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V2 - Honest Opinion


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
My whole issue is not with V2. Its the way they released it. No beta test (I don't consider the preview server as beta since it was never utialized fully and since there was a fully good version out, why ruin personal experience to test new server). Every game I know beta test their new game. They release it for a bit and then ask the community for their opinion. What MCSG did is throw us under the bus. So for once maybe someone should have had common sense, but no once again MCSG acts on feelings.
I feel that they did what most games or communities do. The preview server got proportionately the same amount of people that a usual beta would generate. When the product actually releases, that's when a lot of the people get on and begin the true stress test. This is the time that the bugs become more evident. I understand where you're coming from, and for the most part I'd agree with it. I'm just advising we wait a bit for things to get sorted out.

I hate to say this but I'm getting a very bf4 vibe from the release. But this time the devs are actually trying to fox the game.


Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score
I feel that they did what most games or communities do. The preview server got proportionately the same amount of people that a usual beta would generate. When the product actually releases, that's when a lot of the people get on and begin the true stress test. This is the time that the bugs become more evident. I understand where you're coming from, and for the most part I'd agree with it. I'm just advising we wait a bit for things to get sorted out.

I hate to say this but I'm getting a very bf4 vibe from the release. But this time the devs are actually trying to fox the game.
You play BF4? PC or console ?


Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
My Opinion on McGamerV2: McGamer V2, in my opinion, is bad. The merge with antvenem was completely unnecessary. The merge only brought hackers. And if you wanted more players and that's why you merged, pretty much every game i joined (in V1) someone said they were new. And this is what I see from V2: You put a poll on V1 McGamer, for a stat reset. That got a ton of yes votes from the majority of the server to vote yes, due to bad ratio and amount of wins. Then, V2 comes out. the majority of the server doesn't like it, and pretty much the only thing people wanted from V2 (the stats reset) never happened. The amount of bugs and things changed that are crucial to the community: like the amount of hubs, when you die and do /hub all the 3 hubs are full and you are forced to watch the game until a slot opens up. The SG-signs: There are barely any in V2, in V1 there were 3 walls filled with them. I know they change which is also a problem. I see a game to join I right click right when the sign changes to another SG lobby and I join a lobby that doesn't fill up. Commands: I know and realize McGamer added more commands to the servers, but the classic /ping doesn't work, and I don't count but I'm pretty sure that's the most used command on McGamer, and I'm also pretty sure more important commands don't work. Tabbing: You can't do /stats [tab] anymore, and that affects a lot of important strategies, like when you are about to go to deathmatch and you want to /stats the players left to see if they're any good. And in V2, you can't. V2 has caused many players to leave the server, and even Minecraft all together. McGamer V2 isn't the same as the good old V1, the good times. I met many friends in that time of the server, but now, people are quitting left and right.


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
My Opinion on McGamerV2: McGamer V2, in my opinion, is bad. The merge with antvenem was completely unnecessary. The merge only brought hackers. And if you wanted more players and that's why you merged, pretty much every game i joined (in V1) someone said they were new. And this is what I see from V2: You put a poll on V1 McGamer, for a stat reset. That got a ton of yes votes from the majority of the server to vote yes, due to bad ratio and amount of wins. Then, V2 comes out. the majority of the server doesn't like it, and pretty much the only thing people wanted from V2 (the stats reset) never happened. The amount of bugs and things changed that are crucial to the community: like the amount of hubs, when you die and do /hub all the 3 hubs are full and you are forced to watch the game until a slot opens up. The SG-signs: There are barely any in V2, in V1 there were 3 walls filled with them. I know they change which is also a problem. I see a game to join I right click right when the sign changes to another SG lobby and I join a lobby that doesn't fill up. Commands: I know and realize McGamer added more commands to the servers, but the classic /ping doesn't work, and I don't count but I'm pretty sure that's the most used command on McGamer, and I'm also pretty sure more important commands don't work. Tabbing: You can't do /stats [tab] anymore, and that affects a lot of important strategies, like when you are about to go to deathmatch and you want to /stats the players left to see if they're any good. And in V2, you can't. V2 has caused many players to leave the server, and even Minecraft all together. McGamer V2 isn't the same as the good old V1, the good times. I met many friends in that time of the server, but now, people are quitting left and right.
Of course there are still bugs.... instead of complaining you should report them. Also the stats reset will happen.


Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
Your forum account suggests otherwise
i said i've been playing mcsg for 2 years why don't you use your brain and think? i didn't create my forums account right when i started mcsg cuz i didn't know about them.


Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
You know I've been here for shorter than you, 1.5 years, but I've had the oppurunity to speak with Chad and interact with him as a member of the Sr. Staff. I can assure you that MCG v2 had been in the works for quite a long time.

I had been a part of the sr staff for close to 6 months and in that time I learned that Chad cares more for this community than anyone else. Money means very little to him. He jut wants to see people have a good time playing on his server.

If you are under the impression that Chad only cares about money, you are woefully wrong. You're trying to dogmatize the point of the update and Chad's view of things. I mentioned this in an earlier thread, but it's reasons like this that many games will have a week one or day one patch. Things go wrong. It happens. Give the devs a week or two and things will be much better.
oh really? cuz i don't think your way AT ALL, chad has done Good for us wanna know how i know this? the past 1 year i've been on here when i realized what was going on the community was horrible, if chad really liked us he would've never collided with antvenom he didn't help us xD he brought more hackers and worse plug- ins when a server has this many bugs i assure it hasn't been tested. there was a preview server, well guess what? more then half of the community didn't know or care for it thats how you know no one asked for V2, you might've been a sr. mod but that does nothing for us does it? anyone in this world can lie just shows how easily you higher crap mods. Please have a better background or at least lie about it cuz you saying chad loves the community way more does nothing for us when the community is crap and the plug-ins haven't been tested they just put us in, did you think about the people that ever payed to have a stats reset? this new mcsg V2 has ruined it, why? because it's such a horrible server now. I will continue to play mcsg and if i see it's not getting better my point will be proven, Chad doesn't care about us. If he did he would think of the sg side and the people that are experienced not the people that just got on the server and don't realize this is the worse change you've out us through.


Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
Of course there are still bugs.... instead of complaining you should report them. Also the stats reset will happen.
there are like 100 bugs because they never tested it, they had a preview but i bet you never knew of it, wanna know why? cuz NO ONE ASKED FOR MCSG v2

Damn, bringing out the big guns!

I think you should spare him and give him some cold water for that burn.
If that idiot was smart enough he would know i said i played mcsg for 2 years i have many alts and so do others he knows nothing about my life so he should really stay out of it and so should you, you are trying to cause flame without thinking.

So because you have played mcsg for 2 years you know that chad does this for money.
No, tell me when i said that. What I said is what I said not what you assume i said. What i meant was Chad cares way less about us and more about money. You are being his puppet taking his side.

You know I've been here for shorter than you, 1.5 years, but I've had the oppurunity to speak with Chad and interact with him as a member of the Sr. Staff. I can assure you that MCG v2 had been in the works for quite a long time.

I had been a part of the sr staff for close to 6 months and in that time I learned that Chad cares more for this community than anyone else. Money means very little to him. He jut wants to see people have a good time playing on his server.

If you are under the impression that Chad only cares about money, you are woefully wrong. You're trying to dogmatize the point of the update and Chad's view of things. I mentioned this in an earlier thread, but it's reasons like this that many games will have a week one or day one patch. Things go wrong. It happens. Give the devs a week or two and things will be much better.
I never recall the community asking for mcsg V2 did you? no i doubt it cuz no one wanted it, If chad wanted his community better he should've kept V1 it was way better he thought nothing through, people were so concerned with Global Stats Reset that no one thought chad would update the whole server.
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Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Guys, please be respectful. You're allowed to state your opinions, but you're not allowed to flame.


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
if you arent smart enough to realize this yourself then you don't deserve to know i've been on mcsg for 2 years.
lol i've been on mcsg for over 2 years now.. and I have to disagree with what you are saying xD. People here consistantly accuse chad of doing things "for the money" every time there is an update that they don't like. Every expansion or update in really any game EVER, has bugs like this, has glitches which get patched in the next update. It just takes time. People expect an update to come in and be 100% ready and perfect, but in reality, that's a pipe dream.

Be patient, the dev are consistantly working out the bugs and things will be running smoothly soon enough.


Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
I never recall the community asking for mcsg V2 did you? no i doubt it cuz no one wanted it, If chad wanted his community better he should've kept V1 it was way better he thought nothing through, people were so concerned with Global Stats Reset that no one thought chad would update the whole server.
Oh baby a triple
Times 3.
Please, use the edit button, posting 6 times in a row is not allowed.


Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
I would recommend go back to v1, and FIX THE DAMN BUGS, then release v2 fully. Also, add in the XAC and the first person spectating and all the other stuff you promised.

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