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Staff Ceroria's MCSG Adventure

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Aug 20, 2012
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*Before you complain about how long this is, keep in mind that I simply love to write. Plus, I've wanted to share this story for a long time so pls read ok ty*

So, I turn 15 tomorrow. "The big one-five", and that got me thinking back on all of the awesome things I've done in my life, especially these last couple of years on MCSG. Through my time on this server, I have matured immensely, and I can attribute a lot of that maturity to my time here, and all of the amazing people I've met along this journey.

It all really got in full swing during the summer of 2012, almost all of my friends were playing Minecraft at the time. I found it to be boring, I had played it once before at my cousin's house and had a blast, but eventually just got bored. My friends at the summer camp that I went to (and am now a Junior Counsellor at) were talking about making this Hunger Games Map on Minecraft. I was fascinated with this because I was obsessed with the Hunger Games trilogy at this time, so I got in on their plans. Sadly, I didn't have Minecraft so one of my friends actually said he'd buy it for my on his birthday when he got money in September (about a month from when we were talking). Well, camp ended on August 17th and we had this plan in full swing. That night, I went over to another friend's house to sleep over. There were three of us there and they were playing Minecraft. My irl friend Justin, or Soccerwiz998 lent me his older brother's account 'hnrbnd' to play on a LAN world with them and taught me the basics of Minecraft. They were just having fun building random stuff, while I was trying to build a cornucopia on top of a jungle tree. If you couldn't tell it didn't work out too well.. The other friend of mine who was there does not have a forum account, and plays more COD now because his laptop "crashes at the opening of the simplest applications, and gets 2-5fps constantly" from his words. I have also confirmed this, yes his laptop sucks eggs.

Nevertheless I went home the next morning, the 18th of August and asked my mom if I could buy Minecraft. She said "maybe", and the very next day, August 19th 2012 I had my own account. I named this account 'XyZebrAbC' because I liked zebras, and thought that that alphabetical play on that would be cool. Honestly after about a month I started to hate that name with a passion, that hate slowly subsided however and I kind of started to like it. Nevertheless, I got home from basketball camp on Monday August 2012 and searched up "Minecraft Hunger Games" after falling in love with the famous series of games played by all of the popular YouTubers at that time, all of which won by AntVenom. This network was the first result that popped up, and after some trial and error with other servers, I ended up making an account here that very day so that I could view the server list and hop into a server of my own. It took me a while to grasp how the server worked, but eventually I got it down. Sadly I had no clue how to craft, PvP, or even find chests but I was so driven just to win one game that it didn't matter to me, also, my laptop sucked almost as much as my other friend's bad laptop.

A few weeks later at school my friends and I were talking about Minecraft at lunch, and I asked if anyone played Hunger Games. A few said they did, but they didn't play on the server I was talking about, until one, my friend Jason, said "Yeah, the ones that restart? I'm so good at those!". We exchanged skypes and I became much closer friends with said person then we originally were. We logged into a server together, and I collapsed of laughter because of his name '1999rocks'. Not because it was a bad name, but because of how that name was originated. We were studying for a state-wide competition for something from school, and we were on the same team. For the study website we got to pick usernames. I picked 'skydog429' my username for everything at the time, and he picked '1999rocks' because we were born in 1999... and... it.. rocked... He had a whopping total of 32 wins, and I though he was some kind of professional or something. I was basically just his way of farming wins indirectly but neither of us cared because it was so much fun to actually play with somebody. He taught me what a chest route was and how to 'jump and circle' around people when fighting. Jeez, I don't understand how somebody could be as patient with me as he was xD

Nevertheless Jason and I played nonstop for the first month together until we showed another one of our friends, Corry about MCSG. He had played it before, but didn't have an account, so he had to borrow that same account I borrowed for a day 'hnrbnd' to play MCSG. At this point, the original owner of the account Justin's older brother was at college so he didn't use it, so Justin gave it to his younger brother who agreed to let Corry play MCSG on it because he didn't play it himself. Nevertheless us three played a ton of MCSG together, and Corry was good. Jason and Corry would play sometimes, and Jason described it to me as "he would run off, you would hear like 5 cannons and then he'd come back and go 'yeah I just killed like 5 people'". I was astonished, because I still had like one win at the time. My first win came from somebody generously letting me fair fight him and I somehow won. I went to school the next day and told all of my MCSG friends that I won and it was about time.

Around December, Corry and Jason started playing more without me because they were so much better than me and wanted to get into a clan. Jason was currently in 'Romans' led by Exodus and somebody by the name of jackthepwnzor (if I'm correct) and Corry was trying to get into Rebels, led by Zeno. I didn't mind, I kind of understood. Jason mostly found time to play some MCSG with me on occasions and so did Corry. Once every blue moon we would be on at the same time to play together.

Then came Christmas break, and I managed to get like.. 2 more wins, going into 2013 with a whopping total of 3 wins. (It might have actually been 2, I can't exactly remember). Over the Christmas break, Corry and another friend, Dylan or Tactical_Taco1 were at my house. Dylan didn't have an account yet, so another of our friends kind of let Dylan use his account (FlyStudiozHD). That night, Corry decided he wanted to change his skin to something he liked. I helped him out because I had a skinmaking app on my phone. The very day he changed the skin, the original owner of hnrbnd threw a fit and changed the password so that Corry couldn't use it anymore. Therefore Corry bought his own account, Nitro_Elite and things went on as usual. He started racking up wins really quickly and everybody called him a hacker, it was kind of funny. The process would go
1. Corry killed someone
2. They accused him of hacks
3. I'd most likely be dead cause I sucked, so I'd tell them off and would just say he was good
4. They'd rage quit
5. Everyone would laugh.

Around February I started getting a little bit better because I started using our kitchen desktop instead of my 15fps laptop. This computer was like 10 years old at the time, but somehow managed to get me a solid 80fps. GEE WHY COULDN'T I HAVE KNOWN THAT AT THE BEGINNING OF MY CAREER?! WHO KNOWS.

Anyway, I ended up going into MCSG v2 with 21 wins, and all of my friends started teasing me because my W/L ratio was literally 2% (21/1000 something) while they all had like 1/5s or whatever. As MCSG V2 progressed, Corry, Jason, and I grew more distant. Corry got into Rebels and spent all his time with them, Jason then got into Rebels and did the same which made me really want to get into Rebels. It was an awesome clan and had practically no competition at the time. You'd find Jason and Corry occasionally playing MCSG with me but they were more focused on their clans, which I understood. Finally, in May 2013 Dylan got his own account, Tactical_Taco1. Since he spent his noob days on FlyStudiozHD, Dylan's ratio wasn't all that bad. He pulled a steady 1/8 which was good back then to all of us, and to most people really. I applied for mod my first time in April because I really wanted to be a mod, honsetly. It was just something I'd always wanted to do... I was 13 at the time.. the age limit was 15... As you can tell I got denied.

In May I got my new computer. This computer was a beast in my eyes, I could run Normal/Fast with 150fps, and that was so freaking awesome! Now the PvP skill and MCSG skill kicked in hard. I started winning like crazy and a couple of months later, over the summer I reached a "whopping" 75 wins, enough to apply for this clan I'd been looking into at the time led by AviVulza. Bunns added me on skype to add me to the group chat and I participated in a clan battle, get this, on an Amtrak train going from Sacramento to Chicago (then Chicago to home in PA). That summer, my dad and I took the train across country to get back home from visiting our family because we were originally from California.

After that clan disbanded, a friend of mine from Roxbot, plimpy41 and I created our first clan #GravelTrap. This lasted until mid-august 2013 when we realized we should change the name to something that sucked less so we made #Imperial. That clan was composed of Me and Plimpy as leaders, Dylan and Justin as officers, brirocks123 as an elite, and our awesome members were Chiller4, chickenman5968, jbshadow21, Hawkins50, Turkeystar, Creeperbutler, and cyorde. Half of these people I knew irl :p. We spent a lot of time on Roxbot doing FFA's, and I bought my 'Ceroria' account in mid-October of 2013 to use as an alt. I managed a 1/3 ratio on it until I stopped using it for a while.

Imperial lasted for about three months, in which we had 3 clan battles. Let me tell you, we went big. Our first battle against Aviate ended up in a 3-1 loss. We did really well for a first time clan, honestly, and Andy invited us onto their TS. That day I met some pretty cool people from Aviate like Andy, @whateverforumaccountJessUses, and others. We then battled CA Titans and Sovy I believe, losing 3-0 to both. By the time Imperial had disbanded I had racked up well over 200 wins.

Eventually everybody parted ways in November 2013, and I joined one of NativeTalent's first clan's, Kronic. I was only in for a week before it disbanded, joining Swift with some friends from Kronic, especially Frigid, OwenzKillz, and I believe Chiller4 was in there too. After Swift disbanded due to the clan taking two sides and fighting against each other, Frigid made Verzon and invited me to be an officer. Verzon was the first "good" clan I was in for more than a week. Plus, I was an officer! Verzon lasted a month and a half, most of which I was inactive and ended up losing my Officer position, at this point in time I was accelerating through my age exception process for mod, which I still really wanted to do, but it ended up not working out because I was too busy so I removed my applicaton. I tried to get officer in Verzon back, but I had some struggles with some other people in the clan, so I left to apply for CyanVolts which had just come back up. I got trial, but left because I just didn't feel as if I fit in too well. Therefore, I went back and hung out with some old Verzon friends like Frig, and met a cool guy named Austin, or Avesu. We played some together, talked a lot on skype, and he helped me start up my new YouTube channel c:. Eventually, I faded away from the Verzon scene, not before spending a month or two playing mainly solo and getting up to 350ish wins on my main account, XyZebrAbC and starting a clan with AviJess/iHaxors/etc. that only lasted a week. (that was November 2013 to March 2014, also the time that I became more of a serious forumer).

At this point I wanted to use my Ceroria account more, so I tried using it as my main and bought Gold Donor for it. I spent a week or two with Rebels, and was kind of in a slump. I didn't really have any friends to play with, they had all mostly stopped playing, were too busy to play MCSG, or were in an argument with me. Therefore I removed my trial from Rebels and left MCSG to join some new friends from the forums like BlitzCometITU, The Arena Master, etc. to get caught up in the US Hive hype. I went over there to just make some new friends and switch it up a bit. One or two people from that group filled me up with all of the 'MCSG is corrupt' stuff and I believed it for a few weeks. I was kind of angry at MCSG, or more like taking my anger out on it because I didn't really fit in anywhere. Anyway it became apparent that US Hive was never coming out so I came back to MCSG which I realized I liked a lot more.

I had been watching a few MCSG YouTubers including Cscoop, who I felt deserved a bigger sub-base because he was a great commentator and a cool guy. One day I poked Cooper about something, asked him to play MCSG or something, and he directed me to the Trivium TS, a clan which had opened the day previously. This I had realized was basically like the original 'Rebels' clan I had been dying to get into back in the early v2 days/late v1 days led by Branbob83, Krafty, and soggypickle. I immediately applied, and spent a few weeks as pending, I was on track for getting trial member at that point which was as big deal because there were a lot of applicants. Almost everybody thought it would be LittleRawr and I getting trial because they were only taking 2 trials. Then a bunch of previously well known v1 players like Andy and WalkerRed applied. Needless to say, I was denied and Andy and LittleRawr got trial.

After that I took a small break to apply for mod, once again because the age limit was lowered to 14, and I was 14 c: My application was denied, sadly, so I went on TS to ask Draco what I could do to improve it. He was really helpful, and told me to add more detail, instead of just rambling.

I simply applied for Trivium again, but was denied because I was inactive that week. I then applied a third time. At this point, I was getting along very well with all of the clan and really felt like I had found somewhere to fit in. My third application was kind of a joke to many people, including me because I made it really hard and tryhard-like, a lot like my previous applications, so we all had a good laugh over it. That application was in early June, and three weeks later I got back from the beach, went on TS to hang out, and was moved up to a meeting room with all of the current clan staff like Bran, Soggy, Tristan, Cooper, and Hotdog. They accepted me into Trivium and I was pretty happy! I then moved down to the channel I was previously chillin' in and was congratulated. It felt great. I spent my first week as a member doing a lot of cool things, like a couple of clan battles and talking to some awesome people like Eden ChrisComedies my trial buddy, JustAHotDog, AndyFlips, ImFaqe, WalkerRed, MasonBulldog, Jacobcrocks, polarisXD Zlim95, Purge and the whole rest of the clan along with some friends like Bowman465 who we did dumb stuff with :3. (Sorry if I didn't tag you, I'm kinda tired rn ;_; ) then my dad and I left for our annual vacation to California to visit family and st00f. While there I kept in touch through TS on my phone and snapchatting bran weird pictures saying I was "coming for him" because apparently I used to live really close to where he does now, so that was cool :D. Before leaving, however I was talking to some people on TS, mentioning that it'd been a couple of weeks since my mod app was denied, and I didn't know if I should apply again, but the people I was talking to at the time told me to go ahead and do it! So I went out to California and on July 4th I sat down at my grandparents' house on my dad's laptop and wrote a 3.4K word application with all the needed improvements. I wrote that to pass the time in between breakfast and the baseball game we go to every year with all of our family that lives in the area.

Following that, we drove up North to my old house and visited our cousins for a week and a half. We both went up to camp and then back down for a few days to hang out before I went back to Pennsylvania to suffer through the painful humidity and hot temperatures. That following Sunday, coming back from Church I checked the forums in the car. I had one measly alert. I checked it and almost fell out of my seat, an act I pretended to blame on dropping my phone. "KitMencha replied to thread "[Pending] XyZebrAbC - Moderator Application".

For our last two days there, we went up to my cousins' mountain house/trailer, which is about a 2 hour drive. I spent a lot of time listening to music on the way up, and the way back, but decided to check the forums about an hour in. I saw I had about 10 alerts which was normal for me not checking the forums after a day, so I went to see what people had to say and stuff... Then I saw something that made me even happier than the previous one. "KitMencha replied to thread [Interview] XyZebrAbC - Moderator Application". This time I was a little happier, and seeing as I was in a car, I didn't have much of an explanation for "OHMYGOSHYES!". Luckily I wasn't really questioned about it. I guess my family just knows I'm weird.

While I didn't want to go home, I couldn't wait to go home to partake in my interview. We reached home in July 18th and I heard all of this hype in the Trivium skype chat because two of my friends, duckluv321 and Groot (or Jacob) had also gotten interview rank. I was ecstatic! I got to be waiting buddies with some people I actually knew! Well, that's how I thought it would go, at least. Duck and Jacob got their interviews that night, and I had to wait until the morning when I got back to my mom's house. I popped on TS, on the morning of July 19th, poked Kit about my waiting rank, received it, and switched into the waiting room. At that time there was one person in there, and that was Zyinth | Bilzy. We were both pretty shy at the beginning, but eventually started hanging out on a build server, I believe, and had a lot of fun. Then two more people joined within the next hour, and they were Nephilim who I'd seen around the forums a ton lately, and PickedBroken who I didn't personally know, but was friends with Captain | Lqzer, who hung out with us while we were waiting, and then a little bit after that, Tryhard_Batman joined c:. It was a blast, playing MCSG all morning, making jokes, etc. And then on came a ton of Sr. Staff. Kit joined our channel and silenced everyone to tell us they were doing interviews soon! I volunteered to go first because I had to go soon, and everybody agreed.

My feet went cold, I was sweating profusely and my hands were shaking but the interview hadn't even started yet! Eventually that haunting male Teamspeak voice echoed through my headset and I heard "You were moved." In the interview room, I was both nervous and confident, excited and scared, and so many other mixed emotions. The interview lasted for what seemed like 30 seconds, time practically flew before I was moved out for discussion. I was so nervous I could only laugh uncontrollably to try to calm myself down as we talked in the waiting room, all on edge. Then I was moved back up. My heart stopped. I had been calming my hands by doing some simple parkour in the MCG Hub on my Ceroria account. I was then asked by Nick/Kit to "confirm something" for him and was asked to log into my XyZebrAbC account and go into Hub 8. I did so, not checking the tab list because I wanted it to be a true surprise. Nick then asked me to type a dot in chat. I did so. Sure as heck, my name was red, and that dot was blue. I couldn't control my happiness, I started tearing up, it was one of the best feelings in the world. And then came the spam pokes. It was probably one of the happiest days of my life. What made it even better was that all of our #WaitingSquad met the same fate as I did. I knew I had only a few days before we had to leave again for a trip to upstate New York, so I made the best of it. On July 23rd, we left for the Adirondacks with some family friends to go on a 3-day canoe trip accompanied by the climbing of one of the tallest peaks in the '46'er' area, Algonquin. After the canoeing trip, we headed out to one of our friend's lodges that they had a timeshare in. He played MCSG, so he didn't mind that I spent some time on the forums. Within five minutes of foruming, I could tell that something was off. Way off. I got a PM from Tryhard that confused me.

This confused me the most. So I just explained to him that I was on vacation and was inactive due to that. Thinking that was it. Then Tryhard told me something that chilled me to the bone. Jacob and Soggy had been demoted, and that I was apparently a part of it. I racked my brain to think of what would have happened, and eventually realized that I thought I knew what he was talking about. That whole rest of the day I was worried sick, and scared. I had been a moderator for 12 days and if it would have come to an end that soon, I couldn't even imagine what would have happened. Later that day I got another message telling me that Jacob, Soggy, and I were only the tip of the iceberg. I was told what happened to cscoop, and what happened to some other members of the clan. It was an awful couple of days.

The rest of the vacation was very tensionful for me, and when I got home, I tried my hardest to sort things out. I talked to Captain | Lqzer about it on TS and he gave me advice that saved me. Thanks to Captain, I'm still here now.

However there were deeper problems than just the surface. There was a lot of tension within Trivium after that, especially around me so I tried to back away and steer clear from people over there for a while because I was treated with hostility by many people, because of what happened. By the time that school started, I had lost most of my friends all over again. This all died down, mostly, except for a select few who wouldn't let it go by the time that school started up again. I was still in Trivium, because I still had a couple of friends. Most of those last months at Trivium were spent talking to ChrisComedies and Soggy, as well as pretty much the whole staff team when I could get on. September-Early November was hectic for me, so you didn't see me doing much because I was so, so busy with marching band. Then after marching band season ended, I got back into the swing of things and have been trying really hard to become more active within the staff team. Trivium also disbanded, which made me kind of sad but it was somewhat expected.

P.S. volt if you're even reading this, I honestly don't know where to mention you xD. We've been through so many different things from setting up teamspeaks to screwing around with Trivium, to making fun of AsonID because he simply can't add reverb to his tracks. So yeah, have fun in life Voltmen Sealmen and may your new EP be awesome.

These last two months I've spent sucking at MCSG, having fun with friends from staff, and chillin' with the Rebels.

It's been a wild ride, and I wouldn't trade it in for anything.

I know I left some minor details out, if there's anything or anyone I missed, please tell me. I'll feel horrible if I find out I missed mentioning somebody ;_;


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
So long, but loved it the whole wat through, can't wait for more Ceroria :)


Sep 17, 2012
Reaction score
Nawww dude. This was a great story. I think I spent over thirty minutes reading it. In fact, I may do a story like this some time in the future. Of course, mine will not be as interesting as yours.


Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
I hope we can actually become friends! You are a great person, and truly help the community out a lot.


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
happy early birthday and Intense story I was shaking when you were talking about your interview xD


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I hope we can actually become friends! You are a great person, and truly help the community out a lot.
Wow, thanks! Things like that mean a lot :D

happy early birthday and Intense story I was shaking when you were talking about your interview xD
I was shaking while writing it lol

Wow.... what a great story for a great person. Sooooo glad I could meet you! <3
You too Bilzybae.

TL;DR please.
I gotchu.

TL;DR: Started playing MCSG in August 2012, met a lot of cool people. Lots of people quit, some stayed. Almost got demoted, applied a billion times for Trivium and suck at MCSG now ;)

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