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Community Poll: Leaderboards Reset with Newest Update?

Assuming your old statistics would be saved separately, would you like the leaderboards to be reset?

  • Yes. I support Legacy Leaderboards, new statistics to track, and a global leaderboards reset.

    Votes: 883 53.7%
  • No. I don't want a global leaderboards reset nor new statistics to track. Keep everything as it is.

    Votes: 761 46.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Jun 24, 2014
Reaction score
Honestly if this happens a huge wave of teams and maybe hackers are coming lets be real. Overall no because again most of the people who vote yes have bad stats anyways that's why there are ( stat resets ) and being the point people that have worked really hard are going to be very upset and I guarantee a huge flame war within the community will spike so MCSG will probably lose 1000+ members and donors.


May 10, 2013
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How about daily/weekly/monthly leaderboards instead? That way people have the chance to be at the top of something without having to lose their overall stats. :D
Yes, just have a leaderboard with Monthly or every 3 Months, or Yearly. Keep the original leaderboard. This will make everyone happy, thus all of the veterans will not leave :D


God Himself
Apr 9, 2013
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This is not what I want from MCGamer... You look at this and think, Well, I'd totally love a leaderboard reset! Well, they have an option to reset YOUR stats. I've been here since April 2013. Took me over a year to get to number 5 on the leaderboards. I don't feel like spending more time on this server that is already going downhill. I view this as a way to get more people to play. Well, this isn't the way to get people to come and play more on your servers. Has any other game ever reset the stats of everyone? No. COD, one of the biggest gaming franchises ever hasn't. Don't reset everyone's stats because new players can't win. I quit playing MCSG to win. I play with friends and to have fun, not win. Yes I'm ranked 5 but who cares? It's a rank. A rank never and will never show your skill. Like oh wow, Gravey4rd is ranked #1? He must be the best player in worlddddddd! Well, no. Not even close. This is basically going back to the topic of who is the best pvper? No one can be. No ever will be. If you want to make it better for new players, have different leaderboards. Weekly, Monthly, and yearly leaderboards. Keep the leaderboards running and don't reset.


May 7, 2012
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Frankly... I think this vote should really be had amongst the top 250 players on the mcsg leaderboards...
It doesn't really affect anyone whose stats are not at the top.
The last time you all reset the leaderboards I was number 1.
I did not really mind, as my enjoyment of playing mcsg was not tied to my rank.
At least now you are giving us the option to have a legacy leaderboard.
All this being said, I support a global leaderboard reset now, as I did in the past when MCSGV2 came out.
Frankly the Stats should have a way to track the top players of the year, month, week, and even days... It would not be that hard to track.
Hopefully this will allow better tracking of hackers and those abusing the rules with boosting. I can look at the current leader board now and show you countless players with 50-150 wins in between leaderboard updates.... This is not possible.

This is not what I want from MCGamer... You look at this and think, Well, I'd totally love a leaderboard reset! Well, they have an option to reset YOUR stats. I've been here since April 2013. Took me over a year to get to number 5 on the leaderboards. I don't feel like spending more time on this server that is already going downhill. I view this as a way to get more people to play. Well, this isn't the way to get people to come and play more on your servers. Has any other game ever reset the stats of everyone? No. COD, one of the biggest gaming franchises ever hasn't. Don't reset everyone's stats because new players can't win. I quit playing MCSG to win. I play with friends and to have fun, not win. Yes I'm ranked 5 but who cares? It's a rank. A rank never and will never show your skill. Like oh wow, Gravey4rd is ranked #1? He must be the best player in worlddddddd! Well, no. Not even close. This is basically going back to the topic of who is the best pvper? No one can be. No ever will be. If you want to make it better for new players, have different leaderboards. Weekly, Monthly, and yearly leaderboards. Keep the leaderboards running and don't reset.
I was number 1 on mcsg at one point. Then They reset the leaderboards without asking anyones' opinion.... More people started playing, and "veterans" eventually came back. People come and go, your stats should not influence the enjoyment of playing on mcgamer... I mean that is why we play right....to have fun?

To be honest, this a great opportunity to sprout the craving of mcsg again, although I think you need to reward the top 10-100 or so then having a "Legacy Leaderboard" Maybe, you can have a special rank for 1, 2, and 3, such as Champion (Already Gold) Silver and Bronze rank, having the same level of VIP, but different, better colors :D It is just an idea in progress, so if you see some flaws in this idea, simply add, or subtract from this idea to perfect this. But in the gist, this is a great idea, but the high ranked players need a reason to play the server again, which was the example above, a kewl rank. Or maybe they get 16 fireworks at the beginning of the game? The ideas are endless. but yeah, cannot wait for the huge update :D
Rewarding people for hacking/boosting/abusing rules to accumulate wins is not in anyones best interest. 100 out of the top 150 abused the rules in some way.

Considering I worked so hard for the wins I have, the countless hours I put in... I would be quite devastated if this were to happen. I mean, really. The top players would also agree with me. I just don't think it's fair. I do believe it should be an option. As well as, people buying stats resets would find it a waste of money if this were to happen. I don't know, but if I weren't a Moderator and this happened, I would more than likely stop playing. I believe if this happened, a lot of top players would quit as there would be no more motivation to keep them going. And I can stand behind that statement.
At least they are giving us a poll this time... Last time the leaderboards were reset I was number 1. It didn't affect anything at all. Frankly the leaderboards should be reset annually or every 6 months.

I voted Yes. Just because, it would definitely be fun to see the entire MCSG players play extremely competitively :)

Lots of users will be trying their best to make it to #1 on the Leaderboards, but I can definitely see some people not supporting this, just because of the amount of wins they have, I also agree with monthly resets. It'll just be fun xD
This is the exact reason I voted yes. The last time the leaderboards were reset I was number 1. It didn't really affect me because I don't play for a rank, I play to have fun.... It would bring back alot of the fun to see everyone get competative again.
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Aug 10, 2014
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I voted yes.

Here's my reason behind it:
I personally think this would be a sort of stimulant to the community. It would encourage players to be at the top, and people would most definitely play more. For me, at least, I honestly couldn't care less about my ratio or the amount of wins I have, because I know that I would have to no-life MCSG to be at the top of the leaderboards. Regardless of whether or not I try, I'm not the best PvP'er anyway. The stat reset would motivate me to at least have a decent ratio, or at least something better than what I have now. I would have no intention on trying to be high up on the leaderboards, but at least I would care about losing.

Now, there are so many great pvp'ers who are relatively new to the community, and they can't make it to the top of the leaderboards, because, well, like the thread says, the leaderboards are almost two years old. It's almost impossible for new players to make it to the top 1000, much less the top 100, and that's where people want to be. I think that this will also change the perspective of PvP, and this will give the community another PvP'er to look up to as their "role-model" I guess you could say.

If you're pouting because you don't want to lose your amazing stats, it's really not that bad. You can just add your current wins to your old wins if you're that upset. That's kind of the reason why the old stats will still exist, for reference.

I just think MCSG needs something new, and a stat reset seems like a good idea to me.
This has its ups and downs But in the end I agree with you.


God Himself
Apr 9, 2013
Reaction score
I was number 1 on mcsg at one point. Then They reset the leaderboards without asking anyones' opinion.... More people started playing, and "veterans" eventually came back. People come and go, your stats should not influence the enjoyment of playing on mcgamer... I mean that is why we play right....to have fun?
All they want is money. Lol.


Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score
I would prefer to keep the leaderboard how it is, but implement daily/weekly/monthly leaderboards, too.


Sep 4, 2014
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Hello Tributes,

There are some exciting things on the horizon for MCGamer, such as a very big update that is planned to be released quite soon. While we won't spoil the surprise of what's in store, we will freely admit that this update will bring quite a few suggestions and features that you all have been clamoring for.

But now we find ourselves in a position that we must ask you, the community, for your input.

Poll Information

Poll Question:
"Assuming your old statistics would be saved on a separate "Legacy Leaderboards" page, would you like the leaderboards to be reset for a fresh start?"

Topic Summary:
Our current MCSG leaderboards and the information they contain is nearly 2 years old. The new update brings with it the chance to augment and improve our current leaderboards system. With the update, we would be able to increase the number of statistics we could track per person, as well as build the necessary backbone to track some more complicated stats as well (daily leaderboards, anyone?). However, we could only track those new things if everyone's stats are reset, allowing us to work with a clean slate for everyone.

As such, the release of the network update would be the perfect time to "start again fresh" with a global reset of the MCSG, QQ, and SGC leaderboards. In addition, we would offer "Legacy Leaderboards" for historical reference (see below).
But we also acknowledge that some people may wish to continue using the statistics they have been building up for the last 2+ years. Do note that if we continued to use the old statistics, we would not be able to add in new things to track.

Do note that all statistics up to that point would be saved on a separate leaderboards, called the, "Legacy Leaderboards". Here, everyone's old MCSG, SGC, and QQ statistics from V2 to the new update would be saved for players to see. These leaderboards would not be updated, but it would be kept for historical reference.

Argument Summary:
Arguments in favor of a global reset:
    • The current leaderboards are very stacked against new players. Players who have just recently started playing don't have a chance at becoming one of the top 100 players simply because they're competing with players with a year's worth of experience or more.
    • A fresh restart would be fair and fun for everyone. It's fun to start a new game, and a global reset would be like starting a new game for everyone.
    • New competition and interest rejuvenation. By having a global reset, everyone's stats start at zero. Not only will this give everyone a chance to be an awesome rank on the leaderboards, but that encourages renewed competition between players as everyone races to be the new top player. This will definitely encourage interest in newer players.
    • Legacy Leaderboards is awesome! Anyone who fears that the stats they worked so hard on will be forgotten have nothing to fear. Their effort won't be a waste as their stats are memorialized, and they'll be getting a new leaderboards to work towards again. It's the best of both worlds.
    • New statistics! I love numbers! And we can't have those new numbers if we don't do the reset.
Arguments against a global reset:
    • It is not fair to hardcore players who have worked so hard for their stats. Despite the presence of the Legacy Leaderboards, these players want to continue building their stats for the sake of climbing the leaderboards. Resetting their stats would put their effort to waste.
    • By having a global reset, hardcore players will get demoralized that their stats are gone. This may encourage those same players to stop playing, and thus reduce competition ingame.
    • I just don't like change.
Vote Summary:
A vote Yes means:
    • Everyone's statistics would be reset upon release of the update, giving everyone a global fresh start with stats on the new system.
    • The new leaderboards will feature a greater number of statistics items due to the a global reset status.
    • The Legacy Leaderboards page would be created to offer historical reference for statistics prior to the update.
A vote No means:
    • Everyone's statistics would not be reset upon release of the update. Everyone's stats will be carried over from the previous leaderboards.
    • The new leaderboards will not have any of the new statistics items. The new leaderboards would only track the same statistics that the old leaderboards does.
    • The Legacy Leaderboards page would not be created, as it would be unnecessary.
Also, be sure to vote in our in-game poll as well! The results of both polls will be used in the final verdict.

Questions? Comments? Opinions? Feel free to ask them below.
Note: we can only answer questions that pertain to the poll itself. We are not at liberty to discuss the details of the update. You just have to wait for the official announcement.
yall should add 1v1 servers!
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