Real Name: Jasper.
Age: 13.
IGN: the_unknown_bush and I also have a few various alt accounts.
Skype: the_unknown_bush.
Wins: Across all my accounts I have 156.
Games played: About 4000 I dont really play to win.
PvP Strengths: Bow and defensive FnS.
PvP Weaknesses sometimes I run into my own FnS and I sometimes make bad decisions.
Favourite Maps: Holiday Resort, Winds of Change, Icarus, Haunted Isles, TSG2, and Fortune Islands.
Least Favourite maps: TSG3, SG1, SG3, Sg5, Fortress Pike, and Lobby Games.
Would you be committed to this clan: Yes I would be committed to this clan by; helping when necessary and always listening to the owners.
Why do you want to join #Ruthless?: I have a good friend in this clan that I know IRL and I want to be in a good clan with him, also there are a lot of people here from my old clan that were nice and seemed pretty cool.
Any Past clan: #Jurassic #Unstoppable #NoClan.