Minecraft IGN: ejegun
Position (more than one may be selected): Wordedit Expert/ server runner (it says not confirmed)
Age (not required): 13
Skype or TeamSpeak: i have both, ejegun there
Microphone: yes
Why do you wanna help: I know a lot of teqniques for terraforming in worldedit and i REALLY know how to run a server because i did that several times already
Do you know who Paul is: of course, i even was on a server with him once and killed him!
EVIL plan to do to Paul's map: make a Trap and make it say: ITS A TRAP and then you die..
Other things you need me to know: Maybe you are interested in making this map a team swish project! Team swish is currently working on the map called The Rugged Land and if you want to have a look at a server i host send me a PM!