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My life story. Inspired by TheReclaimerDude’s story.


May 25, 2014
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This is gonna be a little hard to tell considering my life story’s a little embarrassing.
But why not?

October 29th 2002 5:03 am a baby boy was born, that baby boy was me. I was born with my umbilical cord around my neck, I was born very dark, almost purple. I was 3 minutes away from death is what the Doctor said.

I was born into a pretty broken family. No dad, a very depressed mother, and no where to live. Yeah that’s right my mom was homeless when she had me very poor my mom was about 17 when she had me, not even an adult yet. I’m gonna be honest my mom was on a lot of drugs while she was pregnant of me. Let me tell you a bit about my mom she ran away at 12 for reasons I’m not willing to address. She got involved in gangs, and starting doing very poor choices with her life. 5 years later she’s still making those choices but then she gets pregnant of well, me and she decides to quit, she quit when she was already 6 and a half months pregnant of me.

Anyway, my mom usually staid at shelters whenever we could, I was still a newborn. My mom had a job working at a nail salon and I would stay at the shelters while my mom was at work. This went on for about 6 months and that’s when my mom formed enough money for us to rent an apartment. It wasn’t fancy, but it was a lot better. My mom enrolled me in day care. It wasn’t a cheap day care, so my mom got another job. My mom than got a boyfriend, his name was Joseph, Joseph was a very good man he took care of me when my mom was at work. We lived in Cali, not a very good neighborhood. After a few year where nothing really happened I was old enough to go to school I don’t know if you know this but the schools in cali are pretty bad. So we moved to Washington and that’s where I am now.

I don’t remember much about about kindergarden, all I remember is I got teased a lot because I used to spit when I talked. The teasing turned into bullying it went verbal to physically. My mom quit one of her jobs and enrolled in college in the university of Washington she now has a bachelors degree in something idk. She got a full time job which she still has, and it paid a lot more than her 11$ an hour at the nail salon. We moved into a new house it was pretty nice, we still live in there.

Back to the bullying, it was about 3rd grade now and I had started becoming suicidal. I was getting beat up a lot like everywhere, in the bathroom in the hallways. I complained about it too my mom, and she went to the school board with it. They said they would make sure that it would change. It didn’t change at all, and a few weeks later some kid pushed me I fell pretty hard scraped my knee and at the moment I’d snapped I got up and hit him a few times in the face he was like 140 pounds 5”2 he like picked me up and chucked me across I hit my head on the bench on the park I had a minor concussion.

I was in the hospital for about a week. My mom was there the whole time nothing really happened and one day I said I felt a lot better and after a few X-rays I left. I was really emo at the time. I was extremely depressed I couldn’t think straight or anything. I didn’t want to live, but I was to scared to kill myself, this was way too much to think about considering I was only about 10 or 9. I had told my mom about it and she sent me to get counseling my counselors name was Younnie. She was very nice. She helped me through my depression, I than found a game I think you all know what that was.

Minecraft. This was about January 2013... I’d gotten an Xbox360 for christmas and a game called, minecraft. I’d played it so much I forgot about ever feeling depressed or suicidal. I’d played the game for a while and that’s when I found out about Minecraft for PC I found it by watching well a SkyDoesMinecraft video. It was mid summer I had begged for that game for like 3 months. The problem was I didn’t have a computer. So I asked my grandma I asked my aunts my uncles everyone in my family. By the time school was about to start I had only 200ish$ My mom does something I will always love her for. She just gave me back all my money and bought me a brand new mac!!!! It was about 1000$. With the money I had hustled my family over. I paid for the game itself and I paid for a bunch of pokemon cards, (obviously). I had spent like every free minute I had playing that game.

First sever I started playing on was TitanMC. It had hunger games and I started learning PvP. I had been playing it for about a month when I started to “skype team” I made a bunch of online friends. I didn’t have any in real life friends though. So I went off to make some.

I made some friends but they were Juvenile Delinquents. They got me into smoking and drinking and bad stuff like that. I had gotten into a lot of trouble. Started getting suspended from school skipping school.
I had kinda gotten addicted to cigarettes. I had gotten busted a few weeks later. I had been sent to jail for about 1 day. I had talked with my counselor about it, and I quit hanging out with those people. I’m still in the progress of quitting cigarettes. But all in all I’m doing pretty good now.

My Life Story

Please no hate comments.
This was really hard for me too talk about.


Wow, this is really insane for how young you are! I never would've thought someone named ButterBacca87 had such a crazy story. You've been through a lot, good luck in the future.

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