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hiring minecraft writers!


Oct 24, 2014
Reaction score
Hey so I really like the writing that you've posted. I was wondering if you'd be interested in writing for me? I would pay you 5-15$ per minecraft story. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks!


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
So you just want people to write fictional Minecraft stories? How long? :3 sounds interesting


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
I know this is kind of different, but last time this happened...
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, folks, but the staff is going to put a hiatus on this right now. I see a few issues that must be resolved first before this becomes a thing.

For those of you with memory of another similar publication, Captain's Community Panel, the case here is very similar.

First off, you are not created by, endorsed, or supported by Chad nor the MCGamer Administration. As such, you are not allowed to have the MCGamer tag since you are using the community name in a representative fashion without the prior consent, authorization, or communication with Chad or the Admins. We don't want people getting confused that the "MCGamer Gazette" is the official publication of MCGamer because it wears our tag yet isn't made by or monitored by the MCGamer's higher staff. You can't make Coka-Cola magazine with all the logos and trademarks without prior consent of Coke themselves.

Secondly, the staff does not believe that having a player-run publication is the best way to discuss staff changes and decisions. Even if the person doing the reporting is a mod, they are still doing so in a publication not supported by the staff he/she is reporting on. As such, the lack of oversight could lead to misrepresentation and miscommunication of the actual events. Furthermore, from a policy standpoint, that would could as staff leaking potentially-sensitive information, which is grounds for immediate demotion.
^ Col_StaR


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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I know this is kind of different, but last time this happened...
Actually, this case is more different than similar. dan4president01 is asking for people to write fictional works about Minecraft, which (as implied by his original posting) does not involve the MCGamer community either in reference or in title. He's or the writer he's commissioning will have to do some pretty impressive narrative backflipping before we have to hit them with a trademark take-down like we had to with Captain's Community Panel, MCGamer Gazette, MCSG Survivor, and the recent MCGamer News.

Essentially, dan4president01 is asking for Minecraft fan fiction. Fan fiction itself lies in a very interesting realm of legality, having both free speech protections whilst clearly invading trademarked terms and copywritten universes. Most companies are quite lax about fan fiction so long as no one's making money off of its writing; Mojang won't take you to court unless you charge people to view it, like buying a published book.

Hey so I really like the writing that you've posted. I was wondering if you'd be interested in writing for me? I would pay you 5-15$ per minecraft story. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks!
Interesting proposal, but there's a lot that's sketchy about this. Your job offer is vague at best, and even the writer doesn't know what they'll be writing about other than the generic understanding that it's a "minecraft story". Is it a story that takes place within the Minecraft universe, or can it be about real-life people who play Minecraft? Do you prefer one-shots or series? Is there a genre, rating, or trigger-warning restriction that we must be aware of? Heck, can I publish my Minecraft/My Little Pony/President Obama crossover 100,000 word fanfiction epic and still qualify?

Commissioning fan fiction is fine, but I'm curious what you plan to do with those stories? Do you intend to just hoard them somewhere as a private collection? Or do you see the stories as an investment, paying $10 per story and then hosting them on a fan fiction site you run where you can get a Return on Investment through ads? And how do you intend on paying them (gift cards? Steam credit? Paypal? I doubt cash)? There are a lot of vague questions on the business side of things too, which is important to know for three reasons: 1. You have to know what you're paying $15 per story for or else you're wasting your money, and 2. the writers you're commissioning want to know what their work is being put for, lest they just decide to go into business for themselves, and 3. No one wants to get screwed over by anyone when money is involved.

That being said, there are some talented writers around here, but talented fiction writers are a very special breed of people. Maybe you'll get some hits. Maybe I'll submit a story just for giggles and lunch money.


Oct 24, 2014
Reaction score
I'd be happy to explain more on skype. My Skype name is dan4president01. I'm paying for quality fan fiction however I'm not that picky. If it's an obvious trolling type of story than I'm not going to pay you.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hmm, sounds interesting.
If you're interested in my work, add me on Skype: MooclanTheCow. (Or PM me)

Here's two examples of my work.
The first one, on the number seven, was a completely random topic simply to see how good at writing I was - Someone challenged me to write a full essay on a really weird subject.

The latter example, an actual story, was written when I was really bored and wanted to write a story, so I offered to write a story for someone. I did it free, with no strings attached.

I was asked to make a 5-paragraph essay, so here I am. And it must have a message, as well, so this should be quite unusual. Actually, it was The_Arena_Master who was trying to get me to help him impress a girl or something, because I have absolutely no idea why I'm doing this, other than it was pretty much a challenge to my intelligence. This essay is due by this weekend, but odds are I'll finish it by tonight unless I go out with some family church friends to a restaurant.
Oh, and he also questioned my avatar's hair. Mamiamato24 | Azurdo
Please don't copy this in school, although taking inspiration from it for a boring day would be acceptable.
The only copying and pasting that I performed was when I was reformatting and reorganizing the essay. I did not plagiarize anything.

My favorite number, 7. In English, it is spelled "Seven," and has five letters. Its numerical form generally has two lines and one angle, and can have certain intricate details depending on the font. Ordinarily, the angle in the number 7 has an acute angle, and its diagonal line is generally longer than its horizontal angle, yet again depending on the font. The number seven, also written 7, has special importance to me, as it is a simple number that speaks so many volumes, yet can be so insignificant, varying based on how one looks at it.

The number 7 comes before 8, and after 6. On a positive scale of whole numbers, which would include any whole number above 0 (1, 2, 3, and infinitely higher) 7 is relatively low; however, when counting basic items in everyday tasks in the real world, 7 can actually be a surprisingly large sum. One of the most popular numerical jokes in the English language is: "Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven eight nine!" This plays off of how the number 8 sounds in the English language. 8, pronounced almost identically to the word, "Ate," can be substituted for it in certain informal situations or in verbal context. This changes the second section of the joke to, "Seven ate nine," and refers to eating.

One of the reasons the number 7 is my favorite number is biblical. It is one of the ideal, perfect numbers. Used 735 times in the Bible. Including variations of the word such as, "Seventh," and "Sevenfold," the count is now 860 uses in the Old and New Testaments, combined. 7 is the number of perfection, both spiritually and physically, and is the basis for much of God's word and several of his commands. Numbers such as 70, 700, 77, and 777 are also used periodically throughout the Bible. The Bible is often separated into 7 sections. The apostle Paul also refers to the Christ with 7 different titles in the book of Hebrews, and there were also 7 days of creation in Genesis. Another very important number in the Bible is the number 12, such as the 12 disciples and 12 tribes.

Lastly, the final reasons that I chose 7 as my favorite number. It is a prime number, meaning it is not divisible by any whole numbers except for 1 and itself. I also wanted a number between 0 and 10, so I used the process of elimination. 1 was too simple for my tastes, and too common. 2 was also much too common, and 3 was another unoriginal character. 4 was an even number and also quite common, and 5 was a classic first pick for many. 6 is even and a bit too close in pronunciation to a word that I'm still uncomfortable saying. 8 was even, and too symmetrical for my tastes. 9 was my second pick, but had no special importance, and was also too close to the last available choice, 10, which was an obvious no-go. That left me with 7 and 9, and seeing as 7 had biblical importance, I chose that.

So as you can see, I was very meticulous in choosing my favorite number, and I ensured that it had some sort of significance. I did not just think to myself, "I like how this number looks. It's my favorite number." No, no, no, I actually went through several dozen minutes of deliberation and careful thought. I actually was equipped to write this essay several months ago, but I never was prompted to do so, and I never remembered to, until now. So here it is, my favorite number. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the number seven!

I originally posted this on the Count to 50 thread, but decided to make it into a thread anyways. Enjoy.

And the second one,
Someone asked me to write this story, and gave me a plot to follow, which I did for the most part. The story stands incomplete as it is, and will not be finished. Characters in this story such as both Benjas and the bacca Jerome are based off of real people. Baccas are also based off of something within Minecraft.

Black suits, and black dresses filed down a line, in solemn observance of a funeral. Or, rather, bacc suits, as today, thousands of baccas mourned their leader, Benja. Outside the glass dome, even more players were in cheerful hysterics, held back only by a ring of stony-faced bacca-riot guards. As the procession reached its final destination, time seemed to stop. All was still for hundreds of blocks in each direction, and people waited in tense silence. A pair of baccas stepped forwards in unison, and lowered their leader to his earthen grave. Tossing flowers and other farewell-gifts, individuals stepped forwards and bid Benja farewell. As four blocks of dirt were respectfully lowered over the coffin, the riot outside grew to an unprecedented pitch, and a mass of people broke through the ring of guards.

Sprinting forwards, they advanced in a war-formation towards the graveyard. Three men stood in the front, and the one in the center shouted, “Good evening to you, men of the bacc. Greetings from Joey Graceffa, our leader. We are here to claim this land for our mighty leader, and extinguish the bacca race.” At this, the men behind him spread out like a deck of cards, armed with heavy equipment. A small group of baccas, disorganized and clumsy, approached from behind. Without a signal or leader, they tried mustering the courage to repel the invaders, but lacked coordination.

With a single will, the men stomped once on the ground, and dared the baccas to approach. However, that single shaking of the ground caused a nearby building to shake, and a dark figure fell from the top floor. He stood up, and dusted himself off. Approaching the two parties, he coughed, and said, “Hello, my dear baccas. And your tidings are indeed good ones, men of Joey Graceffa. For I am Benja, the real one. And I am glad to have this chance to extinguish you, pitiful beings.”

“Hah, nonsense. You’re probably only at 1 heart from that huge fall. You should have known better than to sit in so perilous a perch. Fool, prepare yourself. You bear no arms, nor do you bring with you a set of armor. And you were just buried, if I’m not mistaken. This world has no ghosts.” The Joey spokesman chuckled. Two warriors turned towards Benja, and casually walked over, weapons in hand.

“Ah, but you see, that is where you are incorrect. That fall? Yes, you saw it. From that building behind me. You are wrong. It did not deal me 9 hearts of damage, for it did 27. But that was a mere scratch to my total health. You are the fool, and the one who just died, in my eyes at least, for you have just signed a death-warrant. Behold! The power of the real Benja, RC the Fabulous!” And with that, he dashed forwards, crossing dozens of blocks in a mere split-second.

Lunging to the right, he yanked a soldier to the ground. Taking the iron axe, he slid it across the back of the fallen man, who disintegrated into tiny particles a moment later. Continuing on to the second knight, he feinted to the left, only to dash around from the right and behead him, with apparent ease. Slowly straightening up, he had a deadly grin on his face. Dramatically walking to the army, he stretched the arm that bore the murder weapon. Steadily gaining speed with what appeared to only be a walking stride, he rapidly closed the remaining distance. In the blink of an eye, he was above everyone, and fell upon his prey with the ferocity of a lion. Whipping the gleaming weapon back and forth between newly-bloodied bodies, he cut through iron armor like it was budder. His body a blur, weapons simply couldn’t touch him. In mere seconds, he had a brand-new diamond axe pressed against the neck of the spokesman, who now laid on the ground in shock.

“What? How is this even possible? We were so… Joey said we wouldn’t fail! He said he had confidence in us.. no! We’ve failed Joey!” He choked in madness, unable to continue.

“Simple. You dared challenge my loyal subjects. You dared to challenge me. For that, the punishment is death.” Benja, now known as RC the Fabulous, slowly let his new weapon taste flesh. Once the foul deed was done, RC stood up, and addressed all the stunned baccas. “Hello, baccas. I am your true Benja. I have awaited the day that you would bury the impostor, Mitch. He has done a horrible thing, turning my beloved baccas into his personal army. No, he is not Benja. Long ago, he stole the title from me through treachery. I would have claimed it long ago, but you, my dear baccas, would have been hurt in the process, for he was guarded by your kind. But alas, I have returned!”

A single voice resounded through the silent graveyard, and a single bacca walked forwards to stand in front of RC. The original bacca, Jerome. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? Or rather, who? Why, I believe it’s the mighty king, Benja! Welcome back, m’lord. Three cheers for Benja!”

As one, the baccas roared their approval. Bowing, RC whispered to Jerome, “Quick, I need to know what I’ve missed. I haven’t spoken to you in too long, my good man, too long.”

Jerome responded in an equally low tone, “We may not have much time, m’lord. There’s still a giant mob outside the dome, and all they could see from there is that Joey’s men fell, while we’re still standing. Mitch ruined the baccas, he did. Turned them into a horror-story in themselves. Are you sure you’re up to the task of righting their wrongs?”

Standing, RC walked closer to the baccas, and announced, “People of the bacc! I come to you today as your new Benja! But before we can celebrate and fix whatever has gone wrong, we must first escape. I ask that you take a weapon and suit of armor from one of the people that I have slain here before you, and help get everyone suited up. You shall need all the firepower and protection that you can get. Please give elders and children the Protection IV armor, and take for yourself according to your needs. We will have to move swiftly and effectively in order to escape this confinement, and for that we need potions. I have with me a set of Swiftness potions, which I will distribute. Once we are all suited up, please approach a bacca with a potion, and right before we all move out, we’ll have the potions splashed onto ourselves. Does everyone understand?”

After hearing their confirmation, he approached Jerome again, who had just finished showing a baby-bacc how to swing an axe like a true man of the bacc. “Ho, there, Jerome. Good to see that baccas still hold axes as a sacred instrument of true power. Before we set out, I need to make sure that you know where I’ll be taking everyone.”

Jerome looked up, and slowly replied, “Wait, no. Surely, you can’t be serious.”

“I am. Very much so, in fact. I intend to take it as our own before the night is up. But I need to make sure that you know what to do while I’m gone.” RC gravely confirmed. “You know I’ve done little but wait for a good opportunity to take back the throne. This is part of it, for what is a king without a kingdom? I have two agents working an inside job. They’re loyal, but they’re not baccas. I have promised them both a life on the outskirts of the kingdom, hidden from the view of baccas. Once this is all over… but that is still a long way to go, so for now we must deal with the issues of the present. I need you to take our people, and bring them back to the farmhouse until later tonight. Once I’ve emptied the new place, I’ll send a message-pig. You can handle it - have faith in yourself, if only because I have faith in you.”

“This would be a suicide mission from anyone aside from you… Out of curiosity and concern for your safety, will you answer one thing? How did you defeat those bastards? Twenty-seven hearts? That’d kill me nearly three times over! And your speed!? I’ve never even seen Mitch stand up that fast when someone told him they had a beer for him. What in the blazes was that?”

“Oh, that? I have custom feather-falling boots, sold to me by an Administrator, altered to look like my feet. I used a diluted invisibility potion to make the blurred-appearance. No one, to my knowledge, can actually move that fast. However, I still have increased my speed insanely. I still doubt Mitch would be able to keep up with me, even in the prime of his life.”

Walking away, he looked over his new comrades with a sense of pride, knowing that they would soon know the monstrosities and lies that the fake Benja had hidden behind, and that he had been able to help his beloved baccas.

He reached the stairs of the graveyard officer, and addressed the congregation. “Can I have your attention, please! I’m seeing that you all are ready, and so we will begin to distribute the splash potions. Every splash potion must be used on at least 10 baccas, as we do not have unlimited resources. As soon as you are splashed, please face the north. I will be at the front, and try to clear a path. Our dutiful bacca guards have been instructed to aid in our assistance, and will protect from the sides and rear, while I myself will defend the front. If at any time you fall behind, do not hesitate to let us know. No bacca left behind!” As the crowd separated into smaller groups, he handed out the potions, and headed north, where he found an old comrade, xTopBacca.

Surprised to see him, he called out, “Hullo, xTopBacca! What have we here? A real, live member of the original baccas? Wow, this is indeed news. I could only ask so many questions of dear Jerome, so I’m afraid I must ask you some things.”

“Why, Benja! It is so good to see you again. You’ve no idea how thoroughly Mitch trashed our kind. We’re disrespected by nearly all! You must save us, as you’re the only one who can. I trust you have taken the appropriate steps, eh?” xTopBacca smiled, and rubbed his paws together. He quickly splashed his potion on a few children, and hurried over to the front lines, where he could talk to Benja easier.

They chatted for a few brief seconds, and then RC had to shout “Advance, my baccas! To freedom, to safety, and to redemption!”

Charging forwards, RC swung his axe overhead. As they reached the line of riot guards, the guards converged on them, forming a tighter defense. Confident in his comrades, the fighter quietly disappeared. Slipping through the gaps in bodies, he twisted and turned, and soon emerged, disguised as just another player who had gotten low on hunger, and needed to return to their home for the day.

Traveling by minecart was efficient, but only if you’d already had tracks lain. His lonely journey was over rough lands and through vast mountain ranges, so he preferred his steed, Wert the Pig. Straddling the mighty beast, he soon arrived in front of a massive wooden fortress.

Protected against griefing by cleverly exploited server features, the building had done nothing but grow in the time he’d been absent. Walking in casually, he was greeted at the door by an armed, but slacking, guard. RC took careful note of the strengths and weaknesses, and who roamed where. Clearly, politics had changed, as there were many new people in the most sought-after rooms and lounges. Due to Mitch, the impostor Benja, dying, people had been drinking extra nausea potions, unaware of the Benja that was walking through their midst. He walked over to the main hall, where his soon-to-be throne would rest.

Moving over to a gloomy hallway, he pulled aside a random passerby, covering their mouth with a handkerchief that he’d lifted from an inebriated woman. Pulling out his axe, he muttered to them, “Listen here, mister. I need you to do me a favor. Do it, and you’ll be paid well. Fail, and you die within the hour. It’s very easy. Walk to the main hall, and shout ‘Benja has returned,’ and nothing else. Got it? Now go.”

The intimidated stranger, knowing very well that baccas loved axes, did as he was told, and soon a throng had gathered around him, threatening him with various punishments if he didn’t say that Benja had died. With the people distracted, RC stalked over to the hidden armory, and donned the best suit of armor they had. Preparing his axe and health potions, he walked over to the main hall, and yet remained unnoticed.

Standing on the stage, he muttered, “System announcement! ‘The True Benja has returned!’” and waited as the server followed his command. A small group of drunkards, noticing it was him who said it, walked up and uttered slurred foul oaths at him, but were too stoned to realize what was happening. A guard, noticing the commotion, walked over, and realized only too late what had taken place. RC leaped forwards, axe drawn, and let it do its work.

Finishing up in a matter of seconds, he walked out of the room, blood dripping from the blade. He made another system command, this time to teleport everyone within the building in front of him, guard and civilian alike. When people realized he’d done it, they ran towards him, fists flying and weapons flashing. But just as before, the one true Benja dashed around, hewing necks with the grace of a dancer. Glancing around, he estimated there to be something near to 46 people in the room aside from himself. He activated a custom skill, known only to himself, which he dubbed ‘The RC_4777’, which allowed him to flow from slice to slash with minimal effort, as a single movement, rather than making each blow an individual slash. Ducking, he knocked the legs of a pair of people together, causing them to fall into three others. His mind went on auto-pilot, sliding his blade along from one stance to another, as an extension of his soul. Damage potions served where sheer numbers were troublesome, and he gradually decimated the opposing force to less than ten. Looking for his two agents, he located them at the back of the room, standing in awed silence. Walking over to the last remaining foes, he quietly beheaded their stunned bodies.

Picking up items as he walked towards his agents, he said, “Hello, Half Squirrel and Arena Master. I see you’re still in good health. You may take your leave now. You’ll find the houses prepared as we agreed, fully stocked. If you do so desire, feel free to take any items from the slain. You’ve earned all we agreed on, and more. Consider it my apology for exposing you to such a slaughter.”

After cleaning up and locking the gate, RC retired to his old chambers, untouched and unseen since his exile.
The first story was written more recently, and the second one was written just under a year ago, if memory serves. The latter was roughly 2.5 thousand words, written in two days.

I have experience writing several genres of writing, to a proficient but varying degree.

As stated, if you're interested - contact me. If not, disregard this post.


Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
Hmm, sounds interesting.
If you're interested in my work, add me on Skype: MooclanTheCow. (Or PM me)

Here's two examples of my work.
The first one, on the number seven, was a completely random topic simply to see how good at writing I was - Someone challenged me to write a full essay on a really weird subject.

The latter example, an actual story, was written when I was really bored and wanted to write a story, so I offered to write a story for someone. I did it free, with no strings attached.

And the second one,

The first story was written more recently, and the second one was written just under a year ago, if memory serves. The latter was roughly 2.5 thousand words, written in two days.

I have experience writing several genres of writing, to a proficient but varying degree.

As stated, if you're interested - contact me. If not, disregard this post.
Oh jeez the competition is here


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Oh jeez the competition is here
I simply enjoy writing - It's what I'm passionate about, and I'll gladly take a decent reason to do it. If you really want to have the position and think that you deserve it, feel free to let me know and I can retract my post.


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
I simply enjoy writing - It's what I'm passionate about, and I'll gladly take a decent reason to do it. If you really want to have the position and think that you deserve it, feel free to let me know and I can retract my post.
That's pretty darn nice of you xD

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