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I have some questions about becoming a Moderator

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Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Hey, guys.

I've been very dissapointed (Or however you spell it) about how many people on the MCSG servers have been spamming, saying foul langauge, map-begging, ect. so I wanted to be a mod so my warnings can actually take affect. But I, first, have a few questions;

1. I am 13, would that mean that my app would be completely ignored? Or that I would have a terrible chance of becoming a mod?

2. If I DO get accepted, do I have to get Teamspeak? Or would it be possible to communicate over Skype?

3. When "The Oath" would be in my app, and when it says "agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in permanent ban or removal from the website.", would I be banned from the servers too? I don't think I will do anything wrong, but I am just wondering if the risk is worth it.

4. Another thing about the last question; What would be the actions that are not approved by the Administraition?

I think that's about it.
I would like a mod/Sr. Mod/Admin to respond.

Also, I'm not wanting to become a mod for the perks, I just was to relieve these servers of these jerks and hackers. (But the perks would be a nice touch. :p )

Thanks for reading.
~cmhcraft12 :)


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hey cmh! Even though I'm not a mod, I think I'm familiar enough with some of these questions to help you out, and good luck getting rid of those hackers and jerks if you become a moderator! :D

1. From what I understand, as long as your application is well worded, long, professional, and containing the necessary things that Chad and the Sr. Mods are looking for in new moderators. Plenty of the moderators are under 15, and Tironas is 13, but they tend to act like 18 year olds and write essays with each post, so I think they are more than mature enough to moderate the servers and forums.

2. Not entirely sure of the details, but a voice-chat interview will be required.

3. Again, I'm not entirely sure of the details, but I assume you would be banned from the servers as well, since taking advantage of the trust given to you to help make the servers a better place and making them a worse place instead is, at least in my opinion, worse than being a hacker, spammer, or any other despicable type of player.

4. I sure can't list everything, but kicking or banning players without proper proof or justification, using powers to win games, dropping lava and monsters and such as a spectator, and spamming, cursing, and hacking yourself would probably at least get you in a lot of trouble.



District 13
Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
I'm a Ex-Mod so I know the answers

1 - Besides that new 13 year old mod, They really dont accept under 15, But hey, If it has happened once it could happen again, You just need to be mature and write a Very, Very good Application

2 - You need to be on teamspeak and have a working Mic, I believe

3 - If you abuse your Mod power then yes you will be demoted and depending on what you did banned, but dont worry, Everyone is human and makes the occasional mistake, As long as you dont break the rules

4 - Abusing your mod and breaking the rules


Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Hey cmh! Even though I'm not a mod, I think I'm familiar enough with some of these questions to help you out, and good luck getting rid of those hackers and jerks if you become a moderator! :D

1. From what I understand, as long as your application is well worded, long, professional, and containing the necessary things that Chad and the Sr. Mods are looking for in new moderators. Plenty of the moderators are under 15, and Tironas is 13, but they tend to act like 18 year olds and write essays with each post, so I think they are more than mature enough to moderate the servers and forums.

2. Not entirely sure of the details, but a voice-chat interview will be required.

3. Again, I'm not entirely sure of the details, but I assume you would be banned from the servers as well, since taking advantage of the trust given to you to help make the servers a better place and making them a worse place instead is, at least in my opinion, worse than being a hacker, spammer, or any other despicable type of player.

4. I sure can't list everything, but kicking or banning players without proper proof or justification, using powers to win games, dropping lava and monsters and such as a spectator, and spamming, cursing, and hacking yourself would probably at least get you in a lot of trouble.

How would someone drop lava and monsters as a Spectator?


District 13
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
OK, I gunna go ahead and fill out an app. Wish me luck! :)
Good luck buddy :D Spell-check it, make sure it all works out and make sense, and I'd recommend getting TeamSpeak just incase.

P.S. It might be a good idea to give a little essay of some sorts about yourself at the end. It's often not enough to get information from just the form that's given for you to fill out.


Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Good luck buddy :D Spell-check it, make sure it all works out and make sense, and I'd recommend getting TeamSpeak just incase.

P.S. It might be a good idea to give a little essay of some sorts about yourself at the end. It's often not enough to get information from just the form that's given for you to fill out.
I know. I'm double-checking it right now. But thanks for the tip! I just finished double-checking it, so I'll go ahead and do that.


Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Ok! I just created the Thread! :D
I'll post here if I make it or not. :)
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