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Staff Captain's Log, Stardate 9.25.14: Signing Off

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
I hope to keep this short and sweet while also saying everything I feel I should talk about. Somehow I don't think that's gonna be possible... c:

When I applied for staff, I promised in my application that I would never resign, EVER. If I were to not be a member of staff anymore, it would only be because I was leaving for good and not planning to come back in the future. I was hoping to hold off on this until I reached my 2 year anniversary in the community, but reality hit me. The reality is sometimes life chooses the path for you, and I feel strongly that now is my time to say goodbye.

I still feel that I could be a contributing member of staff and of the community. Time's not the problem; I have quite a bit of that on my hands. I'm only 15, turning 16 in November. However, I'm slowly moving into a new phase of my life. Minecraft and the online experience has slowly moved down in ranks of what is important to me. I no longer have the interest to play of my own accord, and I haven't truly played MCGamer or Minecraft in general for about a month.

One of my own self-rules I choose to abide by is that I never want to feel as though something I haven chosen to do has become a chore. As of now, being here is starting to feel like a chore and I really can't keep my false sense of happiness up for much longer. Even just going on Teamspeak and talking with other members of the staff and community feels weird to me. I really can't explain how I feel about this that well, but I truly believe that I am making the right decision in this.

To further explain, in my eyes everything in the community is different now. I miss the times where I was one of many people who joined around my time active in the community. It's gotten to the point where I see myself as outdated here considering a majority of the active forum and community population joined after me. I can feel myself being pushed out and replaced by a newer age, a newer generation. Many of the friends I had when I joined this amazing community are no longer active or part of the community at all. Frankly, I don't have anyone here left that I truly consider a good friend. The experience here as of now just has a completely different feel to it than the feel it gave me when I was new and in the middle of my time here.

In my departing letter (it has yet to begin :p), I'll be sharing a condensed version of all I can remember on my story here at MCGamer, some of my accomplishments here, and some interesting facts about myself. I will also contemplate on how my experience in this community has changed my life significantly, and give some of my thoughts on what truly matters in life. I hope you all enjoy or find this at least a little bit interesting. :)

My Story

Early Years
I was born into the world on Thanksgiving of 1998 - November 26th. Throughout my early childhood, I was raised as a Catholic and taught by my parents how to be a respectful and kind person. How I was raised impacted heavily on the type of person I am now (thanks Mom and Dad!), as my family life was extremely important. When I started school, I was miles ahead of almost all the other kids in my grade. By the end of Kindergarten, I was already up to the reading level of a 5th grader, mainly because I loved to read. During Elementary School, I was known as one of the more nerdy kids because of how I did in school, even though I did actually play soccer. I didn't really have that many friends in my early ages, and would take to reading by myself a ton. I loved imagining books in my head and picturing all the cool things happening, and would often think up alternate realities of my own hours upon hours. I relied on books to keep my life going smoothly, and thus developed a rather independent style of life.

Another great impact on my life was sports. I started playing soccer when I was 3 all the way up until I turned 10. I was never the best at the game, but I learned to enjoy it as much as I could. I generated a greatly more overpowering interest towards American Football, and would sit in front of the TV every Sunday watching as much football as I could. I often would go outside and toss the football with myself pretending I was many of the star players and reenacting games, creating my own version of the NFL. By 5th grade, I could pretty much name all the starting players of every team in the NFL. My love for football was extremely influential in my life. This gave me the competitive side of myself that I still exhibit today.

Intro into Gaming
I was 5 years old when I started playing video games. My dad first sat me in front of a computer when I was 5 and taught me basically everything about computers at that time. Our computer ran on Windows 98, and I still remember it like it was yesterday. :p My father had a huge interest in PCs, and would often go on eBay buying parts and building PCs himself. Then, he'd spin them making quite a bit of profit. This is what first got me interested in the world of technology.

Because of my love of Star Wars, the first game I ever remember playing was Star Wars Episode 1: Racer.

I played this with a joystick and I can actually still remember many of the different courses I played in this game even though it's been 10 years since I last played it.

The second game my parents got me was based off my love for American Football.

I played Madden 07 for hours upon hours and never got tired of it. Again, my imagination took control and I'd create custom teams based off of pretty much anything. My love for statistics and preciseness grew off of this game, as I really got the sense of how the player ratings impacted on the game.

When I entered into 4th grade, my parents surprised my sister (who is two years younger than me) and I with a game console: the Nintendo Wii. They vowed that we'd never own a game console because they thought video games would hurt our childhood, but they decided to change their minds and got us a Wii mainly because it was more "active" of a game system. We actually had to move around while playing as apposed to "rotting our brains out" just sitting and staring at the screen.

The Wii was the first real gaming experience I had growing up. When I entered into 7th grade, MW3 and Skyrim were all the rage and I decided I had to try them. I saved up and combined with the money I already saved, I bought an Xbox 360. I built up a library of games, and still today I play Xbox regularly. This got me into the world of multiplayer gaming.

In 2009, one of my best IRL friends I have now nautilus introduced me to Minecraft. I distinctly recall him showing me the game back when it was in the Classic version; playable in the Web-Browser. I thought it was an interesting game, but really didn't put much thought into it.

Fast-forward many years later: I'm entering my 8th grade year, and am starting to become a bit more social IRL. That's when I met a good friend of mine who wanted to add me on Xbox Live. I'll never forget when he told me I should fork over $20 and buy Minecraft. I really wasn't a big console gamer, so I questioned how much I'd actually play at the time. Low and behold, I ended up playing a lot more than I thought!

Minecraft was new to me. Survival mode was scary. I had problems making it through the first few nights. When I entered caves, I always felt that suspense that a mob would randomly drop in front of me, killing me mercilessly. I put my heart and soul into playing, and had a blast! The first Minecraft Youtuber I ever watched was a Brit by the name of ArchmageMelek. A few months later, I found out Minecraft was available on the PC. I bought it for my laptop in October of 2012, and named my account "CaptainJS". I was known IRL as "Captain Jon" by a lot of my classmates, so that's what I based my name off of. ;)

My MCSG Story, from November 2012 to November 2013
I already wrote a MCSG story back the first time I left MCGamer.

My MCSG Story, from January 2014 to Now

The months from November 2013 to December 2013, I took a break from MCSG. I'm not sure I would have ever come back, had it not been for SociallyAK. At the time, he was the leader of the clan called React. I remember thinking to myself that I would only ever come back to MCGamer if I could find a clan I could establish myself in. React was that clan, the clan that brought me back. I had remembered SociallyAK from back in my days leading United and we were pretty good friends, so I figured I'd apply for React and give it a shot. If I remember correctly, I was actually invited for the sole purpose of competing in their first Clan Wars match against Republic. We ended up winning, and I stuck with React for a while! I was promoted to officer after a few weeks, and eventually got chosen to be a replacement leader for Nick.

In January, I bought the account I now play on, Lqzer.

Pretty much the same thing as January, except at the end of the month I left React since I was unhappy about some of the decision making.

At the beginning of the month, I was banned 3 days for first offense spam. I made a ban dispute, and my ban was successfully appealed. However, other clanmates of mine didn't end up getting unbanned. I consider myself very lucky to have gotten unbanned - if I hadn't, I would never be here today.

During March, I got back into being more involved with the community and less involved with clans. I also was extremely dedicated towards another server network I was Admin on.
Nothing else important happened to me during March.

Throughout the month of April, I hung out on Teamspeak a lot with the community and reapplied for moderator. On April 19th, Easter Saturday, my application was moved to interview which I eventually, after 1 hour and 15 minutes, passed! :) I had no waiting buddies due to the fact that the entire process took only 2 days. I applied for moderator solely to be able to help those that needed help.

May was probably the month that I did the most work ever as a moderator. I was dedicated to my job, and helped out quite a bit.

Throughout last summer, I led a clan known as Ascendancy. It was an extremely fun and pretty successful clan. Without the help from these people, it never would have ended up as good as it was:
Giggity69Goo (love ya)
MrKorrenian (great friend :))
and everyone else part of the clan.

MCGamer effects on Life
What can I say? It's been a great ride. I think one of the things I've learned most about is dealing with adversity; achieving the near-impossible. Defeating all odds. For me to be here in this position after being
a) previously demoted
b) banned
says a lot about how much you can accomplish if you just put your mind to it. Heck, I never thought I'd be back as a staff member, but here I am now! ^-^

Being here, I also have developed my social skills greatly both online and IRL. Before I found this amazing community, I was known as "that guy"- the annoying, nerdy kid nobody really likes and stays away from because he's "too mature for his age" and is a "fun-killer".

Now, I am one of the more popular students in my grade thanks mostly to the development of my social skills. I know what to say in the right situations, and have an easier time talking to people. I'd like to thank all of you for helping me out! :)

My Achievements
Some of my achievements I've earned here during my time in the community:

1000 wins exactly on all 3 of my accounts including stat resets
3,775 posts on the forums, enough for the top posting member of staff
2nd Place for Best Moderator in the 4th MCGamer Awards

About Me
First name: Jon
IGN(s): Lqzer, CaptainJS
Nickname(s): Captain
Age: 15
Region: US
One Cool Fact: I'm practically a walking NFL encyclopedia
One Embarrassing Fact: I'm a movie-crier. ;-;
One Fact that makes you proud: I rank 2nd in my class. :)
Most Common question you get asked: Can I talk to you and can you help me? :)
Favorite Animal: Cats ^-^
Favorite Color: Midnight Green
Favorite Food: Hmm... Probably Cheesesteaks.
Biggest Pet Peeve: people that don't try their hardest and give up because they don't have the will
Personal Catchphrase: "Do you need help?"
First friend in the community: ulthar & Virtual
MCG role-model: Lively
Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?: It depends if it's IRL or over Minecraft.
Call me maybe? plz i fen
Do you team in game: I play solo. c:
Have you been backstabbed: Yes, unfortunately... ;-;
Ever Broken a bone: A finger and a toe
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?: Fish; I can float alone by myself. :)
Personal Skills: I'm pretty good with building PCs and operating technology; also, I excel at science and math.
Computer specs:
Computer operating system: A modded version of Windows 8.1
Program I use to record: FRAPS and Camtasia
Favorite movie: The LOTR series
Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer: The Killers, Imagine Dragons
Favorite game (other than Minecraft): Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney ALSO Madden NFL Football
Favorite character from fiction: Merlin
What does a fox say? Nope.
Terrified of: Heights
Favorite website (Other than these forums): BleacherReport
Dream job: NFL Player, Coach, or Analyst
Favorite thing about the community: Helping others ^-^

Before I go, I just want to take the opportunity to thank every single one of you. Thank you for making this community enjoyable for me to be a part of: without you guys, I wouldn't have the opportunity to serve as staff here.

Never give up on your dreams. Just because something might seem impossible, don't automatically cross it off your list. If you believe and put your mind to it, you can do practically anything. ^-^

Thank you MCGamer, for giving me this great opportunity and having a lasting impact on my life. It's safe to say I probably won't ever be a moderator here again, let alone be back for things other than a "hello" once in a while. I absolutely loved spending time with all of you, and I'll miss helping people here for a long while. When I joined, I never thought MCSG would be such a big part of my life as it has become. I will miss my moderation duties and above all my role in the community, but I'll never forget you all. <3

For the last time,

Last edited:


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Wow. :( I just want to say, you were an amazing Moderator. I and many other people appreciate the work you have done. Hopefully you can pop in the Teamspeak every once in awhile to say hi. Good luck in life my man.... <3


Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
Honsestly you have one of the best friends in mcsg. You have helped me get out of tricky situations *wink *wink and you did everything you could to help me please remember me I will always remember you. You are a great role model and get doing what you are doing in live good luck! And I think you know who it is....

Just Thanks for everything.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score

(wow im hurt not a single mention of me OR Elitesquad. wooooooooooooooooooow okaaaaaaaaaaaaay </3 i thot wat we had wuz speshul)

You are, and were, an amazing person.
You were a great forumer, and I was rooting for you to become a Moderator. At long last, you did.
As a Moderator, you did great. If you were ever online and I needed the assistance of a Mod, you were one of the people that I would go to.
And you're also a really cool guy. :) I'm glad that I was able to talk to you about those things. *cough cough*

well we're talking on skype now so yeah


May 12, 2013
Reaction score
;-; no. You were an excellent mod. I do hope that whatever you do in life, you have some fun, and keep your head up :)


Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Lqzer or should I say Captain.

You are probably, if not the best one of the best moderators this server has had. You are such a dedicated person, and an amazing role model. You inspired me to work as hard as I do for this server. You may have been an amazing moderator, but you were also a great friend. You were always fun to talk to, and just have a conversation with. I will miss those times. Just in general, I want to thank you for being there for me when I needed you, or when I was just bored :p

But, I completely understand you reasoning for having to go. I respect how honest you are on how you would like to live your life. The most important part was you were honest to yourself. You knew it was your time to go, and you did. You did what you wanted to do, which is sometimes hard when you're not quite sure of what to do.

In conclusion, great letter, and thank you for sharing your life with us.

Your Friend,
Zach :)

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