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The Rebels

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Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: deadsun__star
Age: 13
Donor: Iron
Wins: 450
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Uhh, maxy, spellyy, sevect, butter...
Got a mic: Uh Yes
Got Skype/TS: Both
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): ricotwiggy
Past Clans (If any) uH
Timezone: HKT
PvP Strengths: Sword, FnS, Bow
PvP Weaknesses: Closed Areas
You cool: No
Best puppy picture:


Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: polarisXD
Age: 16
Donor: none, powawa is poor
Wins: 917 something
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Well back in the old days... jk doesn't count, been joining them in various mc related activities lately
Got a mic: Yus
Got Skype/TS: Yus
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it): You guys should know it, if you don't tell me.
Past Clans (If any)Triv, you guys :)
Timezone: PST
PvP Strengths: fishy rod thingies, running marathons
PvP Weaknesses: wat
You cool: Is being defensive cool? :)
Best puppy picture:


Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
Hey, I'll regret doing this but I just really don't want to participate in the clan anymore. It's a really complicated story on how I applied here but here it is, I didn't want to join Rebels at first when I applied... I just applied because I got mad at some Rivals members that I wish I didn't get in a fight with and make them mad. When I first applied I just wanted to get member and just be in the clan just to be in it. The next few weeks I started to realize how nice you guys were and I decided, "Hey why not give it a shot and see how it goes?" Those were really fun times and I had a blast. Then, I went on break after having Minecraft blocked and not knowing how to get it back, I came back and I wasn't that rusty during the 16 weeks I was gone. But then, ever since I started to come back to rebels and play I didn't become better I just kept loosing and loosing and becoming worse and worse and not being played in battles which caused me to just think if this was the clan I wanted to be in. I pictured myself being in this clan for what till Christmas and yelling Merry Christmas to everyone in chat? I can't picture myself in rebels anymore. I have to go back to the family I started in, the family that got my name out and to the people that I want to get to know better and a clan I can get my skills and strategies back.

I'm leaving Rebels ;( hopefully we can cross paths again sometime but not like I did anything anyway.

Thanks @AllOfRebelsMembers for being kind and a family to me, I have to go to my family that I abandoned.
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