• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

The Tribute's Times [November Edition]

Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score

November Edition

(all the rights for the picture go to duckluv321)
Staff Updates for November:


Evil_Emo - Hired
Spectral_Slayer - Hired
JuniorTheNoob - Hired
naypan - Hired
Smashify_ - Hired
Victimized - Hired
Chelsea19 - Hired
KiDDPixeL- Hired
largoodie- Hired
OhFancy- Hired
_SWF - Hired
TheLastGapple - Hired
Exploding_Wrath - Hired
codboy_88 - Hired
Blockerville - Hired
KiDDPixeL -Hired
CaedenAkaAbDUCKted - Hired
BigFella98 - Hired
mfungamer - Hired
Wertea - Resigned
AmyGlitters- Resigned
Nacho115 - Resigned
heyyoitsjayo - Resigned
KendraNichole - Resigned
ChargedPVP - Resigned

Sr. Moderators:
Krypton - Resigned

Congratulations to our new Trial Senior Moderators:



Yes! We have recently gotten many-many more members on The Tribute's Times news team!

These members include:


Sad farwell from the team to:

By Raidon

What inspired you to start posting actively on the forums? I hadn't really considered it as an inspiration, but as a will to contribute to the things that happen in the community, to make friends and discuss some pretty interesting topics, as well as participating in certain events when I get the chance, it's always fun to be part of the ride of MCGamer. c:
Which community member do you look up to the most?

To be entirely honest, I haven't thought much about it, however there are some people to whom I think are incredible people, in the early stages of my times in the forums, I have noticed the performance of three exceptional people, which includeBitoBain,Mooclan, and OhFancy.
I also think that Nirmit is becoming a pretty great forumer, and I do appreciate the threads he posts, always making great, and controversial topics! :)

What do you enjoy about posting on the MCGamer forums?
It's always a joy participating in threads that have a lot of different opinions and point of views, because it's where you get the opportunity to express your personal thoughts on a specific subject, and having the knowledge that you're not the only person in the world who believes in such opinions. I have always thought that making giant walls of texts have been such a joy to making, that is if I put my mind and dedication to it, but it does bring me the realization towards how much there is to a certain subject, and how much there is to discuss about.
What's you favourite section to post in? Why?
I have always thought that the Off-topic, Creative, and Community corner have been quite interesting places to visit, I would believe that Creative was a lovely place to go for discussion, because there were always some pretty amazing plots to witness, and view people's creativity. Unfortunately it's pretty inactive now, however I also enjoy having off-topic discussions, especially when they are controversial, and have a lot to discuss about, because it lets me bring out my say and opinion without causing to much flame, this also includes the Community corner, it brings us as a community of MCGamer so much closer, to express our opinions about updates, or just simply making new friends! :)

How did you get your forum/in-game name?
It was a while back when I have brought an interest to Minecraft in general, I have registered an account, but I didn't know what name I wanted to give for my personal avatar, and every time I came up with ideas, which were pretty lame, it always turned out to have already been taken, however there was a suggestion of "miner9823", to which I thought was pretty adequate, and I guess that's when I started. c:
What's your personal catchphrase?
It's a catchphrase to which I doubt many people will disagree upon, and consider relatable,
"I like food."

By Ninetailefox92

Hey Guys! After the success of The Deception Games, we bring you.. THE DECEPTION GAMES 2: Double the Deception

For the second Deception Games there will be some new twists.. one of which.. 48 tributes! so.. double.. the deception? hopefully?

You have until December 1st to apply! then the voting stage will begin! You may apply if you were in the first deception games, but your votes in the voting stage will be reduced by 80% so it will be much harder to get in. The first stage is the application stage, then during the voting stage you need to get people to vote for you to become a tribute! The applicants who get in the top 48 of the votes will become tributes.
(Note the actual game will be in January)

Video of first Deception Games-

Highlights video of first deception games-

Note- The aim of the game is to use betrayal and strategy to your advantage, we have made it clear that betrayal and large teams are completely ok in the event so please no guilt tripping or offensive insults to people who use these strategies! No Guilt should be carried on from this game into normal games!


Minecraft IGN:

Reason for applying:

Why will you win?:

Why should others ally with you?:

In the event that you cannot attend will you find a player to stand as your proxy?:

Do you agree to all of our terms and Rules?:


The map will be completely secret until the event so noone has a map advantage.

The Deception Games isn't just another tournament event though, it will be much more, the key to winning the Deception Games lies in Treachery and Betrayal, only one can win but picking your allies wisely may lead you to victory. The Grand Prize for the Deception Games will start at a total prize pool of $50, although this may not be the final prize of the event, we will open the Deception Games to Backers which will be explained later and can increase the total prize pool of the event.

In the Deception Games you will be rewarded for betrayal, for a 20% reduction of the prize pool in the event you win, you can sell out a team mate to the overseers which will result in them being heavily disadvantaged (what will happen to them will not be disclosed) to be eligible to sell someone out, you must have been previously observed by an overseer working in a team till you at least fight one other player together, if it is unclear you are teamed, they will not be eligible to be sold out by you. Also you cannot use this betrayal if you are the last 2 players alive. (Note- a 20% reduction may seem like a large amount, but if it secures your victory by using it at the right point in the game, it will be worth it)

Before the Deception Games begin, all tributes will be gathered and given time to work out alliances, each tribute will be given 10 unique blocks (for instance one user may have red wool, this will indicate it is their block and all the other tributes will have a different block type) these blocks are each worth 10% of the total prize if you win, you can trade these blocks with another player to buy their allegiance. For example. Say tribute 1 gives tribute 3 a total of 4 blocks to buy their allegiance, in the event that tribute 1 wins, each of his assigned blocks will be worth 10% of the prize pool, so tribute 1 would get 60% of the prize pool and tribute 3 would get 40% of the prize pool. These block trades can be used to solidify an alliance as for instance if a team traded 5 blocks each to each other, it would lessen the reasoning to betray as even if you are betrayed you still get 50% of the total prize pool. All trades will be enacted in a private room from the other tributes with an Overseer to validate the trade. Choose your alliances wisely. Honesty cannot be bought. Betrayal can.

Here is a breakdown of the elements of the Deception Games:

The Map will remain secret until the event!

We will choose a group of "overseers" to watch over the games, the overseers can have no physical input into the game and are purely there to make sure players do not breach any of the rules and to solve any disputes players have (for instance if someone thought someone was hacking an overseer will have watched it)

Fighting by Proxy:

If for some reason a tribute cannot attend the Deception Games, they may choose another player to be their proxy player, this player will become the tribute in their stead, but the prize will go towards the original tribute (it is up to the original tribute to give the proxy a part of the prize upon their discretion). It is completely within the rules to use the Proxy system to make it more likely to become a tribute, for instance you could get two friends to also apply to the Deception Games who don't want to play and in the event you do not become a tribute but they manage to get voted high enough, you could play as their proxy player.


1/ No Hacking Clients

2/Attempts to Ddoss other players will not be tolerated

3/No Bullying of other players in the games

4/Do not attempt to Rig the results of the Voting for tributes

5/Do not block glitch

6/Do not escape the map in any way

7/Do not exploit any glitches found

8/Follow Overseers instructions at all times


If you wish to help support the event you can add a donation to the prize pool, for instance we have started the prize pool at $50, if 5 people donated $10 then the prize pool would rise to a total of $100, so there is more to play for, making the game more interesting. What do you get for being a backer? After the event we will leave the map open for the backers to fully explore for an hour, so you will get the first chance to find all the best chests and develop the best chest route. Also if you intend to apply for the second Deception Games, being a backer of the first Deception Games will mean your votes in the voting stage will be tripled, making the chances to be in the second Deception Games, incredibly higher. If you want to become a backer send Ninetailefox92 a pm on the forums and we can sort it out.

Any Questions? Feel free to send me a PM and I will answer as soon as possible

-Awesome graphics by TF1xHD (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrA1WR-oC4Av46PIwQEfzUQ)-
Visit The Deception Games 2 thread here!

By Danny // Applez87 , Nirmit , TheLastGapple

As many of you already probably(hopefully) know about, MCGamer has sprouted into V2!

This update has been in the works for many-many long months and is finally here to present to you with new gamemodes carried over from the AntVenom servers on-to here!

These new gamemodes include-
Rocket Rumble
Survival Bingo
Deadly Descent
Hungry Games
Color Zone
Party Time

Here's the thread explaining everything that came over!:

Hello MCGamers!

If you had previously read this thread about what is going to happen today, I wanted to clarify on timings and things that have been changed/delayed.

Today all servers on the entirety of the MCGamer Network will be taken offline at 4:30PM US Central Standard Time (2:30 PM PST / 5:30 PM EST / 10:30 PM GMT (UK time) / 6:30 AM AWST/HKT / 9:30 AM AEDT) to begin the v2 update which is on schedule. This update could take up to 6 hours to complete (possibly longer if issues are encountered) with random network restarts after. However our leaderboard update is going to be delayed for a few days or up to week for the following reasons:
We want to be sure there are no game breaking bugs where your stats don't get counted.
Our system hasn't had a full-scale test in full production yet, so we would rather wait to be sure it works 100%.
What does this mean? MCGamer v2 is still coming out today, however the old stats will still be active for the time being. We will do the leaderboard update soon after and will post dates and times when this is happening. By request, it will also happen during a weekend or a holiday so everyone can have a fair chance trying to get to the top. Read more about this leaderboard update here:http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/global-leaderboards-update-coming-soon.146861/

We will also be delaying the new site launch because we are still waiting for the final artwork to be done! Should be within a few days from now.

Be sure to follow our twitter for real time status on our progress today:http://www.twitter.com/MCSGServers and http://www.twitter.com/chadthedj

Edit: Keep in mind that "delayed" does not mean we are not doing this update anymore. We are just moving it to another release date that will happen soon after everything is tested.

By Danny // Applez87

MCSG recently had a Quarter Quell map contest, and they also released the results along with it!

The maps that got accepted were......

Thawing Time! Thawing time was built buy the build team, Helix which contains of MCGamerizm, Niekrm, and Sanders2408. Go congratulate them on their profile!

The second map that won was......

District 7! District 7 was built by Its_Sean, ThatOneAlyssa, mfungamer, SothyMC, LucyB1999, SharkyCraft_, and Glucose98. Go congratulate them on their profile!

Hello tributes and map builders alike! Today is the day a lot of us have been waiting for - the Quarter Quell contest comes to a close. We had 7 entries, which although it's a relatively low turn out we're still happy to see the community participation and excitement on the project! First off - great work all round to the entrants and the judges Dave, Froggytv, AlpakaWhacker, Devin, LadyOfLove, KellieBreanne, Ninetailefox92 and KitMencha who put in their votes and a big thank you to Dave for his work prior to his resignation. We changed the format for the winners a little to accommodate the amount of entrants and we came up with two great winners - and 3 builders from each map will be receiving VIP for their efforts.

So, without keeping you waiting any further - the results! The two winners are..

The map Thawing Time takes out first place from build team Helix! Congratulations MCGamerzism, Niekrm and Sanders2408.

District 7 takes second place and was built by Its_Sean, ThatOneAlyssa, mfungamer, SlothyMC, LucyB1999, SharkyCraft_ and Glucose98.

MCGamerzism and Its_Sean, keep an eye on your forum inbox!
Thanks to the entrants and congratulations again to the winners!

The award winners are chosen by The Tribute's Times team.

The award for the best Youtuber of the month of November goes to...........

Jaan ! He is an active youtuber that releases quality videos and does 2 man gamemodes so far, Survival and Survival Games.

Check out NuJaan's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/NuJaan

The award for the best forumer goes to......

Miner9823 ! He is an amazing forumer and makes quality, well thought-out posts and is to be many said will become a rising, top forumer! You can also learn more about him by looking at the interview that Raidon did above!

Check out his profile and congratulate him here!:http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/members/miner9823.329212/

The Best Thread of November was actually a tie!

-The 2 threads that won were OhFancy 's Birthday thread and BitoBain 's 250th post Inspirational Speech

As humans, we do not understand how puny our lives are. We teach our children from the time they are born that they will have to wait for opportunities to come. We see children waiting for play time, waiting for candy, waiting to learn, and waiting to grow up. They don't even realize that their life is just a flash, just a kiss with reality that is short, and sometimes sweet. We talk like we are going to live forever, but this is a twisted image. Life does not only go by quickly, it is an illusion that accelerates itself the longer we live. Achieving our dreams in this tiny period of time takes a lot of focus.

When you are drowning and want fresh air, there is nothing else you want more than dry air. You don't care how hungry you are, how you look, how many texts or alerts you have, what people think of you, what you are going to serve at a party this weekend, or who says what. All you want is air. Air is the pinnacle of your existence. Your entire being is devoted to attaining air, regardless of what it takes. Indeed we will all die eventually, but whether or not we ever get our name spoken for the last time is determined by whether we choose to seek after air, (success) or settle down and die a second death. In our second death, we disappear for real. Our name is no longer spoken; you cease to exist in the hearts of your people. Great people are immortal. People who have gone down in history for greatness have all devoted themselves to their cause, and little else.They haven't let petty distractions get in the way of a substantial contribution to mankind. They haven't gotten stuck waiting.

You must never get stuck in this dangerous state of mind: the waiting state. When we are waiting for opportunities to appear, we are wasting our infinitely precious existences and we miss out on pure joy. It is often tempting to join most others and simply wait for life to happen. You must not let this happen. You must not wait for friends to talk, for inspiration to come in, for school to end, for the water to turn warm, for a text to come in, for a boat to come in, for a flag to raise, for a bell to ring, for our brains to turn on, for fortune to show up. Genius is not completely natural; much of it it is attained by choosing to be completely proactive all of the time. Geniuses wait less.

I once met a young man who baffled me from the moment I heard about him. First, I heard about him when I asked my brother who the best clarinet player at the high school was. He stated his name without hesitation. The next thing I heard was the beautiful sound of him playing clarinet. The moment I heart these two things, I knew he was not a "waiter."

He played on an entire other level than I had previously heard. Fascinated, I came to play clarinet with the band one time at a basketball game. He looked me in the eye, and said "It's nice to meet you. I'm glad you came and I'd love it if you could come again. If you want to join marching band, We'd love to have you." He played those tunes perfectly every time, smiling and enjoying life when it was appropriate, being serious during the pledge of allegiance. He loved the school and country and showed it.

After his amazing first impression, his character only got better. He turned out to be an amazing leader. During parade band, he led effectively and lovingly. He remembered all of our names the first time. He even remembered music the first time he read it. When it became cold outside during marching band later on, he would somehow channel warmth into his fingers so that he could play sixteenth notes, while the rest of us froze. His attitude was perfect as far as I knew. I was even more baffled by his perfection when I learned that he had skipped a grade. His humor was directed towards my age group, but he seemed to have matured far beyond his years, almost into eternity.

As he was quickly gaining my respect, I was enjoying life. His example was making me something I was very proud of. I was ignoring that fact that I was young and I was doing everything that I wanted to. Nothing was going to get in the way of what I wanted, just like my hero wouldn't. I should have known, though, that one cannot live in bliss forever.

During a great time over my summer between my eight and ninth grade years, I was sitting in my car, returning from a road trip with my family when I got a strange text from my older brother, who was home with my dad, saying "don't come home for six or seven hours." At this point we were only two hours away, so this made no sense. We figured he might be throwing a surprise party or he broke something that he wanted to fix, but I had a bad feeling. We texted him some more but got no clear indication of what was going on. My mom got impatient, and as soon as she was about to call one of our neighbors, by brother who was in the car with me got a text from someone back at home saying "there is an ambulence in front of your house."

At this point, I knew something was very wrong. I walked into the gas station, my mind buzzing with thoughts of what might be going on. I looked at a hispanic lady and just sat and thought about what my life would be like if this was just another day. I dreamed about how hard I would work to get towards my dreams if today could only be normal, though I already normally tried very hard at life. I saw a man at the cash register, just waiting for customers. I remember walking into the bathroom and being on the brink of tears, though I didn't even know what was coming.

We started driving again and my mom suddenly pulled over to the side of the road after being on the phone for a few seconds. She just blurted it out. "Apparently your dad has passed away." I just gasped silently. The thoughts flooded my brain. Trying to take in this thought was like drinking from a fire hose through a straw, but I sucked it up relatively quickly anyway. I didn't cry; I just prayed for peace and comfort. My poor sister burst into tears instantly, but I couldn't comfort her since I was just as clueless.

The next few weeks were full of every possible emotion, but I didn't want to go through some grieving process, so I generally just shut out my emotions and did what I wanted. I just wanted my family to be okay. One fundamental aspect changed, though, despite the fact that I wasn't very changed. I started to make excuses for why I couldn't accomplish my dreams. I would whine that I was too poor, or born in the wrong place, or that my family limited me. This would cause more grief than I was already dealing with, later on.

But my hero stayed constant. He was always there for me. He quickly became the prominent male figure in my life. It couldn't be either of my brothers since they were too stricken with grief to function like they used to. That clarinet player was sincere and understanding. He took advantage of every moment and made no excuses. He became the most influential person in my life outside of my family. He was ranked #1 in his class despite being under pressure from so many people. He was often hated for what he was, which only happened because people were jealous. He stood up for what he believed with rage whenever something evil tried to penetrate his high moral standards.

I would sit in bed at night and just think about him. I wondered how he could be everything he was. I would often ask what he would do when stuck in uncertain situations. His shining light spread to people all around him every day. Sometimes I even wondered if he was truly human. He had to struggle every day not to let his clean personality get infected by this filthy world. He seemed too perfect to really belong to this world. He should have been somewhere better.

Throughout the past two and a half years since my father's passing away, I have changed a lot. I think entirely differently but I still gaze up to my old hero like he holds up half of the sky. I know he will be a part of something great in his life. I know he will be immortal after he dies. He will not wait for anything; he will go forward like train on a perfectly straight track, never veering from his dreams and high standards of morality. I would give anything to be like him. He is success. I want to be like him more than I want air. Thank goodness for him and his soul and the countless good deeds he has done. If every person could be like him, there would absolutely be no limits on human expansion, achievement, and happiness. May we all strive to be have that kind of virtue.

There's my speech. I hope you enjoyed my 250th post and thank you if you have read this far. Everything I stated was completely true. I hope you can appreciate the power of a hero like I did. If you learned anything in this post, I hope you will not forget it.
OhFancy's Birthday Thread:
Hey there everyone, I am here to put forward my 695776858th thread.

In all seriousness welcome to my thread in which everyone can state their Birth Months or the Months in which you are born in.

This thread is really simple. I will go through all of the replies and tally up the amount of community members that live in a certain month. The outcome should turn out as something like this;

467 user's are born in the month of January!
Special mentions:
[A very special person] [VIP]

and so forth- it is really simple!

I am looking forward to seeing how successful this thread really becomes. :)

[Actual List of Birth Months.]


6 user(s) are born in the month of January.
Nephilim [Moderator]
Mooclan [God]


5 user(s) is born in the month of February.
Special mentions:
OhFancy [Moderator] [I'm Special :3]
TheLastGapple [Moderator]


6 user(s) are born in the month of March.


9 user(s) are born in the month of April.
KitMencha [Senior Moderator]

7 user(s) are born in the month of May.
Cubes [Senior Moderator]
LeftClique [Moderator]


4 user(s) are born in the month of June.


5 user(s) are born in the month of July.


7 user(s) are born in the month of August.

9 user(s) are born in the month of September.
Raidon [Bae & First.]

4 user(s) are born in the month of October.
Zacharoutio [Senior Moderator]
Sean [VIP]


5 user(s) are born in the month of November.


6 user(s) are born in the month of December.
Ceroria | XyZebrAbC[Moderator]

Any suggestions are welcomed. ^-^

73 user's counted. ^-^

The best song of the month November is......
Lost by The Eden Project!

Small Note: All songs of the months will be chosen on the channel of NoCopyrightSounds.

If you are interested in joining The Tribute's Times, it's pretty simple!
-Just send the team a P.M and title it (Username's) The Tribute's Times application.
(Add Nirmit, Danny // Applez87, ViolentKitten, TheLastGapple and Raidon)

Before we end this thread off, let's all wish a Happy Birthday to Dave , and Bowser52000 !​
Last edited:


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
A very well done guys! The quality rivals that of the CEP, and the interview section is a really unique feature!


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Absolutely amazing, I really enjoy reading all of the Tribute's Times.
And it is an absolute honour to be considered a decent forumite, and as well being interviewed.
Thank you again for making yet, another incredible edition of the Tribute's Times!


Nov 8, 2014
Reaction score
How would one get an interview? Just wondering, my *Ahem* friend is wondering...

Lol, much better than the one on the front page! A truly amazing piece of work, must have taken a lot of time to do! Very informative and fun to read1 C:


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
How would one get an interview? Just wondering, my *Ahem* friend is wondering...

Lol, much better than the one on the front page! A truly amazing piece of work, must have taken a lot of time to do! Very informative and fun to read1 C:
We shall give more detail in our next newsletter about it. Most of the time we will contact those who deserve an interview.

In other words, thanks to all who loved the issue! :)

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