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I hate to make this post but. Is the community dying...


Damien // Teepwn

There you go contradicting yourself again. Don't say you don't want a thread locked and then call me ignorant. I regularly hang out in the Trivium/Divine teamspeaks which host for both US and EU members. I'm also a member of rebels which has an EU division of its own. Would you like to state your clans? Please don't call me ignorant when I have all the facts and knowledge to backup what I say up when all you seem to use is speculation.
Taking this to PM now.


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
^Part one of THREE. For some reason, I'm unable to make it any longer or edit it at all. It doesn't let me post the whole thing.

Please excuse the double post.

And the forums.. That's the part that makes me the saddest.
While the members themselves are still pretty good, the forums can be said to be slowly "dying", bit by bit. At least, the discussional side. There are still plenty of growing clans, random discussions, etc., but we have a lot less interesting, thought-provoking discussions. The ones that we do, are fewer and far in between, unfortunately, and not always MCGamer-related. I miss the days when I could log on and see a new thread by so-and-so about an interest-sparking topic all the time.
Also, because of the worsening in-game conditions, many forumers are leaving, and some who stay don't even play anymore.

MCGamer's #1 Gamemode, the Survival Games, is based off of the Hunger Games trilogy, which is now pretty much over and done with. Three books are out, and two of three movies have been released and the hype has faded. With just one movie left before it becomes no more than something like a distant fad, three of MCGamer's gamemodes, the Survival Games/Quarter Quell/Survival Games Classic, are going to be seeing a drop in numbers of new players, and will have to find other ways to attract players, such as working more on the other gametypes like MCTF2, ZedChase, etc.

I'm sensing an evil glare from my mother that it's time to stop typing now >_>
I totally agree with you on the forums part, myself and yourself, sadly, have been taking breaks frequently due to the fact that nothing intrigues a discussion, I would totally love it if there were a lot more discussion threads rather than an abundance of clan threads that last a day- it is taking up my 'New Posts' section. :(

I've played from v1 too, back then the games were so different from now, everyone got a long, people gave each newer players wins due to the fact the were considerate people, and most of all, and most frequent subject complained about- hackers, there were none. I loved how I could play US and ping wouldn't matter, nowadays ping means everything , when it inevitable does nothing to your PvP skills.

What I'd want to happen from here is a lot more staff- even though there is a lot they can't care for the near 3 million players. Lastly, if users want to complain about hackers, help deal with them, it makes a difference.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
There you go contradicting yourself again. Don't say you don't want a thread locked and then call me ignorant. I regularly hang out in the Trivium/Divine teamspeaks which host for both US and EU members. I'm also a member of rebels which has an EU division of its own. Would you like to state your clans? Please don't call me ignorant when I have all the facts and knowledge to backup what I say up when all you seem to use is speculation.
Serverr, you are associated with top clans which are known and respected, and have to uphold a high standard.
Taking this to PM now.
I feel like what Damien said applies more to lesser clans, with a shorter history, who are trying to "make it big".

Are you even in a competitive clan? If not, don't be talking sht about clans when you know little about them
Don't avoid the swear filter.
You really seem like a Feminine Hygene Product by saying that, imo. Damien has been on the forums enough to know some of what goes on.

And before you doubt my post, please take note: I was a member of US Rebels. I was the leader of a clan once rated as the third strongest in the US. I have ties to several other large clans, and have also experienced smaller clans who don't have the public spotlight on them. I may not be active in any current clans, but I do keep my ears open to things that I hear and threads that I read.

-I've seen people DoSed over clans. In fact, I've been DoSed for approaching a DoSer about their DoSing. (Yeah, I knew it would happen.) Clan TeamSpeaks, something they pay money for, gets DoSed too.
-People do blackmail others. Threats of releasing their private information and bringing them offline, or even SWAT-ting them. Off the top of my head, I know four people who were threatened by rival clan members, and even one who was threatened by their own clan member, surprisingly. Let's just say that the clan didn't last very long.

Also, just throwing this out there, but I'm pretty dang sure that HarborSeal was inaccurate as well. Don't get me wrong, I like Seal and I respect him quite a bit, but I do agree that his post was a bit ignorant, for lack of a better word.

To summarize: Clans are a huge source of drama.
DQs, alts, (D)DoSing, and more. While there are large, respectable clans like Rebels, Trivium, and others like that, you have to keep in mind that there's also a dark side to all of this. Not all clans are as respectful or forgiving as the clans you may know, and it's often those "clans" that are the causes of the drama, while other clans are victims of the drama.
I'd like to bring up an example of Ascendancy, led by Captain | Lqzer. His clan TeamSpeak was (D)DoSed, he was nearly SWAT-ted, and members of his clan were DDoSed as well for coming onto the TeamSpeak. Why did it happen? I can't say that I know, but I do know that it was a riotous little group of jerks who did it, even if I don't have a recorded, solid confession. Ascendancy itself is a pretty good clan with respectful members for the most part, but the people that they had to rub elbows with were not so much, and it created a spark which ignited a flame.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Haha, how long have you even been here?
No, you weren't around 2 years ago. I don't buy it one bit.
I have never once in this post I have been around 2 years... I have been in this community almost 2 years, I am not 100% sure of the date. I think it was late v1 as I can remember the way mcsg used to look and I remember there only being 4/ 5 maps.

You have never been in a decent clan and if you have then it probably wasn't half decent. Clans nowadays are better than ever with a big tournament going on with competitive leaderboards as well. Clans still do play for fun and I can tell you clan battling in a 8v8 teamfight is one of the most fun things I have ever done playing video games.
Yes I have never been in a really good clan. That does not mean I don't know how they work and how they have changed. All I see coming from clans nowadays is flame and abuse. While obviously there is people still having fun and being respectful to each other. A dark shadow of flame and abuse looms over then clan scene and you cannot disagree with this.

This one is kinda funny, SO many people still play this game and have a ton of fun with it, that's so untrue.
I like how you say everyone is toxic to each other, that's so inaccurate and not true.
Yes occasionally people do have fun, but a lot of people are getting bored of it. Ehhh have you even played recently. The in-game-community is not a friendly place anymore. Its full of abuse.

Where are you getting this information from? I've seen so many people who joined one month ago with 40 messages get mod.
This is from personal observation from someone who has been in the staff team for a long period of tine. Yes people that joined one month ago and that have 40 messages should not be getting mod. You need to have experience in the community and this shows that you are doing it to help out the community.

Seriously buddy, you haven't been around as long as I have and it seriously annoys me that you made this thread. How dare you disrespect this community that welcomed you in giving you moderator and even senior moderator. I never got an opportunity to become staff, but if I had I would have never resigned much less complained like you're doing.
All of your words are based off of your experiences and aren't even true at all.
If it's so bad then pce, get out.
Now this was rather rude... I know I have not been around as long as you. I never stated that but I have been around long enough to see the changes. In not one way am I disrespecting this community. I have great respect for MCGamer, I am giving some constructive criticism/ awareness that maybe they can take in and it will help for the better. That is not my fault you never got staff. I had my reasons for resigning. Have you ever heard of University? Yeah its a pretty big deal. I don't complain much and if I do it has a purpose and is constructive.

Edit :p Back then, there was still hackers AND abuse, just because there is more of it because there is more players doing it doesn't mean the grass was greener back then.
You are right in one sense here, the more people join, the more hackers/ abusers. I probably said this the wrong way. What I meant is that the ratio of players to rules breakers has significantly increased.

I hope you understand where I am coming from and you see my point.

Also I have changed the title of this thread to make it a bit more relevant.
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Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
I totally agree with you on the forums part, myself and yourself, sadly, have been taking breaks frequently due to the fact that nothing intrigues a discussion, I would totally love it if there were a lot more discussion threads rather than an abundance of clan threads that last a day- it is taking up my 'New Posts' section. :(

I've played from v1 too, back then the games were so different from now, everyone got a long, people gave each newer players wins due to the fact the were considerate people, and most of all, and most frequent subject complained about- hackers, there were none. I loved how I could play US and ping wouldn't matter, nowadays ping means everything , when it inevitable does nothing to your PvP skills.

What I'd want to happen from here is a lot more staff- even though there is a lot they can't care for the near 3 million players. Lastly, if users want to complain about hackers, help deal with them, it makes a difference.
For the forums, school started recently. No one has as much time to be on the forums, myself included. Give it some time, it's been worse.


Nov 18, 2013
Reaction score
Not really dying, but becoming rapidly plagued with a metaphorical, incurable illness.

I wasn't here long enough ago to experience the old community so obviously I can't be 100% sure of both sides of this. However, I can say as fact that the player/staff base has deteriorated and is, by no means improving.

How can you not see through your ignorance and see that half off MCG's drama and abuse comes from clans? I don't know whether it's different on the region you play on, but I've seen friendships torn apart by clans. People stop talking to others, shut them out, and blackmail them if they leave/try to leave a clan.
Plenty of this goes on, and a ton more. It shouldn't be taken lightly when people fall out with each other because of cliques in a game made of blocks.

I have been in clans, and I agree that clan battles can be fun. But the amount of drama and hate that comes with it supercedes it in my eyes and it's not something I want to be involved in.

Whilst this may be true, you still cannot deny the fact that the continual abuse/hackers and no Mods (see later) can be quite frustrating and outlines a deteriorating community.
While not everyone is toxic to each other, there's something called a hyperbole, used to get a point across.

I can reinforce this more even. On more than one account I have seen people who have 0 wins / about to hit a milestone and I offer to help them out. They are so taken aback that they usually don't believe you and it takes alot to get them to genuinely believe you. I don't think this should have to happen.

In addition to that, my friend has also had some experiences where he was fighting someone and he accidentally dropped his sword. The other guy was kind enough to pause the battle and let him pick it back up.
Not something you see too often on MCSG.

How about a random day on TeamSpeak...
No available Mods, however they're clearly there talking to each other.

To your other point... Don't they say that you have to active within the community and have been here for a while before you can be Mod? If so, they've just contradicted themselves.
You go through the full staff list and tell me how many of them you've heard off, much less see actively.

I agree the community isn't dying, but it certainly isn't changing for the better.
Ok I agree with the first part about clans and them causing drama. But as for the bit where staff aren't available on the teamspeak all the time this is not true. Firstly as you can see I am "On Leave" meaning I am on the teamspeak but I am taking a break from "work" due to school and irl issues. Secondly as you can see krackan is off duty, this could be due to him having a tough day, finishing some Moderator duties and needing a short break or maybe he is busy with irl issues (homework, ect.) and can't attend to people's requests but is able to be on the teamspeak. KellieBreanne has Don't Poke (PERM; Staff Only) because she is on break also but maybe chooses not to display it in her team-speak name. As for the rest of the staff in my channel (Rusty ChandelleMC & KitMencha) we were all working (meaning we weren't just sitting up there to escape the public chats/mod chats. In fact i was messaged about some issues that occurred in the public channels so Rusty and I moved down to sort out the situation). So maybe next time before you jump to conclusions and start pointing the finger at people, you maybe need consider that we are working.

EDIT: This is a warning to all, any flame that is to occur in this thread will not be tolerated and may result in the thread being locked and the offenders punished.
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Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
I've been playing MCSG for around 6 months and I don't think 'this dying out' happened over a period of time, I feel like it suddenly happened. One day I could play at least day games without a hacker and only 1 team, and then the next there were suddenly 5 hackers every game and teams of 4. It's just a different way of playing (the teaming, not the hacking) maybe MCSG should introduce a team server and a solo server to ensure those who are playing solo don't get teamed on. The hackers, however, they will go with time when mods see them and they get banned. It's just a rough patch, everything goes through it and if we stick together then we'll power through it. Hopefully one day it'll go back to how it was or maybe even better. :)


Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
Its been a great 2+ years. So many people have come and go.
"Back in the day" People used to be so nice to each other. Remember the times when people used to spectate 60 minute games. Hackers were a rare sight. Clans were a place to make new friends. When we played for fun.

"Nowadays" Its a epidemic, the servers are toxic. We might have new players join everyday but how many of them are turned away by the fact they cannot play a nice game. You join your first game and you get killed by a hacker/ team of 4 try harding to boost wins. This does not look good.

Now lets look at some of the reasons I think MCSG is dying.
This Mini Game has been around for 2 years. People are getting bored and sadly there is not much you can do to improve this.
There is a huge lack of community. Everyone is toxic to each other.
There is an epidemic of hackers.
Overall there is just no community anymore.

As said previous that new people join the sever everyday, but how many of them actually stay around. I bet not to many. Why would they stay. To be killed by a hacker, abused. I don't think so. Someone simply cannot have fun anymore.

Even if we look to the forums now. There is not much quality posts anymore, just complaints. Complaints after complaints.

Staff members get mod now for the rank and popularity status, not to help the community.

The player base will probably keep increasing, but what I mean by mcsg dying is that the community is dying and what's a server without a community.

Unfortunately I think it has gotten so bad now there is no way to turn back.

I guess the community was good while it lasted.

Don't worry Sean, I will be the one mod who will help the community regain it's status! I can assure you that, 110% I will do that!

Damien // Teepwn

Ok I agree with the first part about clans and them causing drama. But as for the bit where staff aren't available on the teamspeak all the time this is not true. Firstly as you can see I am "On Leave" meaning I am on the teamspeak but I am taking a break from "work" due to school and irl issues. Secondly as you can see krackan is off duty, this could be due to him having a tough day, finishing some Moderator duties and needing a short break or maybe he is busy with irl issues (homework, ect.) and can't attend to people's requests but is able to be on the teamspeak. KellieBreanne has Don't Poke (PERM; Staff Only) because she is on break also but maybe chooses not to display it in her team-speak name. As for the rest of the staff in my channel (Rusty ChandelleMC & KitMencha) we were all working (meaning we weren't just sitting up there to escape the public chats/mod chats. In fact i was messaged about some issues that occurred in the public channels so Rusty and I moved down to sort out the situation). So maybe next time before you jump to conclusions and start pointing the finger at people, you maybe need consider that we are working.

EDIT: This is a warning to all, any flame that is to occur in this thread will not be tolerated and may result in the thread being locked and the offenders punished.
Well, I apologize for that then. I did not intend it to be insulting and I was trying to make a point. I'll PM you the rest of my side when I get the chance.

EDIT: I removed the images from my post, too.
Last edited by a moderator:


Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
Its been a great 2+ years. So many people have come and go.
"Back in the day" People used to be so nice to each other. Remember the times when people used to spectate 60 minute games. Hackers were a rare sight. Clans were a place to make new friends. When we played for fun.

"Nowadays" Its a epidemic, the servers are toxic. We might have new players join everyday but how many of them are turned away by the fact they cannot play a nice game. You join your first game and you get killed by a hacker/ team of 4 try harding to boost wins. This does not look good.

Now lets look at some of the reasons I think MCSG is dying.
This Mini Game has been around for 2 years. People are getting bored and sadly there is not much you can do to improve this.
There is a huge lack of community. Everyone is toxic to each other.
There is an epidemic of hackers.
Overall there is just no community anymore.

As said previous that new people join the sever everyday, but how many of them actually stay around. I bet not to many. Why would they stay. To be killed by a hacker, abused. I don't think so. Someone simply cannot have fun anymore.

Even if we look to the forums now. There is not much quality posts anymore, just complaints. Complaints after complaints.

Staff members get mod now for the rank and popularity status, not to help the community.

The player base will probably keep increasing, but what I mean by mcsg dying is that the community is dying and what's a server without a community.

Unfortunately I think it has gotten so bad now there is no way to turn back.

I guess the community was good while it lasted.

Very sad but true, i have seen a handful of great mods give up their time. I really hope MCGamer comminity can recruit more staff.

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