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And it all ends here...

Justin / Bullet

Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score
Hey there!
I'm Justin, otherwise known as BulletJC or Bullet. You may have heard of me on these servers, you may not have. It won't matter after this post though :c

Today, I'm writing to you about my nearly half a year journey on MCSG, starting in March 2014 and ending today, September 21st, 2014. It's been one hell of a ride, let me tell you that right now. Friendships created, bonds strengthened, all with people over the Internet. All with people who play MCSG. This being said... let's begin with my story, shall we?

It all started in November of 2013. Some friends of mine were talking about this game… called Minecraft. Well, being the kid I am, I always go with what's mainstream, what's popular. I had never really played any computer video games before, so I was a complete amateur at this stuff. I didn't even know how to buy Minecraft xD

So yeah. I was pretty bad. Anyways, my first account was given to me by a close friend of mine IRL, and the account username was Bossbrawlcraft. The stats on MCSG for Bossbrawlcraft aren't mine, but rather my friends. He used to play on it. So, I started playing on a couple of build/faction servers. There weren't really any raids, as it was more of people build their own thing and let others see it. :p I forget what the faction server was called, but I was really, really bad at building and at Minecraft in general. I remember rocking this little 3x3 dirt house that I built, and thinking that I was a chief. B)

After a little bit, I started going on this server called "Vikkcraft" with some people on the faction server I played. Vikkcraft (an SG server) still exists, I believe, and it's run by Vikkstar123. It was hosted in Europe, and for an EU server, I got surprisingly good hits and ping to it. This is where I started learning the basics of PvP. On that server, there were no rods, no FnS, no nothing. Just swords, food, and the basic stuff. This was back in 1.6.4, so everyone still used BSM on that server, including the owner himself. xD I got into the habit of just clicking one key, and my sprint would be toggled on until I clicked it again. The NCP was really freakin' weird, and everyone was like getting 6 block hits lol. I got really good on that server (compared to the rest of the noobs who played it), and I remember being Top 3 in their puny little leaderboards.

At this point, I was getting bored of the name Bossbrawlcraft, so I asked more friends for another account. Another one of my good IRL friends gave me the account with the name akkumoli. The stats on that account for MCSG aren't mine, as I'm fairly sure some friends still use it. So, with this new account, brand new stats, 0/0, I got it to like 100/200 or something like that within the first week of playing. It was some serious try-harding xD. I got to number one on the leaderboards with that account, with a sick-ass ratio (I don't remember what it was). At this point, I thought that Vikkcraft was just too easy. I moved onto another server called MCGamer/MCSG.

It's quite funny how I found MCSG, actually. What happened was, my friends from Vikkcraft were watching good PvPers on YouTube, and one of them came across a person by the name of Huahwi, right after he uploaded a montage around Christmas time (Savior, I believe). They showed the video to me, and boy was I impressed. I saw him using the Fishing Rod to get combos, the Flint and Steel, and just straight up sword demolishing. It was amazing... :eek: And from Huahwi is where I started learning how to play the game. I went to MCSG... with BSM. xD I didn't realize that 1.7 had the sprint key yet, and in January I was banned from MCSG on akkumoli for BSM. It was a temp-ban, don't worry. I'm not ban evading xD.

I found that MCSG was too hard to play without BSM, as I still was using 1.6.4 and I was like double tapping or something lol. I went back to Vikkcraft until March, where I started playing on MCSG again. I figured out what 1.7 was at this point, lol, and I started getting used to the sprint key.

Soo... now we're on MCSG. I had just made a new account by the name of BulletJC. I started playing MCSG, and I had watched Huahwi's tips and tricks video. This got me better at the game by a lot, and after a bunch of practice, I had a pretty sick ratio on MCSG. I had like 100/250 or 100/350 or something like that. It was pretty good yo.

Okay, here's where clans come in. I'm not gonna say the entire story with NativeTalent and UpdatinStatus, as I've said it millions of times before lol and I'm tired of it. Basically, I 1v3ed Liam (Native) and Status, and I got invited to what was probably the number two clan at the time: Eternity v1. I was the biggest randy... I was so shy. Never talked at all unless necessary. I remember Techaton's Clan Wars Season 2, and it was between BucketzPVP and I for the last spot on the Battle Roster. I was scared I would f*** up, so I immediately gave Bucketz my spot lol. Soon after the Eternity vs. Chrome battle, we disbanded. :c

I joined a couple other good clans after that, including Excel and Salvation v1. I don't remember what really happened, but I ended up applying for the clan that still holds a spot in my heart: The Rivals v1. Joining that clan was the best decision I could've ever made. It got me so many new friends, and even today, I'm still in that clan, as a Leader. c: At any rate, I was promoted to Noble in the first Rivals, and we disbanded after like 2 months of me being in there. It was roughly June-July at this time, and I join Eternity v2 for a little bit. Blah blah blah... fast forward...

It's like July, and I apply for The Rebels. Another one of my good decisions c: as I made a buncha new friends in there as well! Special thanks to Maxypie for accepting me c; I stayed in Rebels for like a month and a half, until Rivals v2 came along.

So here we are now. I'm still a Leader in Rivals v2, and it's ended up becoming my favorite clan ever. So, here's the big question... Why am I quitting?

Well, to start it off, my parents sorta blocked Minecraft. Permanently. Monday-Sunday, all blocked. And that basically means I can't play xD, ever. That's the main reason. Another reason is because I'm becoming a little too addicted to it. School has always been easy for me, but now that I'm in High School, the number one High School in the nation (Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology), it's getting a little challenging. I can't keep the same attitude that I've had in Middle School, which is Games > School. Now, it has to be School > Games, and playing Minecraft won't help me with that. As much as I'd ike to say that I'm not addicted, I know in my heart I still am. :c

Here it ends, a solid 6 months after I started MCSG, and a good 10 months after I started playing this block game. It's been fun guys, take care for me, will ya? c;

Special Thanks:
I won't include all my friends in here, as there would be too many people to list, because I'm popular right? c; Just kidding, aha. This section is for my closest friends here, and every leader of a clan I've ever been in. Thanks to you all!

SportsFan2565 : Jake, my best friend here. You've always had confidence in me, and I seriously can't thank you enough for promoting me to the position I am at today. It breaks my heart to leave you and the rest of The Rivals behind like this, but I really have no option at this point. You're like a brother to me, and I thank you for every laugh, every moment that we've spent and enjoyed playing this game. c:

NativeTalent : Liam, my favorite Hawaiian. I will truly miss smacking you on this game :c but you know what, my parents won't allow it anymore! I'm pretty sure it's a crime to smack Hawaiian people, tbh. At any rate, I thank you SO MUCH for getting me into Eternity, and I truly will miss talking to you. You were so laid back, just chill in general. Thanks man.

CoolDarkraiDude : Chris, you are my favorite black person c;c;c; You never fail to make me relax, just chill with you for countless hours. Just the other day, we stayed up till 4. xD You honestly are really fun to be around, and I always enjoy talking with you. Thanks so much for having faith in me, and I hope you and Jake can carry Rivals to the number one spot we deserve. Keep on doin' what you're doing, man!

Maxypie : Well, I just had to include a mention for you, Max. c: Thanks so much for letting me into Rebels, a clan that I've always wanted to be in. At this point, I'm still friends with almost all of Rebels, and although we don't talk much anymore, it's always cool to just hang out with you guys. You're a great leader, and never fail to make me laugh. Thanks Max!

Hks : Misha, you honestly are so funny, stupid chinq. c; I'll certainly miss talking with you, as you are definitely one of my best friends here on MCSG. I'm so glad that I joined Rivals, otherwise I never would've met you and became so close to you. You know, Misha, I hope you get back into MCSG again, as it's still pretty fun IMO. I thank you for every time you've made my day better or made me laugh, which is every single time you talk with me. Take care.

UpdatinStatus HOW DID I FORGET YOU KYLE. You're hilarious, man, and Eternity v1 was
the shizz. Especially with you leading, bc Liam is bad at this game! I'll miss talking to you, even though we don't talk much anymore :c Take care, upload more battles bc those are fun to watch. Cyaaa

cf918 Tbh I might have downs because I forgot you, Corey. Thanks so much for letting me into Rivals, and giving me a shot. Rivals was and still is the most fun clan EVER and without you, I wouldn't have met some AMAZING people. Hope you're having fun in real life, Corey.

bbLLERMC Hey Kai, haven't talked to you in a long ass time. :p Liam told me you basically quit Minecraft or something as well because of basketball and school :c so I guess we're in the same boat. Except you're bad at ball!!11!1 Jkjk. It really sucks that you got banned so unfairly, for removal of evidence. Overall, you're a really nice person and I miss you and all the guys back in Eternity v1... Hopefully we'll talk soon, but cya later Baller. c:

That's about it! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
Thanks for reading c;

-Justin or Bullet. Signing off. See you soon!
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Justin / Bullet

Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score
Last edited:


Jun 1, 2014
Reaction score
gl in school Bullet! U were one of my best friends I met on MCSG, and even though I only knew you for a short amount of time, Im gonna miss u so much man!


Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
Wtf? Why is everyone leaving. You were great at the hunger deans and you were a great leader (I think) anyways stay fresh bacca dood

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