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[PSA] Let's Take a Moment to Think


Aug 20, 2012
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11.12.14 (The official release date of MCGamer v2)

That's all many could think about for quite some time.

Then came that fateful day, and the update was released... What happened?

Well, what do you expect would have happened? People jumped to their keyboards and pasted their opinions all over the forums, the teamspeak, the in-game realm. Many were supportive and excited, many were unsupportive and hateful, and trashed our new update.

So let me ask you a question.. Was all of this anger and hatred worth it? Here at MCGamer we do our best to please everyone, and give you what you want from us.

Now let us take a moment here, to just stop. Clear your minds, and think about this with that in mind. You as a community asked for change, because many felt as if we needed to up our game, because some thought MCGamer was getting boring, some thought it to be repetitive, many complained that we never updated anything... So we did. What did some of you do?

Complained. Endlessly and with a storming hatred. Many people complained that we didn't make enough change, or push out enough updates. Then when we do, you take that as an opportunity to tell us that we shouldn't be updating. How is that fair? It's not fair. To the staff, to the supporters, not even to the haters. Nobody is gettting what they want if they act with anger. Change is a big part of life, and those who don't embrace it will never find true happiness.

Let's remember that this is simply a game. Games are meant to be fun. Especially games like the kinds we provide on our network. That's what we try to do, make all of the fun that we can, and that's why you're here. To enjoy this.

Everything changes. All servers and networks, and aspects of life change. We did. And some may not like the change, that's perfectly okay. But what you don't do, is judge said change immediately. Be mature and give it time, it will grow on us as a community, I know that for certain.

Therefore, before you go and make another thread about how "horrible" MCGamer v2 is, think about this.

- First off, it just causes unwanted negative attention towards you, it doesn't make you look any better.
- It will be locked. Things of that negative nature are not wanted here, therefore they will not be tolerated.
- It accomplishes nothing. The staff knows that there are bugs, and we are working our butts off to fix everything as fast as we can, so telling us how awful of a job we're doing just makes us waste our time telling you the same thing we've told everyoone, and the same thing I'm telling you right now.

Needless to say, nothing is ever perfect. But things do get better.

Are you mature enough to stand up, and put yourself in a positive light? Challenge yourself.


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Great thread Ceroria. I hope this really does get the point across to people that the staff are human and are doing their best to fix exploits within MCGamer v2! :)

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