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Leaving - shadowblaze12


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Sad to see you go. Yet another community member gone D:


Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score


Apr 26, 2013
Reaction score
remember when me and you made that kid rage in battlegrounds by targeting him all night? goood times


Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys, I'm writing this because I'm leaving MC/PC. I'll be on every once in a while, just not actually daily on. I want to keep this short and simple since I have a party to go to in about 2 hours or so, and I still have to do a very large list of things. So, yep. This is it.

1.) - Bored -
Well, Minecraft's gotten boring for me. It's gotten hard to keep the spark alive. To find new and fun things to do in Minecraft. So, it's gotten boring. MCSG's gotten boring for me, and so has CS:GO. Therefore, I may be doing a skin giveaway in the future.

2.) - IRL -
PC's been away for me to be social, to be with friends. You guys have given me my big break, and school's starting back up again, and I've seen alot of my friends. I'm getting back into IRL things nowadays, and I rarely get on, except to check up on MCSG Forums, Skype, and just play Minecraft for a few minutes, and get back on in a week. I'd like to converse more with IRL things such as friends, parties, football games, basketball's starting up again soon, so I'm starting to lift weights and workout and such, which ends up in no time for games and sitting down. (Sitting down causes your abs and stomach to grow, I believe.)

3.) - School/Academics -
School started back up again, and I got all AP classes (yay me). Which means lots of homework, and lots of focusing. I don't have time to think about things like "Oooo, I figured out a new chest route on Valleyside c:". I need lots of credit scores for college, if I want to become an engineer and eventually earn my Master's Degree. My studies become far more important than Minecraft and PC.

4.) - Sports -
Ahh, yes, the thing I have been contemplating all summer. Well, all summer, I've been preparing for basketball and other sports. I need some extra-curricular activities in my college application (I know, it's a little early.) And, I love basketball and football. I often forgot the plays because of distractions. Well, that's all over. I need to get rid of this addiction, and IRL things have been a good remedy.

5.) - Family -
I need to please my family and parents with grades if I want them to stay happy and free of stress. I want them to be proud of me, and to fill my siblings footsteps and be great. I can't sit around all day and play minecraft and please them at the same time.

PEOPLE - Here are some people that have affected me throughout my journey in MCGamer.

Ag | Alex -

Good luck out there man, I really do love you as a friend. You've been there for me for everything, and I can't thank you enough for it man. Which is why I'm giving you 2 of my skins on CSGO, any of them. I'll be there for you man, just kik me. Good luck dude. c:

Jasmine -

We've been through a lot, recently, we became "un-friends" I guess you could say. I'm writing this because even though we stopped being friends, you've been there for me a lot. I can't just say goodbye to that, without a proper one. So, I wish you goodluck with Drake, and I'm sorry for all that I did to you in these past few weeks.

rcazilla23rocks -
We might've lost touch in the past year, but I still want to thank you for getting me into clans. I wouldn't be here writing this if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have had the best experience I have had. I want to thank you for that, man. c:

Jccandfriends -
Hey God, sorry for leaving you. Good luck with the clan, tbh, I can kinda see in the future it being passed down to you. If that were to happen, you'd be a good leader. Good luck in the clan battle Jc, I know you can give us that win :)

Maxypie - Zoeticly - myruhh7 -
Hey guys, thanks for taking me in as your own in Rebels. It's been a long ride, and this has been fun. Max, thanks for leading the clan that I've come to know as the best people. Zoeticly/Maddy, you were the nicest person to me while I was trial. Sometimes people got sat for me while I was trial, and they got mad at me. You always kept my head up, and always kept my hopes up. Good luck in the future, :) Mayra, thanks for being there for me as the only spanish person :( I wish you good luck with the clan, you're a great leader. c:

Kimberly - BYE DAUGHTER <3

As for everyone else, I'm sorry if I forgot.
@AllOfRebels- Keep me in the clan, as I said, I'm just leaving but I'll be on for at least 10 minutes to see how everyone's doing.

Also: I'd like to leave on a good note, as a "gift" to everyone.​

Blazerboy | Noah -
I'm sorry for being a Inappropriate body part on a male to you sometimes, good luck out there. I'm glad that you're no longer depressed, and again, I'm sorry :)

Jasmine - Tell Drake I said "I'm sorry, and I hope we can still be friends." I lost touch with him, so I need somejuan.

UpdatinStatus - We got in a fight once in TS or something and I'm sorry for doing whatever I did that long ago. I'm pretty sure I pissed off someone in EV, so I wanted to say I'm sorry.

Rhino1928 - I'm pretty sure we're friends now, but I'm sorry about that fight we had a very long time ago. That was a stupid and a not needed fight, and I'm sorry.

agentkiller158 - I never really pissed you off of some sort, but I want to say I'm sorry for not talking to you that much anymore, I miss you man. Goodbye. </3

Fenomous - Damn, hopefully we're friends now. Not to long ago, we got so pissed at each other for a reason I can't even remember. I'm sorry man, for being a Inappropriate body part on a male and complaining all the time. Goodbye.

Cscoop - Sorry for always busting your balls (lol) about that skin I wanted you to make, see you man.
Blazer, dude that fight we had, was stupid and I agree with you, it got in the way of a good friendship we now have :) It will be sad to see you go (then again I am not on much either ;-;) Anyway mate, good luck :) And I hope to talk to you soon if possible

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