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How to tell Hacking from Skill


Aug 12, 2014
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Hello guys! This is my first thread on the MCSG Forums, and Today I will show you how to tell the difference between Hacking and Pure Skill! Enjoy :)
Aimbot: This is the most often kind of hacks I have been accused for. If the person you think is hacking is fighting someone afk, this is not enough evidence of aimbot! Aimbot is when the person gets almost every hit and their head jerks around and up into the air. If you see their head moving back and forth, this cannot be taken as sufficient evidence since if you have a high sensitivity like me, you can easily do that. Also if you see their head doing that and moving a little, they might be shaking their mouse cursor.
Forcefield: Forcefield is pretty simple... Hitting a group of people and not looking at them. These kind of hacks are also very common and are easy to tell from skill. If they just hit you and get every hit, even from behind.. they are hacking.
KillAura: Basically the same as Forcefield :/
MultiAura: What LeafyGreenTea used to use and got popular for it. Here is the video:
Lastly I want to tell you guys something, If you see a player that you think is hacking using the fishing rod and Flint and steel good and correctly, they just might be good. Anyways, why would you need those items if you were hacking? Common Sense. Also I do not want to here "Being good is Bannable on MCSG" Anymore cause that just makes us feel bad for banning innocents for hacks, doesn't it? Also the Player might me lagging.
Thanks guys for joining me today for my first thread here :). This thread is ment to help Staff members tell from hacks, lag and, skill. So Staff and Members of the community, I am only gonna say this once: You need to look at ALL the clues, don't just ban cause it looks like hacks.. Thank you for your time :)
Last edited:


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Wow, this thread is pretty useful for those having troubles telling the difference! I would think this should be pinned in tips and tricks section in the forums so people can see. And I think LeafyGreenTea totally wasn't hacking. I bet he is so pro, he can do it really quickly. Jitter click quick. xP *Sarcasm*


Jun 21, 2013
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I would also like to point out a few things I have noticed for identifying hackers.
  • Aimbot works in such a way that the bot tries to click in the center of the player they are attacking. This is why they often "look up" when normal players know that looking up does not help hit someone.
  • Aimbot users may hit you as soon as you come into range, whether they are crafting, in a chest, or walking in the opposite direction.
  • Aimbot users sort of leap into someone's old position as soon as they kill them.
  • I don't know what kind of hack this is called, but if someone is running backwards, running with their bow pulled back, or has unnatural acceleration, that is hacking. By unnatural acceleration, I mean that they come to full sprinting speed as soon as they press W, whereas a normal player takes half a second.
  • Fly hacks are auto-detected, but some players have a watered down version of fly hacking in which they can glide across a mountainside. They can also hover above water and jump over objects 1.5 blocks tall.
  • Speed hackers are most obvious in water or on flat ground. If you are spectating a game at the start, you can focus on the cornucopia, and you will often see one person speed hack into the middle to loot corn.


Mar 9, 2014
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Just a few things from my own experience:
KillAura: Basically the same as Aimbot :/
This is actually incorrect. Forcefield and Kill Aura are the same hack, but they can have a different name depending on what the hacked client chose it to be named.

  • Aimbot users may hit you as soon as you come into range, whether they are crafting, in a chest, or walking in the opposite direction.
This would be a combination of both Aimbot and Kill Aura. The aimbot will cause the player's head to snap backwards and the Kill Aura will make it possible to hit them while being in a chest. Always remember, Aimbot will make your head follow the player constantly, but you still have to click yourself. While Kill Aura will click for you (sometimes in a variable range and speed, depending on the client), but you still have to aim for yourself.

Someone who were to use Click Aimbot, would automatically hit a player from the moment they started looking at the player. You could see this as a combination of the two in a way. Maybe a little confusing, but that's how it is. :p

  • I don't know what kind of hack this is called, but if someone is running backwards, running with their bow pulled back, or has unnatural acceleration, that is hacking. By unnatural acceleration, I mean that they come to full sprinting speed as soon as they press W, whereas a normal player takes half a second.
If they were running backwards or if they had unnatural acceleration, they would be using regular Speed or Sprint hacks. If they would be sprinting at full speed while eating or while pulling back a bow, they would be using No Slowdown.

But in general, a really nice guide to make players aware of the difference. Good job! :)


Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
Just a few things from my own experience:

This is actually incorrect. Forcefield and Kill Aura are the same hack, but they can have a different name depending on what the hacked client chose it to be named.

This would be a combination of both Aimbot and Kill Aura. The aimbot will cause the player's head to snap backwards and the Kill Aura will make it possible to hit them while being in a chest. Always remember, Aimbot will make your head follow the player constantly, but you still have to click yourself. While Kill Aura will click for you (sometimes in a variable range and speed, depending on the client), but you still have to aim for yourself.

Someone who were to use Click Aimbot, would automatically hit a player from the moment they started looking at the player. You could see this as a combination of the two in a way. Maybe a little confusing, but that's how it is. :p

If they were running backwards or if they had unnatural acceleration, they would be using regular Speed or Sprint hacks. If they would be sprinting at full speed while eating or while pulling back a bow, they would be using No Slowdown.

But in general, a really nice guide to make players aware of the difference. Good job! :)
Fixed it :)

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