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MCSG Global stats reset

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Apr 20, 2014
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  1. Hello there mcsg community today I'd like to inform you on the current poll global stats reset, now I have recently seen the poll would you like global stats reset and a lot of people are saying yes which is rly scary becauz of the fact that if a global stats reset happens hell will break loose here are some outcomes mcsg community shuld of thought about before voting yes or even releasing this poll. now as we know hackers are already a a massive probelm in mcsg but with global stats reset it is most likely that evn more hackers will come to mcsg and possibly clam the number 1 spot on the leaderboards because they have cheated and also maybe ruin your ratio. Another huge pain is teams and boosters with the new stats reset people will probably boost just to get a leaderboard spot and suprise once agan just another thing to ruin the new ratio u wanted soo badly 3 we know and love our pvp roll models well its most likely there goning to quit for example graveyard this guy if I stand correct has already lost 3000 wins when mcsg v2 came out plus he has 15k subs and a lot of peoplr look up to him now imagine he quits because of thr fact that that he just because of his number 1 spot on mcsg.all or most of tbe good players are here im pretty sure most of the good players because of the good playerson mcsg now there most likely to quit because they lost there 1k wwins mor more so your probally thinking at this point that what do I do I still want a stats reset well I saythat on 1 day there should be free stats reset to every1 and besIides all these people that are voting yes are to cheap to buy a stats reset like srsly guys come on minecraft was 30 bucks and 10 bucks thats practically your allowance


Jun 27, 2012
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all these people that are voting yes are to cheap to buy a stats reset like srsly guys come on minecraft was 30 bucks and 10 bucks thats practically your allowance
I believe that most people who voted yes want a chance to be able to get to 1# on the new leaderboard or are just looking forward to the new features it has. I got almost 500 wins and I'm fine by sacrificing them to get a new leaderboard.
Sep 7, 2013
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Firstly, I thought that there shouldn't be a stats reset, because I thought people would lose the wins they tried so hard to get, then I realized, it's a game, it's these people's problem that they no-lifed it (sorry for the expression) to get these wins. Also, the #1000+ haven't had a 'motion' in months. Same people that used to be top 10 three months ago are top 10 now.


Apr 1, 2013
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I got nearly 900 wins, and I acttualy waiting for this to happend since I got back.
I mean, in the LB, in the top 500, there's alot of players who doesn't play anymore.
There once was a time, before I quitted MCSG for about 1/2 a year, when I was something like 100 in the LB.
Now, I see alot of people with 1k + wins, which they don't even deserve. They are just playng alootttt.
I would like to see how this thing goes


I have 300 wins (including all accounts), and I'm perfectly fine with sacrificing them.
It's completely possible to get 100 wins in a day. If people are feeling competitive enough, they can get 100 wins in a week. (Weekends, etc.)
The issue is with this change is that MCSG did not have as many tryhards back in the day, and the gamemode was fairly new. Nobody had any great strategies, and it was a tad more difficult to emerge victorious.
Now, you'll probably see people you've never heard of in the Top 10, simply because they have enough time.
I personally can't wait, as the leaderboards have seen little to no change in an extremely long time.
Good luck, Zypes.


Sep 2, 2014
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I would love for the stat reset to happen cuz I need some new apple sauce, my apples r rdy to be refreshed. I can't wait to finally absorb the taste of the smooshed apples in my feet.
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