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Leaderboards Fresh start + Actual leaderboards backup?

NickSharpx ☆

District 13
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
Ok I mean no, no, no. When... Okay nevermind, I'll explain.
So today I was playing SG as usual, I joined some lobby and just got to notice there was a new poll to vote. Cool! What's it going to be about? A leaderboards fresh start?? Hmm sounds interesting huh? Nope, not at all.
Here's my opinion.
Why, and I say, why, would MCSG need a Leaderboards fresh start? I know what you're thinking. Same people always in the top 15 and so on bla bla bla.. But you know what? If those people are there, there has to be a reason. They just spent lots of time on the server just to be there, so why just ... 'em up by restarting the leaderboards? To be completely honest, if this would happen I would pretty much quit MCSG because my goal, ever since I started, was to hit 1000 wins (possibly with a good ratio, which I have).
I am pretty sure that the ones who voted for ''Yes'' are those ones who just have bad stats and want to get rid of them not by buying a stats reset (so, spending 5$, which is really nothing and much cheaper than buying a new account); or maybe those ones who are just kinda "jealous" about those ones who have actually spent time and worked hard to be up there.
Talking just about me, I started MCSG as a noob back a year ago, and in this whole year I've spent A LOT, and I say A LOT of time just working on my stats and making them better, starting from a 1/9.5 ratio (100/953 w/gp) and now being at a 1/3.9 ratio.
Also, I'm pretty sure I would not enjoy MCSG anymore, because in my opinion there have to be just one Leaderboards page for each account (so, it's perfect as it is right now), I think all players should achieve what they want (in my case, 1000/1337 wins) on THESE leaderboards, resetting them would just make it no more challenging, it would just be a race of who ''no lifes'' MCSG the most, which would really take no skill. Now I know what you're thinking, yeah Nick but now there are no lifers for sure, so it would not be that different, and I reply ''no.'' because people would just go ''H.A.M.'', hacking and boosting, so I think that the leaderboards reset would just make the servers unplayable (not that EU is much playable at the moment...).

Even though I'm pretty sure this thing would never happen, I just wanted to share my opinion on here and read yours, so feel free to reply and discuss about what you've read in this thread.

Have a nice day. :)

PS: Sorry for any grammar mistakes, had to write this really fast, might fix them later.
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Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Yes, I understand how frustrating it could be knowing that the statistics are to be reset and all that, but just to clarify, there have been some thinking about actually leaving the leaderboards be, so you can view for future references, however the main leaderboards will be changed, it may be frustrating that you have put so much time and effort to achieving such high standards within MCSG, but eventually things will have to change, and hopefully it will not go as bad as it is thought to be.

NickSharpx ☆

District 13
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
Yes, I understand how frustrating it could be knowing that the statistics are to be reset and all that, but just to clarify, there have been some thinking about actually leaving the leaderboards be, so you can view for future references, however the main leaderboards will be changed, it may be frustrating that you have put so much time and effort to achieving such high standards within MCSG, but eventually things will have to change, and hopefully it will not go as bad as it is thought to be.
But it would, people would just tryhard, it's so obvious. People already boost and such now, just think of the actual situation multiplied thousands of times. It would just devastate the servers.


Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
I would like to see in a different stats-page a top MCSGer of the week, yea, I know that this would make hackers play more but... ok no, I'm wrong, bad idea, when you start making an update for MCSG you have to think first at the hacker and then at the community, there's where we got, I hope developers create the new no-cheat plugIn.

NickSharpx ☆

District 13
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
I would like to see in a different stats-page a top MCSGer of the week, yea, I know that this would make hackers play more but... ok no, I'm wrong, bad idea, when you start making an update for MCSG you have to think first at the hacker and then at the community, there's where we got, I hope developers create the new no-cheat plugIn.
As Ronnie said, this is the worst idea ever overall, you can't just think of something like this some random day, and as you said, you have to think about the community. Each player who is up there deserved it, as I did and as all of the others dis, and that's why I say to vote no the the global leaderboards reset.


Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
Guys, why a global stats reset?
The ranking is only a number.
For play MCSG is not important the ranking.
Players like Gravey4rd spent a lot of time for being in a good place on the leaderboard.
Ok, all the players with bad ratio will vote YES only for the stats reset, but they will not understand how much time the top players on the leaderboard has spent for being here.
So, for me is NO for this reasons, maybe can be created one more leaderboard that will be resetted any year.
P.S : Sorry for the bad english.
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