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Any maps you would like to see taken off?


Mar 19, 2014
Reaction score
What maps make you /hub in pre game because you don't want to play them. Leave a comment of what map you don't like and think should be taken off the servers, leave a reason too and il be adding the maps and reasons to the main article.

Eye of Horus; causes really bad frame lag/difficult game play

Teweran survival games 3, futuristic city; underplayed, not nice gameplay/death match arena

Fortress Pyke; underplayed, bad terraforming, very old simple map

Hub games; weird, doesn't have that survival games feel

Fortune island; really long games, no longer played, it had it's time

Remnant; dark, underplayed

Breeze island; too much water

Dracarys; way too big/confusing layout

Avaricia - I like it but it desperately needs a re-tiering, the lack of tier two's is appalling.

Lobby Games - Only 1 real route, laggy, and has a bad DM arena.

Huruka; too complex, very disorientating. Doesn't feel like survival games also laggy

Teweran survival games 2; most teir two chest's favored to one corner of the map

Solar frost; disgusting terrain for pvp, no where to run, not enough chests, all teir 2's on one side and if you go that way and somebody has a weapon it's GG

Evacuation zero; bad corn for pvp, small, underplayed, no wow factor.

SG 1; very large, traps that make the game last, hardly any chests, disorientating.

SG Japan: really really laggy, confusing layout, no open areas for pvp

Enchanted forest. Extremely underplayed. Personally I hate this map, really not a fan of the trees or map layout

Survival kingdom; the map itself is fine, just there are hardly any teir 2 chests, so either a reteir or removal I wouldn't mind
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District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Well, I'll preference this post by saying I don't mean any offense to the makers of these maps.

I would like to see 'Eye of Horus' taken off seeing as though it isn't being played anymore, not as much as it used to. I personally don't like it because of the terrain, there is nowhere to run, and you get stuck in almost everything, in my opinion, it doesn't suit the gameplay style of my liking.

The second map I want taken off is 'Teweran Surival Games 3' - I just simply don't like it, the corn isn't ideal for corn/deathmatch. If someone gets a stone sword from corn, your only hope is that you get out of the water below before they jump down.

These are just my views. Again, I don't mean any offense to the makers of these maps.


Nov 24, 2013
Reaction score
Why would you say that? Il I'm doing is gathering opinions, no offence meant to any build teams, what are your /hub maps!
I just feel like, you know. If someone worked super hard on a map. And everyone doesn't like it. I'd at least think you would feel terrible.
Anyhow, personal opinion. Not a big fan of hub games. That's about it actually.


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
Hub games: I think this map was intended as kind of a joke in the first place... It's like Solar Frost except not as classy.

Eye of Horus: Far too laggy for many people, not particularly fun to play on. This map seems like is was added because it looked cool, but it's not much for gameplay.

Remnant: People who know the overpowered chest route seem to like it, but other than that it is quite a mess of a map. It's like a mini SG 3 with an Aztec temple in the middle.

Dracarys: Let's be honest. The map is too complex for our tiny little brains... we want simple things like SG 4.

Haruka: Overly complex terraforming, not enough chests, builds aren't great. It's the kind of map that makes everyone look like a noob.

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