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AnomalousDyna | Story & My services to you


Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah, jumping ship with what Jodimo and Equalitee did~

My dad struggled with substance abuse for almost 15 years, or throughout almost my entire lifetime, and it was the main event surrounding the split of my parents a few years ago. He battled heroin addiction, one of the most addictive drugs on the planet and the worst out of all the famed narcotics in terms of health effects.

He started using heroin when he was around 26- almost 15 years ago, because he had got a promotion in his job and couldn't take the stress. At this time, my mum was still in university. Funds were tight, let's say that. It was clear that my dad couldn't cope with the demands of his new job, but out of love for my mother and not wanting to disappoint her, he soldiered on. A mistake that would, later on down the track, lead to a near-death experience.

Skip forward a few years, my mum started noticing changes in dad's behaviour. Mum would go to bed with dad next to her in their bed, and the next day, he would be gone, yet he didn't start work for a few hours. This was becoming more and more frequent, and as time went on, she knew something was up. Many attempts to see what was the root of this new-found behavioural pattern, all of which were futile. Every time, he dismissed it, saying "I'm getting into walking every morning." Mum bought it because she was nearing the end of her uni course and had enough on her plate, let alone to deal with dad's 'weirdness'.

Years passed, but in 2011, that near-death experience I was talking about earlier came knocking on my dad's proverbial door. He had almost overdosed on heroin, and was in hospital unconscious for many days. The doctor rang my mum one day as she was picking me up from a school sport event, saying that he has been hospitalised due to almost overdosing on heroin. She froze, and rushed to the hospital, myself tagging along.

After my dad had finished his rehabilitation process in which mum agreed not to berate dad for his actions, things between the two had fallen apart dramatically. Nearly every time she saw dad, she'd have a go at him and this eventually led to one fight after another. After some time, they had agreed to call it quits and get a divorce.

This led to where I am today, and where I am writing this post now- living almost all the time with my mum in an apartment. Custody agreements were worked out and every 2 weeks, I stay with my dad for 2-3 days.

What does this have to do with you? Well, if you ever need to talk about things that are troubling you personally, you may come to me and be granted my best effort in order to help you and also full confidentiality. If you're ever in need, poke me on the TeamSpeak and as soon as I quickly finish whatever I'm doing (if anything), we'll chat.

Thanks for reading, and most importantly, thanks for the idea you two (Jodimo and Equalitee).


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
I don't know you very well, but just know that whenever you need someone to talk to, I am here <3 :)


Staffing Team Lead
Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah, jumping ship with what Jodimo and Equalitee did~

My dad struggled with substance abuse for almost 15 years, or throughout almost my entire lifetime, and it was the main event surrounding the split of my parents a few years ago. He battled heroin addiction, one of the most addictive drugs on the planet and the worst out of all the famed narcotics in terms of health effects.

He started using heroin when he was around 26- almost 15 years ago, because he had got a promotion in his job and couldn't take the stress. At this time, my mum was still in university. Funds were tight, let's say that. It was clear that my dad couldn't cope with the demands of his new job, but out of love for my mother and not wanting to disappoint her, he soldiered on. A mistake that would, later on down the track, lead to a near-death experience.

Skip forward a few years, my mum started noticing changes in dad's behaviour. Mum would go to bed with dad next to her in their bed, and the next day, he would be gone, yet he didn't start work for a few hours. This was becoming more and more frequent, and as time went on, she knew something was up. Many attempts to see what was the root of this new-found behavioural pattern, all of which were futile. Every time, he dismissed it, saying "I'm getting into walking every morning." Mum bought it because she was nearing the end of her uni course and had enough on her plate, let alone to deal with dad's 'weirdness'.

Years passed, but in 2011, that near-death experience I was talking about earlier came knocking on my dad's proverbial door. He had almost overdosed on heroin, and was in hospital unconscious for many days. The doctor rang my mum one day as she was picking me up from a school sport event, saying that he has been hospitalised due to almost overdosing on heroin. She froze, and rushed to the hospital, myself tagging along.

After my dad had finished his rehabilitation process in which mum agreed not to berate dad for his actions, things between the two had fallen apart dramatically. Nearly every time she saw dad, she'd have a go at him and this eventually led to one fight after another. After some time, they had agreed to call it quits and get a divorce.

This led to where I am today, and where I am writing this post now- living almost all the time with my mum in an apartment. Custody agreements were worked out and every 2 weeks, I stay with my dad for 2-3 days.

What does this have to do with you? Well, if you ever need to talk about things that are troubling you personally, you may come to me and be granted my best effort in order to help you and also full confidentiality. If you're ever in need, poke me on the TeamSpeak and as soon as I quickly finish whatever I'm doing (if anything), we'll chat.

Thanks for reading, and most importantly, thanks for the idea you two (Jodimo and Equalitee).
Thank you for sharing this story. Thank you for being brave, and most of all, thank you for using your experience to help others.

Good luck talking alone in TS with a mod, doesn't happen ;)
I can make sure that it happens.

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