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1 Year


Nov 24, 2013
Reaction score
So before I guess I start this, I will say that I haven't been here for one year. My forum account was here for one year, but not me. My presence was not here. Therefore, I sort of feel like this thread is kinda useless. But I will write anyways! ALSO WARNING, this is going to be a lot of writing, because I basically write about every video game I had a connection with. So you don't have to read it! Really though.

So I'm not going to describe my life story, but to sum it up. On February 7th ____ a young chubby baby with the name of Michael was born. I sort of grew up eating a lot, and was still really chubby. I'm not really chubby anymore, but around 3rd grade..

Getting sidetracked already! Alright well, I guess video games started like this. When I was maybe 4 or 5, I went on a website called Miniclip, and played a game called Need for Madness. This was sort of my start to video games. Need for madness was a car game where you raced opponents, and you could win 2 ways.
1) Going through all the checkpoints to make enough laps to win.
2) Crash into everyone and blow up.
This is where my start and love for video games started to develop. This is also when I started to need glasses :p

Fast forward 5-6 years. I played need for madness a lot, but it eventually got stale. So I got an overhyped big money Nintendo wii. I played wii sports, was boring when I got to pro on boxing, tennis, and bowling. So I got Mario Kart Wii. I will probably, never forget this game. The time, dedication, and whatever I put in this game was mind boggling. I eventually, got a regional record on some kind of tournament. And I also played SNES Ghost Valley 2 everyday. But yeah, those were the good times, my friends would come over and played Mario Kart with me. Around this time we got reallllyyy good. We started playing in what's called "Pro WorldWides."
Basically, the best of the best played in those. I got to 9999 points. Eventually it got stale, another game. So I stopped.

Now also around that time I found a game called Plasma Burst 2. This was my introduction into video game communities. I sort of played it for a couple days and got my sister to play it, and she got hooked on it. Now we both play video games. PB2 for short, wasn't that bad for me. Unfortunately my sister got the best and the worst from it, I kind of hope it wasn't a gender thing, but because of internet gender issues, y'know anyhow.

NOW THIS IS THE JUICY PART! I found minecraft. I don't remember how I get my name, just sayin'. But yeah I got 'dis premium account. And I played MCGamer for the first time! being a noob, a racked up about 30 wins and was like gg m8 im so gud. I also thought points meant how amazing you were, so I got bountied like 3000 points one day, and I won and thought I was like da best. I remember one day my account wasn't working, I didn't know why! So, instead of doing the logical thing and contacting mojang, I played cracked. Don't hurt me please. Internet police is coming for me now. But I did, and during that time, I forgot everything about my account but my username and password, fantastic!

Anyhow, I played on a SMP server called Team Brotato! This is where I met my internet best friend, and many more friends! My sister eventually played on it too, and she and the owners became good friends. Basically, I don't remember how, but the server basically went down the drain. Right when I got moderator, this makes me think I'm the reason for it's downfall, hopefully not. ANYHOW, my sister got owner because ye. But it started to go down the drain. So it sort of revamped to a new community called Unicity, but it just wasn't the same. So I left. Simple.

ONE MAGICAL DAY, wait a second. I forgot to tell you all this. But I played on a 10 fps pc which is broken now, so yeah.. ANYHOW, one day, we went and bought a PC. NEW, AMAZING! Well not really, it isn't meant for gaming, but it works! So I got this PC, and played a new game called Team Fortress 2. Being involved in a game's community is much more difficult then a server's community. So I played like 650 hours of gameplay, MGE, I wanted to be a good roamer. But it got stale. So another game down.

ONE DAY MAGICAL DAY, I tried my premium account, and it worked! (I feel like my face should be firmly in my hand's palm right now) But it did! So I immediately went on this server! This is after the sprint button came out. I didn't even know the sprint button existed, so for the first week, I got wrecked. So hard. But I eventually got better and better.

So I also forgot to mention, before my account went to crap, I signed up on the forums to report a hacker! With screenshots! (Face is now restly in my palm) But that's how I got my forum account. So I didn't really use it after that. Thank gosh I remember it.

Anyways, since I remembered my forum account. I joined the forums sometime in August, made a introduction thread, and that's when I became active on the forums. I'll tell all you new forumers right now, it's easy to make it to a lot of posts. You don't want it to be easy. If you want to establish yourself as a top forumer on here, I think you need to put a lot of effort and time into your posts. That is a completely different topic though.

So I started playing and foruming, I was really active. I liked watching streams and playing with the streamers. I watched MCGamer youtubers. Things was going well. Then I sort of became discouraged, I wasn't having fun on here anymore. So I sort of stopped posting. But I'm trying to make the most out of every post I make now! Recently I passed 125 wins, and the sky's the limit at this point!

So I want to thank everyone for making my adventure in this place called MCGamer enjoyable so far! Expect a ton more from me!

Some mentions, I didn't really mention these guys in the threads, or give out any names. But for the people who I suppose made quite an impact on me in this community, or made me have fun in any way.

The Team Brotato Crew: We went through some rough times, and some of the best times I ever experienced! You are all wonderful people, and I wish the best of luck to all you!

Raven: I know you don't play minecraft much anymore, and you don't have a premium account. But you are my best internet friend. You are a fantastic human being! I remember cursing at you on Team Brotato because you took wood from my house, which was how we met. But I've known you the longest, and I hope you have a wonderful life c;

Mooclan : Best streams NA 2014+++. Really though. I've always had fun on your streams, your an amazing cow. One or the best forumers out there. But you're a good person, err cow. Take care ;)

Miner9823 : Alright well first of all, you're the one who told me to make this thread, I thought it was boring but you changed my opinion on it. Buddy, your striving for the top, you're going to make it far, trust me, you are.

OGLad : You are realllyy good at PvP. No joke. You needed a chest route, I gave you one, you ever need another one? You can come to me! ;)

Sister/Friend/Amigo/Chi : Well, you probably don't even know I made this thread. :p Tu es un 1337 G@M3R! Seriously though, have fun on Free Beer!

I probably forgot a ton of people, if I do, I'm sorry. Also, if I ramble in this thread, or whatever. Screw it, I ain't writing this again. Also as an added thing, guess my age! It'll be entertaining :3

So uhm, I guess this is the ending. Take care guys. :cool:

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