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My kinda late introduction!


Oct 13, 2014
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Hello, my name is WolfCodeGaming also known as Zach to my real life name. I'm quite the grammar enthusiast, but that's merely irrelevant. I've been a fan on the MCSG servers for quite some time now, no matter how hard it's gotten for me at times from a mass hacking spree of players I find on SG from time to time, or whether I lagged out and crashed whilst being so close to winning my first Battlegrounds game due to attempts of using 1028x1028 texture packs (Yes, there is so such thing somehow...)

A lot of people know me as being quite the "easily annoyed" type, although that has changed recently from personal life issues not bothering me as much as they used to. I'm generally now quite a nice person and not the kind to just rage 24/7, so feel free to talk to me, I won't bite. I promise. (Just because I'm a wolf doesn't mean I murder EVERYONE...)

Anyhow, I'm 14 (Almost 15) years old and make YouTube videos as well, I'm currently a little inactive on my YouTube, only uploading on Tuesdays, Wednesday's and Thursday's most of the time, although is soon to change.
(www.youtube.com/user/wolfcodegaming is my YT if you're interested, I was never 100% sure if putting a YouTube channel link was bannable on the forums, and if it is, then I shall remove it instantly when notified.)

And for any of you fabulous Zero Punctuation fans, I did attempt to write this as if I was speaking in the voice of Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, so there's a little voice to imagine if you want to read this "creatively".

Anyways, hope to see you all around sometime! c:

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