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TeamSpeak General Quality

Sep 7, 2013
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But that's the point isn't it? The porpoise of this thread is to generate ideas to make our current TeamSpeak a more family friendly place, not to just retch and moan about its problems and run off to our private Teamspeak servers. A fellow forumer once hit the nail on the head for me that the first step to fixing a problem is finding out why it's happening. To be honest, I probably already knew that but now it's fresh in my mind and I've applied it to this situation (the original situation was hackers and aforementioned forumer's mental quandary spurred me to create a thread for the state of the TS).
I don't think there's a way to fix all the problems that have been created with MCSG TS xD


Jul 7, 2013
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I simply bought a teamspeak server for me and my friends so we can chat without being interupted :p


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Personal methods to discourage trolls:

- Show no emotion, especially rage or anger. This is what trolls want, and they feed off of reactions. If there is no reaction, then there's no troll-food!

- Call a Mod instantly.
Find a safe place in-game, scroll up and down to find a Mod in TS, and just poke them with the name of the troll, which channel, and what they're doing.
If a Moderator says they're busy, just move on and poke another Moderator. If a Moderator doesn't respond or seems to be AFK, click on their name using your Scroll Wheel and find their "Idle Time". That's basically how long it has been since they last touched their TeamSpeak window.
There's no need to get angry at a Mod for not being able to respond to your pokes or move on - try and just be calm about it, and perhaps if you want to, you can mentally log "(Name) is not always a reliable mod" for your own personal reference. (I do that if I have repeat incidences with one mod where they don't respond, but it's up to you.)

- Tell the troll exactly what they're doing.
I like to say something along the lines of, "That's a nice voice changer you have there. However, it's against the rules and you can be banned for that. Will you please remove it, or do I have to call a Moderator?"
Make sure that you use your most mature voice, and don't joke around, otherwise you might not be taken seriously.
Give them one chance to stop what they're doing, and then call a Moderator.

- Block them!
If you block them, then you won't be able to hear them anymore. Particularly useful if you can't find any Mods, don't have time in-game to poke one, or if the troll is being tricky and acting innocent whenever a Mod comes in.
If a Moderator comes in, make sure to tell them that you have the rule-breaker blocked, and that you can't hear them so you don't know if they're still doing it. If you forget to do so, that can cause a little bit of confusion.
Also, if the person leaves and joins using another name, you might still be able to tell who they are. This is only if they don't switch their identity as well.

If you're particularly entertained by trolls, you can set up a Livestream dedicated to catching TeamSpeak trolls. Simply send a Mod or two the link, and start streaming while playing MCSG or something!
Make sure that you're mature and you tell the person that they are breaking a rule. Give them fair warnings, and then when the Mod thinks that there is sufficient reason for a ban, *boom* they're gone.
Tip: Do this in one of the Recording Lounges. Trolls love those channels. Also, they can't complain about being recorded/streamed because they're in the Recording Channel.


Apr 13, 2013
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Meh, most trolls pull the "Well you're not a moderator! Stop being a snitch!" card and sometimes even go so far as to try ratting the other people out. I know how to deal with trolls. It's simply the fact that I've noticed quite a few bypassing bans and reappearing daily as well as new ones cropping up, ruining day-to-day chats and special events alike.


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Personal methods to discourage trolls:

- Show no emotion, especially rage or anger. This is what trolls want, and they feed off of reactions. If there is no reaction, then there's no troll-food!

- Call a Mod instantly.
Find a safe place in-game, scroll up and down to find a Mod in TS, and just poke them with the name of the troll, which channel, and what they're doing.
If a Moderator says they're busy, just move on and poke another Moderator. If a Moderator doesn't respond or seems to be AFK, click on their name using your Scroll Wheel and find their "Idle Time". That's basically how long it has been since they last touched their TeamSpeak window.
There's no need to get angry at a Mod for not being able to respond to your pokes or move on - try and just be calm about it, and perhaps if you want to, you can mentally log "(Name) is not always a reliable mod" for your own personal reference. (I do that if I have repeat incidences with one mod where they don't respond, but it's up to you.)

- Tell the troll exactly what they're doing.
I like to say something along the lines of, "That's a nice voice changer you have there. However, it's against the rules and you can be banned for that. Will you please remove it, or do I have to call a Moderator?"
Make sure that you use your most mature voice, and don't joke around, otherwise you might not be taken seriously.
Give them one chance to stop what they're doing, and then call a Moderator.

- Block them!
If you block them, then you won't be able to hear them anymore. Particularly useful if you can't find any Mods, don't have time in-game to poke one, or if the troll is being tricky and acting innocent whenever a Mod comes in.
If a Moderator comes in, make sure to tell them that you have the rule-breaker blocked, and that you can't hear them so you don't know if they're still doing it. If you forget to do so, that can cause a little bit of confusion.
Also, if the person leaves and joins using another name, you might still be able to tell who they are. This is only if they don't switch their identity as well.

If you're particularly entertained by trolls, you can set up a Livestream dedicated to catching TeamSpeak trolls. Simply send a Mod or two the link, and start streaming while playing MCSG or something!
Make sure that you're mature and you tell the person that they are breaking a rule. Give them fair warnings, and then when the Mod thinks that there is sufficient reason for a ban, *boom* they're gone.
Tip: Do this in one of the Recording Lounges. Trolls love those channels. Also, they can't complain about being recorded/streamed because they're in the Recording Channel.
This is absolutely excellent advice, and what most annoys me about rule-breakers in Teamspeak are those who do act innocent and kind when a moderator comes in, basically the same thing as school situations as well, they're in denial towards their inconsiderate actions, and then they falsely accuse you of breaking rules as well, it really causes a lot of confusion for the moderators.

I have had this experience towards where these group of random guys just barged in to a channel my friends and I were in, and they were practically yelling out of their lungs that I was playing inappropriate music, they even had the audacity to report a moderator as well, especially when I had multiple attempts of moving to different channels so I don't get disturbed, yet again they find me and just barge in on me again. -.-
However the moderator was awesome enough to already know they were going too far with the trolling and got rid of them for me, the mod even told me that they were getting spammed like crazy about it. But this also led to me thinking that what if they meant it? I always wondered if they thought there was someone with a similar name and broke the rules, and mistook me for that rule breaker? Yet again, I was glad it was taken care of.

But to be honest, I think that when people change their identity, it does cause a load of confusion, I kind of wish we were only allowed one specific name or something like that and can only change once every few months, so people will know who you are and if you're really a known troll or not.

And when you mentioned recording trolls and rule-breakers, I would agree with you completely, I think it'd be absolutely hilarious watching people getting banned like getting trapped in a mosquito nest. And all towards that excellent idea, and since it seems you record livestreams about it, I would love to go for watching one some day. :D


Apr 13, 2013
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Oh, I almost forgot how there's no effective method to recording aural evidence because the built-in recording software and external programs like Fraps are discouraged and even punishable if used. I once attempted to record a late night TS convo about a year or more ago with Fraps (the setting that allows you to record desktop) and had the evidence rejected - when the guy was clearly swearing - because I broke the rule of recording in a channel other than a Rec. Lounge.

It would also be nice to brainstorm ways in which staff could better get a log of what's been said in TS so as to prevent people from acting up and then quieting down immediately when a mod comes in......then acting up as soon as the mod leaves. That whole childish shenanigan is possibly the most infuriating as it keeps the mods bouncing back-and-forth like ping-pong balls for the next fifteen minutes of their time.

As for having just one nickname, I've heard that that's already been tried and turned out to be too complicated for some or most users to figure out. I suppose you could do what the Nexus did and link a user's TeamSpeak to their forum account. Not sure if TS is compatible with Xenforo though. That might be an Enjin-only thing.


Nov 2, 2012
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Am I the only one actually just laughing whenever a troll joins the channel?


Apr 13, 2013
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I wouldn't know. It tends to be kind of hard to hear over the soundboard dubstep and people yelling to go get a mod.


Dec 19, 2013
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It sucks, but there's not much we can do other than report and ban them.


Sep 5, 2014
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Why not just give them a verification code on TeamSpeak, get the player to log onto MCSG and type something like /TSVerify <code> to give them the permissions to move out of the lobby? It means that each TS user is verified in-game, and means that they won't be able to use a banned username? That would be a fairly simple solution...

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