a tumor, I had to get surgery. It ended up being a blood clot.
Hope things are alright now!


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Well, I'm guessing most of you read the story on how I broke my wrist...

Back with another injury story. Going to be making a lot more. :)

Let's begin...

How I tore my ACL.

Or so I thought......
It was November 13th, 2013. Today was the first tournament I had in my Basketball season. I had 3 games today, and it was my first ever game with my team. I was pretty excited to play. Let's just skip ahead. We had lost 1 game already and won the other. It was towards the end of the last game when something had happened.

I had already dropped 19 points, and we were about to win. 10 seconds left in the game, no need to do much, we were on a fast break to seal the game, I drove and about 4 seconds before the buzzer rang, I euro'd down the lane and when I shifted my weight on my left knee, I heard a pop. This was not a good pop, so I dropped the ball and I just dropped to the ground. It was the end of the game, but everyone slowly was getting curious what was happening since I wasn't moving.

I didn't feel pain, nothing at all. I just couldn't move my leg. It felt like it was locked in position. My coach, parents, and the ref thought nothing of it. They slowly helped me up and I walked it off. I was basically limping but I ended up walking fine. I eventually made my way to my car with my Dad and my best friend, who had came to watch. I got the car, and I couldn't move. I couldn't make any way to fit my leg into the car, and that's when I knew, I had to get it checked out.

We didn't go to the hospital just yet, we went home, I put some ice on it, and I Skyped Jaan to tell him what had happened. 10 more minutes later, I hung up on Skype to go to the Hospital. It was not fun.

We waited 4 hours in the Hospital, very boring, and not fun at all. Finally, we had gotten called into get an X-Ray. The X-Ray had came back negative. Nothing. 30 minutes later, the doctor called us in to tell us what was wrong. He told me I had slightly torn my MCL and that I should be fine in 2 weeks. Just keep it easy.

I did what he said. I kept it easy, iced it, wrapped it up, and was on crutches. This was also around the time that school basketball was happening. I was missing practice (it was 7AM Practice but y'know :p) and I was mad that I couldn't play. After the end of 2 weeks, I had started to play again, but with a brace, still trying to keep it easy but I was eager to play. Around this time, a father who is a medical doctor who actually specialises in sports injuries heard what had happened. He wanted to see me.

Until then, he wanted me to take it easy. I couldn't play until then. With games coming up, I was a bit devastated. But I went ahead with it.

When I got to see him, he told me he wanted me to get an MRI. The only appointment we could book was a month from that time. (In January!) We said okay, but I couldn't play until I got one. We actually found another place I could get an MRI, but this required me to leave with my dad on a Sunday morning at 7 AM in freezing cold. We did it anyways.

We got the results back, and we had to go see the doctor again. He told me that there was nothing on the MRI? But he said that he doesen't believe it? He told my mom that he wants another MRI on my left knee again, so we kept our appointment in January. I was allowed to play during this time!

Played a few games, until the MRI came. If I didn't say before, an MRI is basically when you sit still in a machine for half an hour. BORING. Anyways, I got it done, and went to go see the doctor again.

Different news this time... Apparently, I tore my ACL. Not my MCL. These stories are not making sense? He told me no basketball until I get ANOTHER MRI the next day.

This was really hard for me, I was missing out on games for school AND competitive. My knee felt fine, I didn't really believe all these stories.

I got the MRI, and this time I was sent to a specialist downtown. I went during school, so I missed it. I waited about an hour in the waiting room, and finally the doctor came. So this lady, told me that there was nothing wrong? She said this and I quote "You are completely fine, but your kneecaps are pretty loose".

Don't even get me started on this lady. A so called specialist? Anyways....

We went back to the doctor that actually made sense. I had to get one last MRI to confirm what has happened. This was during February (2014), 4 months from the actual incident.

But this time, I got 2 MRI's. One for each leg. I don't know why, but it was done. I couldn't play Basketball and I had to use crutches to prevent further damage, EVEN THOUGH it didn't hurt. I felt fine.

After both MRI's, I was called in again. You won't believe this.

Apparently, I had a bruised kneecap on my left knee, and I tore my MCL on my right knee? What the actual...?

A week later, I got called in again. I got an actual answer this time.

I slightly tore my ACL and bruised my knee cap.

After thousands of answers, hours of MRI's, I had finally got the answer I had been looking for. Even though I missed out on tons of practices and games, I knew it was best for me.

This was kind of hard to me. I was left out of Basketball. Being told that you can't do something you love, really hurts and it took a toll on me. I was told so many different things but the answers were not certain, so I didn't know who to believe. I am greatful that I eventually got an answer, but I was quite stressed out during this time.

Till this day, I am still going through therapy for my knee, and am still told to play carefully. It sucks but I accepted that this is life.

I never actually thought that something so simple and something that I thought would be just a scratch, would actually become so serious and time consuming.


PS: I'm sorry if it was all jumbled and didn't make sense. It was hard to remember what had happened but I tried my best. Let me know if you need to know anything that I might not have included
I would love to hear the story of something you didn't tear, break, etc.


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
You kept messaging me on Skype all the different diagnoses and I was so confused...


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Just hearing you mention basketball makes me miss playing it so much ;-;

I ended up having to stop playing all together competitively because I was becomming more and more busy with band and felt as if I enjoyed playing the trumpet a little bit more, also my school has one of the most competitive basketball programs in the surrounding area so our team is nearly impossible to get on, meaning I could really only play for an AAU team up 40 miles north. I've been so busy and probably haven't touched a basketball in four/five months and am afraid to start practicing again cause I know I'll be ultra rusty XD.

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