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Trivium {US Clan}

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Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: rustychainz12
Wins: 27, I got a stat reset but I went on vacation the I was really rusty and I got on a big loss streak.
Past clans: Prometheus, CrossFire, and a few more which have disbanded.
Skype ID: (Message one of the leaders if you don't want to post this publicly); NotPewDiePi, I made that one for fun :p
Why do you want to join Trivium: I want to join trivium because of the fact that I can bring a big positive impact on the clan, I am usually nice majority of the time, unless somebody is a rude inconsiderate person. I also want to join trivium because I am a good pvper and so I can be a big asset during clan battles and scrim's.I know how to communicate with players when playing. I all the routes on just about every map. I know how this clan functions and I know how the people are in this clan, I am already a VIP on the team speak since I am a funny,nice, and chill person. I also want to join this clan because I feel that if I am in this clan it can really help me expand my horizon on clan's and how things function. I am a pretty mature person unless I am around with a very close friend then I can be a bit immature. I know when to be mature and when not to be mature, I have more than enough experience of clan's to know how to they work and I think that if I can be in this clan I can really make this clan go even higher on the clan leader boards.


District 13
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
I figured I wanted to end this stupid flame and I just typed a whole new one.
How is it flame..... Like everyone's saying the clan communities got a lot worse when I was gone flame was like fkn ddos left and right over who won a cb now stating facts and ellipses r Good yo..


Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
How is it flame..... Like everyone's saying the clan communities got a lot worse when I was gone flame was like fkn ddos left and right over who won a cb now stating facts and ellipses r Good yo..
Right now you are beginning to cause flame...
There is really no point in this, just drop it


District 13
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Right now you are beginning to cause flame...
There is really no point in this, just drop it
I think you have a warped understanding of flame, and even if seemed like it might turn into an argument of sorts why would you quote a post and spam the thread acting like a mod.
Anyway I'm done.......
U seem controlling and overly self confident
^ Above was an example of flame, nothing like this was said or done, there were no rude comments, it would be easily regarded as a discussion more over flame. I don't know who you r and I don't think I've ever seen you before but it kind of seems like your trying too hard... For lack of a better ways of explaining it. Also your spamming the thread....
Saying drop it and beginning to turn into flame doesn't fix anything btw would've done better to shed light on an equivalent solution, anyway I'm done before you start spamming the thread PM me instead thx.


Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
I think you have a warped understanding of flame, and even if seemed like it might turn into an argument of sorts why would you quote a post and spam the thread acting like a mod.
Anyway I'm done.......
U seem controlling and overly self confident
^ Above was an example of flame, nothing like this was said or done, there were no rude comments, it would be easily regarded as a discussion more over flame. I don't know who you r and I don't think I've ever seen you before but it kind of seems like your trying too hard... For lack of a better ways of explaining it. Also your spamming the thread....
Saying drop it and beginning to turn into flame doesn't fix anything btw would've done better to shed light on an equivalent solution, anyway I'm done before you start spamming the thread PM me instead thx.
Im not trying to "act" like a mod, I'm simply telling you to drop it so you don't cause future flame.

Im saying drop it because i thought you were going to "drop it" and be mature about it.
And if you want to be touchy about this remember, you brought this upon yourself.
I mean, you did start this.


Dec 2, 2012
Reaction score
Im not trying to "act" like a mod, I'm simply telling you to drop it so you don't cause future flame.

Im saying drop it because i thought you were going to "drop it" and be mature about it.
And if you want to be touchy about this remember, you brought this upon yourself.
I mean, you did start this.
He wasnt flaming lol
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