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US Clan League


Sep 19, 2014
Reaction score
Team Captain Applications:
Minecraft IGN: ChrisComedies
Age: 15
Wins: 1000+ all accounts combined
Games Played: 4000+
Activity on scale from 1-10 9/10
Maturity on scale from 1-10 I can be as immature or as mature as I choose to based on the situation. For this question I cant simply rate myself from 1-10.
Past Experiences In Events: wot? If you are talking about clans I have been in the competitive clan community since August 2013.
Past Clans: Rebels, Titans, Current Clan: Trivium
Why do you deserve to be a Team Captain over everyone else [Min. 4 Sentences]: My overall experience as a player in the clan community is an asset when leading. Ive been here in clans longer than a lot of players have been here in total. With my experience here in MCSG I know the calls to make and when to make them. Having that ability will make any team lead by me thrive. Overall, the event seems like a fun one, Im a huge sports fan, especially NFL and this even seems exactly like fantasy football. Im excited to see what the future of this event holds.
Hell...yeah #sAMPepP3RZ
Edit: it says I was tagged in my alerts and that I was accepted in a post but I don't see myself in the thread ;-;


Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Staff Applications
Minecraft IGN: Golden_Champion
Age: 15
Activity on a Scale from 1-10: 8
Maturity on a scale from 1-10: 9
Past Experiences with Event Staff: I was staff for top clan (shanrrbananrr) season 1 and 2 but that is it.
Past Clans: eternityv1, eternityv2, inviction, excel, ascendency, and much more.
Why do you deserve to be Event Staff over other's [Min. 6 Sentences]: Well, I have been actively involved with clans for a good 11 months. I know how to appropriately deal with situations and cause as little argument as possible. I am a moderator so I know all the rules and can take care of rule breakers efficiently. I am a mature person and also very calm. I feel like I can make fair decisions once it comes to certain scenarios. I have been officer and high up positions in clans so I can take charge when needed. I have also refereed clan battles in the past as well. I hope you take me into consideration once it comes to picking your staff team!
Edit: I have no clue if you are supposed to apply for this, so just correct me if you cannot apply. Also feel free to put me down as a regular player.
Last edited:


May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Staff Applications
Minecraft IGN: Golden_Champion
Age: 15
Activity on a Scale from 1-10: 8
Maturity on a scale from 1-10: 9
Past Experiences with Event Staff: I was staff for top clan (shanrrbananrr) season 1 and 2 but that is it.
Past Clans: eternityv1, eternityv2, induction, excel, and much more.
Why do you deserve to be Event Staff over other's [Min. 6 Sentences]: Well, I have been actively involved with clans for a good 11 months. I know how to appropriately deal with situations and cause as little argument as possible. I am a moderator so I know all the rules and can take care of rule breakers efficiently. I am a mature person and also very calm. I feel like I can make fair decisions once it comes to certain scenarios. I have been officer and high up positions in clans so I can take charge when needed. I have also refereed clan battles in the past as well. I hope you take me into consideration once it comes to picking your staff team!
Edit: I have no clue if you are supposed to apply for this, so just correct me if you cannot apply.
Lol well technically you are not supposed to apply if you go the the first page and look under applications, but since you are interested i would like to talk to you on skype cause i feel as if you meet the right criteria. Please join this teamspeak invar.typefrag.com:4375


May 6, 2014
Reaction score
Staff Applications
Minecraft IGN: Golden_Champion
Age: 15
Activity on a Scale from 1-10: 8
Maturity on a scale from 1-10: 9
Past Experiences with Event Staff: I was staff for top clan (shanrrbananrr) season 1 and 2 but that is it.
Past Clans: eternityv1, eternityv2, inviction, excel, ascendency, and much more.
Why do you deserve to be Event Staff over other's [Min. 6 Sentences]: Well, I have been actively involved with clans for a good 11 months. I know how to appropriately deal with situations and cause as little argument as possible. I am a moderator so I know all the rules and can take care of rule breakers efficiently. I am a mature person and also very calm. I feel like I can make fair decisions once it comes to certain scenarios. I have been officer and high up positions in clans so I can take charge when needed. I have also refereed clan battles in the past as well. I hope you take me into consideration once it comes to picking your staff team!
Edit: I have no clue if you are supposed to apply for this, so just correct me if you cannot apply. Also feel free to put me down as a regular player.
or we can talk on the mcgamer ts idc

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