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Rasclarts | EU

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Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
Our refusal actually has nothing to do with sportsmanship. It has to do with the fact that you:
-lied to us to make us accept a re-do on a round.
-Ghost killed us.
-Did not accept that crashes were server side when they clearly were.
(We are also very suspicious of something else but we will hold off saying this in public since it is a very serious accusation).

We're not DQing you, we're refusing to put up a loss since you broke the rules on multiple occassions, trash-talked us, and took advantage of us being a fair clan. Please leave our thread.
You said multipul times that a hacker had killed you. But when I asked you for poof you said you have no proof?. What do you expect me to do? I need proof if Im going to give it a redo. Also in the rules that me a your owner agree it states 'If a player crashes mid game we treat it as if they have been killed'.
Also you said we trash talked. I need proof about it if I'm going to say sorry on behalf of that player. As I've said it's not my fault that your clan have no proof of anything. You could of been killed by a skilled player not a hacker.
Can you explain and expand upon we lied to make you do a redo?...


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
You said multipul times that a hacker had killed you. But when I asked you for poof you said you have no proof?. What do you expect me to do? I need proof if Im going to give it a redo. Also in the rules that me a your owner agree it states 'If a player crashes mid game we treat it as if they have been killed'.
Also you said we trash talked. I need proof about it if I'm going to say sorry on behalf of that player. As I've said it's not my fault that your clan have no proof of anything. You could of been killed by a skilled player not a hacker.
Can you explain and expand upon we lied to make you do a redo?...
You said you had evidence of you dying to a hacker so we said redo assuming you would upload it and show it to us. When we later asked for it you then said 'we don't need evidence, we have screenshots of you saying redo'.


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
You said multipul times that a hacker had killed you. But when I asked you for poof you said you have no proof?. What do you expect me to do? I need proof if Im going to give it a redo. Also in the rules that me a your owner agree it states 'If a player crashes mid game we treat it as if they have been killed'.
Also you said we trash talked. I need proof about it if I'm going to say sorry on behalf of that player. As I've said it's not my fault that your clan have no proof of anything. You could of been killed by a skilled player not a hacker.
Can you explain and expand upon we lied to make you do a redo?...
I don't think you understand. This is not up for discussion- you and I both know exactly what happened. Now leave.


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
I don't think you understand that what you are doing is against mcgamers rules?! I'll leave it but remove us from your thread ok.


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
I don't think you understand that what you are doing is against mcgamers rules?!
No it's not. In reality the staff have little to no jurisdiction over clans. We're choosing to disregard the clan war because of the rules you broke and your lamentable lack of sportsmanship, so I find it pretty funny that you should cite rules as a threat.
I'll leave it but remove us from your thread ok.
All we've done is given an honest account of what happened; if this embarrasses you then maybe you should have thought more about your actions.
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