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V2 - Honest Opinion


Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Oh baby a triple
Times 3.
Please, use the edit button, posting 6 times in a row is not allowed.
Also, a good tip for arguing or for use of a better word, debating, Dont write such messy paragraphs, and use transitions. I had trouble following you. For example. I believe Chad is only doing this for the money because blah blah blah, furthermore, blah blah blah, in addition to my previous statement. Ya see where i'm saying this? It makes it look like you just ferociously typed that thing and are in a blind rage.

Yeah also, Flame needs to stop on this thread :p.

Now, my personal opinion. If Chad was in it for the money why would he pay developers to make a plugin that less people will like? In the theme of it all, Chad would actually fire developers, so he wouldn't have to pay anything, collect all revenue from donations and keep them for himself rather then taking the money and putting it in the server, and he would be in no contact with the server or staff.
Now this is all obviously incorrect, so i guess i don't see your point, and when you reply to me, please do use the outline stated above.
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
So I know that MCSG just recently released a V2 of its network. And a lot of people are out raged on how different it is from V1. But they have the right to. They have the right to be outraged of all the bugs that are in game. Without a satisfied community, it all falls apart. In my experience as a gamer, usually when a new game is dropped there is an alpha and a beta. I'm not sure whether to consider the preview.mcgamer.net server as an alpha or beta because so little people have played it. The server was never utilized to the extend that it is now. In reality what MCGamer should have done was turn main servers with V2 for a small amount of time (about a week), telling people that this is just going to be temporary while we look for issues that need to be resolved. You then go back to a V1 while working out the kinks. What ended up happening was the community was thrown with a V2, like here deal with it while we try and "Squash" some bugs. The fact is people are outraged, yes because of bugs but more of with the fact that there is not real time estimate of when it will improve. We are stuck "dealing" with the V2. I'm not trying to cause flame. This is an honest opinion and in reality the truth.
I am Nirmit and I approve Of the message.
But yeah McGamerv2 has a lot of bugs and glitches they should have tested more,
They worked hard but they didn't test out the bugs I mean they could have delayed it but they put their promise up.
Just give them a few days and it will be fine.
Also guys Chad doesn't earn that much money from this he puts it back in the community and more servers, new gamemodes that's why MCGamer has been running for 2 years.
jarry101 if you don't know about anything please stop writing statements that Chad is a money Promiscuous woman (Mods you can edit the Promiscuous woman part out replace it I can't find a word) it puts a bad image for Chad for new players

Damien // Teepwn

No, tell me when i said that. What I said is what I said not what you assume i said. What i meant was Chad cares way less about us and more about money. You are being his puppet taking his side.
I'd love to see some evidence to support your claim. However, you've failed to supply any intellectual reasoning as to how you've perceived him as only caring about income.

You state we are his "puppets" following him blindly simply by us believing that he cares for the community, does that mean you're a blind follower of anti-MCSG Youtubers [won't disclose the names]?

Before you make such an arrogant and impudent claim such as this I suggest having facts on what you're actually proposing. You expect us to believe your blind claims with no justification given whatsoever? I have actually been lucky enough to speak to Chad in person (don't believe me? read this) and can dispel your "theory". Chad is a great guy, extremely friendly; He cares for the community, he actually organised things such as meetups, the MCGamer cartoon series, etc.

I do realise that the meetups were only done because they coincided with his holiday through Australia and NZ, however he could've chosen to keep quiet about it and not actually socialise with the community. You've got to be committed and atleast care about the community the slightest bit to do that.

Not only that, but he's also extremely active on the forums here and Twitter. I imagine that'd be a difficult act to juggle alongside all the responsibilities of Owner. I'd love to see someone like you manage that aswell as being CEO of another company too.

TL;DR: Make sure to have justification before making chivalrous claims.


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
I feel that they did what most games or communities do. The preview server got proportionately the same amount of people that a usual beta would generate. When the product actually releases, that's when a lot of the people get on and begin the true stress test. This is the time that the bugs become more evident. I understand where you're coming from, and for the most part I'd agree with it. I'm just advising we wait a bit for things to get sorted out.

I hate to say this but I'm getting a very bf4 vibe from the release. But this time the devs are actually trying to fox the game.
PC fo' lyfe


May 1, 2014
Reaction score
Umm not advertising here or anything but MCSG should copy the Wynncraft way of pushing in BIG UPDATES. They make a spare BETA server. They don't replace the whole server with unstable shiz(sometimes they forget some bugs but we r HUMANS.) My point is DONT REPLACE THE WHOLE SERVER AND TELL US TO CHECK WUTS WRONG. That's just unprofessional. I am not gonna say what wynncraft is cuz it's gonna be advertising.

When everything is fixed pls do remeber this(if u see it)
(Mcsg is STILL the best SG server there is)


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
oh really? cuz i don't think your way AT ALL, chad has done Good for us wanna know how i know this? the past 1 year i've been on here when i realized what was going on the community was horrible, if chad really liked us he would've never collided with antvenom he didn't help us xD he brought more hackers and worse plug- ins when a server has this many bugs i assure it hasn't been tested. there was a preview server, well guess what? more then half of the community didn't know or care for it thats how you know no one asked for V2, you might've been a sr. mod but that does nothing for us does it? anyone in this world can lie just shows how easily you higher crap mods. Please have a better background or at least lie about it cuz you saying chad loves the community way more does nothing for us when the community is crap and the plug-ins haven't been tested they just put us in, did you think about the people that ever payed to have a stats reset? this new mcsg V2 has ruined it, why? because it's such a horrible server now. I will continue to play mcsg and if i see it's not getting better my point will be proven, Chad doesn't care about us. If he did he would think of the sg side and the people that are experienced not the people that just got on the server and don't realize this is the worse change you've out us through.
Alrighty, "Jarry" who's been on MCGamer for "two years".

A: At what age did you join MCSG? 9? Because you type like you're still 11. If you intend to hold an argument on the forums, you should probably make a post that can be responded to, instead of typing in something that's as hard to read as binary code. Perhaps that will help people take you more seriously.

B: The AntVenom Network merge brought over a developer, DV_Raiton, many new minigames, and a number of new players. What proof do you have that backs up your claim of,
brought more hackers
The AntVenom network didn't have that many hackers - from what I had seen, they had a pretty small player-base overall, not enough to make a large impact on MCGamer's player counts.

Answer this question truthfully: How often did you go on the Preview Network?
Plenty of people knew about it, but it was caught in a permanent downward spiral because people didn't want to put in the effort to go test it out - they just wanted to play regular MCSG in an environment where they could talk to their friends like normal.
MCGamer is a MINECRAFT server. Minecraft -> Many of the players are quite young. Usually, it's the older, smarter players who are interested in beta testing and looking at new features prior to their official release. Since there aren't as many older players, the Preview Network didn't have as many people interested as something like LoL's PBE - Public Beta Environment.

Umm not advertising here or anything but MCSG should copy the Wynncraft way of pushing in BIG UPDATES. They make a spare BETA server. They don't replace the whole server with unstable shiz(sometimes they forget some bugs but we r HUMANS.) I am not gonna say what wynncraft is cuz it's gonna be advertising.
They did - It was preview.mcgamer.net

There were several announcements about it, but few people went on it.


Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
Even though in my opinion (all though they are all true) I'd be okay with McGamerV2 if they: 1. Make more hubs. 2: Make the MCSG game selection (sign room thingy) the V1 build. 3: Get /ping to work. 4: bring back old anti-cheat. 5: being able to tab player's names. :6 same gamemode in a SG game as V1. If this happens, McGamer will be my favorite server again.


Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
They did - It was preview.mcgamer.net

There were several announcements about it, but few people went on it.
Still, they shouldn't have replaced v1 with something in which half the gamemodes are just plain broken.


Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
So I know that MCSG just recently released a V2 of its network. And a lot of people are out raged on how different it is from V1. But they have the right to. They have the right to be outraged of all the bugs that are in game. Without a satisfied community, it all falls apart. In my experience as a gamer, usually when a new game is dropped there is an alpha and a beta. I'm not sure whether to consider the preview.mcgamer.net server as an alpha or beta because so little people have played it. The server was never utilized to the extend that it is now. In reality what MCGamer should have done was turn main servers with V2 for a small amount of time (about a week), telling people that this is just going to be temporary while we look for issues that need to be resolved. You then go back to a V1 while working out the kinks. What ended up happening was the community was thrown with a V2, like here deal with it while we try and "Squash" some bugs. The fact is people are outraged, yes because of bugs but more of with the fact that there is not real time estimate of when it will improve. We are stuck "dealing" with the V2. I'm not trying to cause flame. This is an honest opinion and in reality the truth.
Hey Slav I agree with you. Do you remember me?


Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Slav with all due respect you and all the other people raging about the reset need to shut up and give it time. perfection dosnt happen immediately. change need to happned. mcsg will improve and bugs will be gone in a week.

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