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SMSing, and socialising.


Oct 19, 2014
Reaction score
Earlier, MCGamerzism posted on a thread saying that he joined the forums to "socialise" and this got me thinking...

Children these days have decided that being on tablets, electronics, computers, and SMSing is scoializing, personally I think this is a bit of horse dung.

Socailizing by definition is when one person mixes with others, talks to them, does activities with them, and in a way bonds with them.
Sending messages over a screen, to me, is not socialising. Sure, you may share jokes, you may share debate, but you are not sharing these things with them. You are sharing them with a screen.

Think of it this way. Say there is a group of 3 people, A, B, and C. A gives some sweets to B, but none to C. C gets angry and steals some sweets from both A and B. They all have the sweets. They are all eating them, but only truly did A and B share the sweets.
The same is with the technology, you, and the person you are SMSing. You are not typing to them, you are typing lines on a screen. These lines then show up on their screen. You had no direct interaction with the other person, there is always a 3rd party making the "circle" complete.
I hope you can follow that.

I'm not saying don't use these SMSing machines such as skype, teamspeak, and even the inboxing on these forums, I'm not saying that at all. Its a brilliant invention and piece of technology, truly amazing. All I'm saying is that it is not socialising, and if you can, actually meet up with these people. Don't spend time infront of these screens texting them, instead talk to them.

Of course, I can only spend my time infront of the screen, because I'm forever alone, but hopefully you can be better than me.

"I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots." -Albert Einstein

Note: this is more about people texting and facebooking instead of being bothered to do things with people in real life. Do not take it the wrong way.

Thanks for reading, I just wanted to get this of my chest,
Last edited:


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
Dude, you are very smart. Your threads have such detail. Its awesome!


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
LOL, thanks for the mention :p
I was actually being sarcastic when I said "joined the forums to socialize"
I have found myself being a outcast of society, I blame school.
I am not a very confident person, and don't "fit in" with society.
So I came to these forums, and the internet is general to be the bigger person, it made me feel important, and that has really helped me. Things like YouTube, Forums and moderating etc really help me to take my mind off the bad times at school.​


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
I feel exactly the same way too. When I was younger, I had lego (which actually got me into Minecraft since I kept stepping on them
;-; ) and now children of this generation have iPads, tablets and phones at such a young age and that's the age where our brains start to develop. We've become too reliable on the internet and that needs to take a step back. I'm not saying the advanced technology that we have now is bad (who doesn't like playing flappy bird right? xD), but its ruining peoples' personality and minds.


Oct 19, 2014
Reaction score
LOL, thanks for the mention :p
I was actually being sarcastic when I said "joined the forums to socialize"
I have found myself being a outcast of society, I blame school.
I am not a very confident person, and don't "fit in" with society.
So I came to these forums, and the internet is general to be the bigger person, it made me feel important, and that has really helped me. Things like YouTube, Forums and moderating etc really help me to take my mind off the bad times at school.​
I knew you were being sarcastic ;p. Also, please don't take this as a thread about you! I didn't have any thoughts about that at all when I made this thread. All your comment did was trigger a train of thought. This thread was made of a generalisation of the generation below me, and I;m sorry if you took any offence, by deepest apologies.

I feel exactly the same way too. When I was younger, I had lego (which actually got me into Minecraft since I kept stepping on them
;-; ) and now children of this generation have iPads, tablets and phones at such a young age and that's the age where our brains start to develop. We've become too reliable on the internet and that needs to take a step back. I'm not saying the advanced technology that we have now is bad (who doesn't like playing flappy bird right? xD), but its ruining peoples' personality and minds.
Lovin' the idea of you stepping on lego's so moving to minecraft! xD

As for the rest of your post I agree 100%, this thread in a way was meant to symbolize, as you put it, how children have become too reliable on electronics!
PS: I hate Flappy Bird. Stupid bird is an idiot. Always crashing into stupid pipes *ramble ramble*


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
I knew you were being sarcastic ;p. Also, please don't take this as a thread about you! I didn't have any thoughts about that at all when I made this thread. All your comment did was trigger a train of thought. This thread was made of a generalisation of the generation below me, and I;m sorry if you took any offence, by deepest apologies.

Lovin' the idea of you stepping on lego's so moving to minecraft! xD

As for the rest of your post I agree 100%, this thread in a way was meant to symbolize, as you put it, how children have become too reliable on electronics!
PS: I hate Flappy Bird. Stupid bird is an idiot. Always crashing into stupid pipes *ramble ramble*
Ahahah I had my cousin come over from overseas and he was on the iPad the whole time and I was really getting annoyed becuase to be honest, I was downloading and my internet is bad enough, but also that was abusing people on the internet about getting one item that was extremely rare. So naturally I just snatched the iPad off him and made him watch Pokemon. He loves me now <3

The only time I hate flappy bird is when people text me during my record breaking moment Ahahaha


Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
Most of the people I socialize with are people I have never seen, let alone met or hung out with as I'm awkward in real life. In situations like this, other forms of communication are necessary.


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Most of the people I socialize with are people I have never seen, let alone met or *insert past tense of hang out here* with as I'm awkward in real life. In situations like this, other forms of communication are necessary.
That explains the love for Android in your signature :3


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
I kinda agree and disagree with this.

I can agree that you cannot share some things with friends online, and how friends in real life are very important, however I don't think that you can't socialize online, with people you value and treat as friends. I have met many people online who I really enjoy spending time with and due to my location (New Zealand) chances are I will never meet these people face to face, but to me that doesn't mean I value them any less than my friends in real life. Things such as skyping has brought people from other sides of the planet closer together, even the game we play does this, connecting us with people from all four corners of the world.


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
Eh, when you're looking at someone technically all you see is the photons bouncing off them. When you call/skype it's your computer/phone speaker creating a sound similar to that of your friend's voice. Imo as long as you are communicating with them somehow, it's socialising. I think it's just the older generation not being used to it and putting a bad stigma around it.

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