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Luckiest MCSG moment

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Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
What is the luckiest moment you have EVER had on MCSG?

So it's SG 1 and im playing with my teammate.
I go straight for the pirate ship with him. We get there and there is a guy with a wood axe looting the chests, we tag team punch him. He kills my friend and I back away with 1 heart. Right after that, another kid runs down and punches him to death. I run in, grab the axe, and kill him. I got a diamond. Next some guy comes down, throws a diamond at me for peace. I kill him, go to corn, make a diamond sword, then win that game.

Pretty Sweet

Your turn, your luckiest moment, share it with me.


District 13
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
I was playing Mcsg ruins and all I had was leather pants and a stone axe, when suddenly, the guy with full iron armor and diamond sword fall off the floating island and lands right in front of me. He dies, I take his stuff, I win. What luck......
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
I was playing Mcsg ruins and all I had was leather pants and a stone axe, when suddenly, the guy with full iron armor and diamond sword fall off the floating island and lands right in front of me. He dies, I take his stuff, I win. What luck......
Lol, awesome


May 31, 2012
Reaction score
Playing with my friends in early MCSG release (after Beta). We were all noobs at the time, so we had no idea what we were doing. We only had leather armor + stone swords/axes. Finishing running our "route" (not really a route, lol) when all of a sudden two people in Iron Armor + Diamond Swords come up and fight eachother. We sneak the victor and kill them. I got my first win ;D


Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
I was playing on Survival Games #1, this is one of my worst maps. I hate it with a passion mainly because I don't have a route, Well, I do, but It isn't that efficient, so I don't consider it a route at all, lol. But anyways, I was on Survival Games #1, after running my 'Route' I came out with a Leather Cap, and a Wooden Axe. On my way back to corn, over the bridge, it turns out I was being followed. Now, I knew I was able too kill the user in a normal 1v1, but I was way under Geared for what he was wearing. Full Iron, and a Diamond sword. (I think on the diamond sword; not 100%, hence I think I just got a flash of it while I was sprinting away, can't be 100% on this). Anyways, at the time, I just assumed that he did indeed have a Diamond sword, which left me no chance. So instead, I ran, ran some more, and ran some more. We reached corn, turns out there was another user there. As I looked behind me, I saw the user in Iron/Diamond has left me alone, and there was just a hopeless guy standing there with a diamond in his hand, inside the crafting table... Nomnom. Anyways...

I sprinted for the user crafting, got a few hits on him, but it was just a few seconds later he turned around and started laying hits on me. He got my pretty low, so I sprinted away from him. As I'm running through the trees (Again) the iron guy just randomly jumped down from the tree, and one hit the guy with a diamond sword in the face. He then looked at me, and said, from the Movies, 'Just this time #2 (My district)' and then he tossed me the diamond sword. As soon as I got the sword, I sprinted after my route, gathered a bunch of gear, I still wasn't the strongest of all users, but I had my Prot 2 chain helmet, and a bit of gold. On my way back over the bridge, I confronted the user who gave me the diamond sword and said that 'famous' quote. He was directly on the other side of the bridge of me, with only Five air blocks in the middle of us. I turned around and sprinted off (I was recently low due to fail parkour) after him chasing me again, we did sort of a circle, and ended up back on the bridge. As I went to jump across the bridge, mid air, I turned around, shot the user once with my arrow, and he dropped dead. I have no idea how he was so low... Anyways, I landed a block to high, just one block, and also died. Where then a user with a leather Helmet, and a sapling runs over, and picks up all of our stuff, and ends up winning the games.

I guess it isn't really my luckiest/best story, but the Arrow show forced me too share it :p As you can see, I started with just a Leather Helmet, and almost came back too win, just like the user that got our stuff, the main point is... Never give up! :p I win 1/2 my games by not getting anything on my route, and simply; joining fights already started, Flint and Steel, pulling an Egrodo (Where you quickly do a 180 degrease turn, and hit the user behind you with an arrow) Keep in mind that's what I just call it. So yeah, don't expect to Win/Lose just because you have Worse/Better gear, you never know what happens in the might world of the Survival Games. :p

So yeah, in the end, I wasn't the luck one, I guess, so we'll just call that Leather Cap guy the lucky one. ;)


District 13
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Lol, awesome
My friends actually get mad at me for how lucky I am. In survival once my friend had been mining for days without getting diamonds but then I went down into the shaft, broke the block to my right and found 8 diamonds. He raged and killed me :/


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
My friends actually get mad at me for how lucky I am. In survival once my friend had been mining for days without getting diamonds but then I went down into the shaft, broke the block to my right and found 8 diamonds. He raged and killed me :/
personally your friend wasnt mining efficiently if he didnt find them ;)
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
I was playing on Survival Games #1, this is one of my worst maps. I hate it with a passion mainly because I don't have a route, Well, I do, but It isn't that efficient, so I don't consider it a route at all, lol. But anyways, I was on Survival Games #1, after running my 'Route' I came out with a Leather Cap, and a Wooden Axe. On my way back to corn, over the bridge, it turns out I was being followed. Now, I knew I was able too kill the user in a normal 1v1, but I was way under Geared for what he was wearing. Full Iron, and a Diamond sword. (I think on the diamond sword; not 100%, hence I think I just got a flash of it while I was sprinting away, can't be 100% on this). Anyways, at the time, I just assumed that he did indeed have a Diamond sword, which left me no chance. So instead, I ran, ran some more, and ran some more. We reached corn, turns out there was another user there. As I looked behind me, I saw the user in Iron/Diamond has left me alone, and there was just a hopeless guy standing there with a diamond in his hand, inside the crafting table... Nomnom. Anyways...

I sprinted for the user crafting, got a few hits on him, but it was just a few seconds later he turned around and started laying hits on me. He got my pretty low, so I sprinted away from him. As I'm running through the trees (Again) the iron guy just randomly jumped down from the tree, and one hit the guy with a diamond sword in the face. He then looked at me, and said, from the Movies, 'Just this time #2 (My district)' and then he tossed me the diamond sword. As soon as I got the sword, I sprinted after my route, gathered a bunch of gear, I still wasn't the strongest of all users, but I had my Prot 2 chain helmet, and a bit of gold. On my way back over the bridge, I confronted the user who gave me the diamond sword and said that 'famous' quote. He was directly on the other side of the bridge of me, with only Five air blocks in the middle of us. I turned around and sprinted off (I was recently low due to fail parkour) after him chasing me again, we did sort of a circle, and ended up back on the bridge. As I went to jump across the bridge, mid air, I turned around, shot the user once with my arrow, and he dropped dead. I have no idea how he was so low... Anyways, I landed a block to high, just one block, and also died. Where then a user with a leather Helmet, and a sapling runs over, and picks up all of our stuff, and ends up winning the games.

I guess it isn't really my luckiest/best story, but the Arrow show forced me too share it :p As you can see, I started with just a Leather Helmet, and almost came back too win, just like the user that got our stuff, the main point is... Never give up! :p I win 1/2 my games by not getting anything on my route, and simply; joining fights already started, Flint and Steel, pulling an Egrodo (Where you quickly do a 180 degrease turn, and hit the user behind you with an arrow) Keep in mind that's what I just call it. So yeah, don't expect to Win/Lose just because you have Worse/Better gear, you never know what happens in the might world of the Survival Games. :p

So yeah, in the end, I wasn't the luck one, I guess, so we'll just call that Leather Cap guy the lucky one. ;)
OMG long message :eek:
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