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ShakeSchack's Goodbye and MCSG story


Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
Well, some of you may know me. Others may not. Either way, you are here to read my MCSG experience.

[I apologize for my grammar, i know it may not be the best, but i wrote this in a hurry]

I will start from the beginning.

September 2012- February 2013 (V1):
This is where it all started. The summer before this date I had decided to quit minecraft and not come back to it. I lasted a long time, until my brother, deadzombiesyum convinced me to play one game of MCSG with him. At this time we shared my account (Yes at this time that was my account). We were terrible at the game, we would switch off games running around the outer area of SG1 to lose in deathmatch, or when we ran into another player. But we kept playing hoping to one day get a win. Well that day did come eventually, however, I was not the one to get that win. My brother got the win and from that day he would not let me play on it, because he wanted the credit for all the wins we got on it. Soon, we started to play with some of his friends, eventually a few of them got a win, and he got to five wins. At this time I needed a new account, so my brother got his friend to share an account with me. This account was american_nomad. One day my brother got a forums account and began skypeing with some people who lived across the world in Europe. They soon got him to join their clan, Team Chrome. I wished I could join this clan, but at this point I still had not gotten a win yet. This win would come very soon though. One night, I stayed up very late playing a game on Hungry Hills. I had gotten refill and had camped out the whole game in a tree near corn. When force Dm came, i killed both of the other players and won. From this point I went on to get more and more wins, while my brother still surpassed me. When i got around 55 wins the leader boards combined. Before this, I wasn't really active in the clan community. A few days before there became global leader boards the person who I was sharing an account with, wanted it back, so I was left without an account. So I asked my friend from school for an account and that is how I ended up with the account ShakeSchack.

March-April 2013: The Sentinels
The Sentinels. My brother and I decided to create a clan together because we could now move to the US servers because our wins weren't only on Eu anymore. We created a clan were I started to talk to new people and become a part of the clan scene. In my time at the sentinels my wins were going up drastically. I also met a ton of new people. Of all of these people the only ones who I think are still here are Slayeer, Blazerboy | Noah , and w0wmonkey. This clan went along successfully until just hello's clan wars rolled around. My brother was tired of minecraft, so he decided that after clan wars ended he would disband the clan and quit. Our match was against #TheProphecy. We ended up losing 4-0. This was the end of the first of many clans for me.

May-June 2013: (Nebula)
After the Sentinels disbanded I went to #Nebula, which was a clan run by granteus2 and infamouscookies. Here I met @IAmFusion, Jspwn, piranga and a bunch of other friends, but at this point he played the biggest role. We ended up deciding to make a map, Cursed tomb. We worked on this with all of the members of nebula, but me and Fusion ended up doing most of the work. After we completed the map, I ended up leaving the Clan because too many people were joining. Soon after the clan disbanded because it was too inactive and the active people didn't get to play in battles.

July- September 2013: (Brotherhood, TSG, United, Omega, Team Corruption, Reunited, Storm)
This is probably the foggiest part of my story so i will just do it by big areas and not in chronological order.

Brotherhood, the name was fitting. In this clan I felt like i was extremely close to the members of it. I met so many new people such as, andrewn12, @Hyperfuse12, TylerthePandaHD , richie57777, NewieLordAbiter, @Cat_On_A_Poptart(even though you didnt talk to me yet) and TheManeEvent. With these guys I had a great time and I still remember how whenever we would play moonlight lake, we would empty all the water from corn with flowers.

In the summer of 2013 Aedrift gave me the Gdocs form to apply for a new Sg server ran by eshancowee, TSG. I ended up getting mod, and eventually trial Sr. Mod. I failed my trial, and the server disappeared one day, and no one knows what happened to it because Eshan Disappeared with it.

I had fairly similar experiences in these two clans. The only person I remember being in these clans with is Lqzer. I honestly forgot the rest of what happened at these points in my MCSG career.

As the other two clans above, these two clans had very similar experiences and similar people in them. In these clans I met Makky and @defresa for the first time. I have a slight memory of one of these clans merging with ReUnited/United, but im probably wrong.

Team Corruption:
After I had made my first map with Nebula, I decided to make a build team that didn't turn out so well. We never got a map made, and didn't get any progress. I tried to open it 3 different times, each time failing.

September 2013: (Clanless)
For the first time since I moved to the US servers I was clanless, but I was hanging out with a few people i met with Makky. From this point on my MCSG career started to excalate and improve. The group of people i played with was BlackStarSaga , ItsIvana , Kupi, @Epiicwiin_. I spent night after night playing with them. One day BlackStarSaga stopped coming on, and slowly we drifted apart.

November 2013- febuary 2014: (CyanVolts)
Joining this clan was probably the best decision I have ever made, I made so many friends here, and I am truely grateful for the experience. However, like all good things, it had to end. Throughout my experience with this clan, there was an extreme conflict between SunGodMonkey and I. The conflict got so bad, that I left the clan for a day. Later in the same day I regretted my decision because I would miss the rest of the people in the clan. So I applied again, and they went into the meeting room in TS to discuss what to do about me. All of the leaders (The_Great_Tito, landowicked, and ALL1DO1SW1N), said yes and did everything in their power to get me back in the clan, which was pretty hard, because from what I heard, almost every member didn't want me back. For me, that was the hardest thing, to have people who I thought were my close friends, reveal their true colors as soon as a leave. Either way, I get back in the clan. What makes it even worse, is that when I was talking to them, almost every single person said they voted to let me back in. So, after a few weeks of feeling tension on me, I decided to leave.

February- April 2014: ThePast/Insidious

Well, after the Cyanvolts, I was tired of going into the big clans, so I decided to apply for a "randy" clan and attempt to get a high ranking spot in it. Well, I succeeded at that. I join ThePast that was owned by SertifiedBlocks and after 3 days of being in the clan I got officer. Then after a month I got leader (after we switched to Insidious). One day, we were losing in a Clan Battle and SertifiedBlocks was really upset about it, so we stopped. Everyone started talking about which clan they would go to if Insidious disbanded, and it got me thinking that maybe I should leave and get something new for a change. So I left. And like many clans before, when I left expecting to be treated with the same respect as when I was in the clan, I was turned on. Every single person in the clan stopped talking to me, or kicked me from the TS whenever i came on.

[I'm actually getting really bored writing this, so I am just going to summerize the rest]

After ThePast i joined vanguard. I got kicked for inactivity, then I joined back. Then it disbanded and I went to Ascendancy, I was kicked out for falling off the back of the plane on turbulence in the middle of top clan. Then i went to Valor, but i left soon after because i realized that most of the members had let the success go to their heads and they became egotistic. Then I went with EyeHasNoIdea and SniperSnakez to ascension. Which later disbanded. After that I tried to make my own clan with EyeHasNoIdea which failed very quickly. The I joined #TheRelentless. At this point MCSG had started to bore me, so I left the clan and went to a factions server for a month. Now I just quit the factions server because school is starting next week.

Now for my thank you's:(They will get more in depth, the more recent they are because of memory issues)

Slayeer- Hanging out with you with Sol and Brady during the sentinels was a blast, at that time, no one really cared how good anyone was, and all it was about was having fun.

FuSioN- I still remember all the great times we had together

Lqzer- I have to thank you for letting me be in all of your clans. Even though we ended on a bad note, i feel that my experience with you was a great one.

landowicked- where do i start with you? I know that you left MCSG recently, but i have to say, that you were probably my favorite person in Cyanvolts. whenever you were in the channel you always brightened the mood of everyone. I will always remember the times when you would yell "AIMBOT HERE WE GO, AIMBOT WOOOAHHH."

ALL1DO1SW1N- Like lando you were a great leader in Cyanvolts, I probably wouldn't have considered joining back the second time if you didn't make me feel so welcomed.

Cat_On_A_Poptart- Macy, you were always so quite, but when chatting you became extremely vivid... a bit too vivid at times, but I will always enjoy your amazing fanfics that you wrote about barney.

XxSolarBearzxX- Solar, the times spent with you were great, always listening to your "intense" raging :p

cadbane4321- you were such a chill guy to hang out with like most of the other cyanvolts, im glad we still talked a bit after Cyanvolts disappeared.

SertifiedBlocks- I have to thank you for the experience you gave me in ThePast and Insidiousv1. Those days were amazing, and I regret leaving at the time I did. When I joined back, you got rid of the past and let me back. Although you did let success get to you head a bit :p

Codys_Smurf - Cody you are probably one of the chillest guys i've met. You never really got too upset at anything, and it was really easy to joke around with you.

@Soulknight46- My experience in Insidious would not have been the same without you. You never failed to lighted the mood or put a smile on my face.

@defresa - Being in vanguard with you was great. I don't think there was ever a time when we ever got into an arguement. I know i made a good choice being in several clans with you.

Makky - Fat, you are SupahHotFire.

resistantcorn12- you were a great leader in Ascension, and I feel that you did a great job of creating a close group of friends.

InfinitySx3- Kelly, the countless late nights talking to you were all worth it. There was never a boring time when talking to you. You never really got mad, and never made anyone feel bad.

EyeHasNoIdea- Eye, first i have to apologize for leaving you by going on break after making a clan. Secondly, You were probably in my eyes my best friend in Ascension and never failed to keep people entertained, even though my constant jokes about ItsCarrie bothered you, we always managed to still be friends <3

KingGamerHD- sam, you and the rest of Relentless were what kept me at MCSG for as long as you did. Without you guys i would have left earlier in the summer. I wish I would still be able to play with you guys, but If i did, i would be sucked back into the MC world.

(If i forgot you, just say in the comments)

As these are my final words on these forums, I have to say thank you to the rest of the people who i have encountered during my journey. Whether our interaction was good, bad, or neutral, you being there helped mold me as a person in real life. As a community as a whole MCSG has been a place to escape and meet so many different people. So as I leave this community, I hope i have left my mark on the community, as it has left a mark on me.

TL;DR: I'm leaving, and I've met people.


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Seeya m8. although you're leaving MCSG, you still live like 20 mins from me (not even) lol yea bye m8!


Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Awwwww ;-; by the way, you asked for your IGN on my map (Sg California) and I wanted to say it's on there!!!! Cya dude

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Well, some of you may know me. Others may not. Either way, you are here to read my MCSG experience.

[I apologize for my grammar, i know it may not be the best, but i wrote this in a hurry]

I will start from the beginning.

September 2012- February 2013 (V1):
This is where it all started. The summer before this date I had decided to quit minecraft and not come back to it. I lasted a long time, until my brother, deadzombiesyum convinced me to play one game of MCSG with him. At this time we shared my account (Yes at this time that was my account). We were terrible at the game, we would switch off games running around the outer area of SG1 to lose in deathmatch, or when we ran into another player. But we kept playing hoping to one day get a win. Well that day did come eventually, however, I was not the one to get that win. My brother got the win and from that day he would not let me play on it, because he wanted the credit for all the wins we got on it. Soon, we started to play with some of his friends, eventually a few of them got a win, and he got to five wins. At this time I needed a new account, so my brother got his friend to share an account with me. This account was american_nomad. One day my brother got a forums account and began skypeing with some people who lived across the world in Europe. They soon got him to join their clan, Team Chrome. I wished I could join this clan, but at this point I still had not gotten a win yet. This win would come very soon though. One night, I stayed up very late playing a game on Hungry Hills. I had gotten refill and had camped out the whole game in a tree near corn. When force Dm came, i killed both of the other players and won. From this point I went on to get more and more wins, while my brother still surpassed me. When i got around 55 wins the leader boards combined. Before this, I wasn't really active in the clan community. A few days before there became global leader boards the person who I was sharing an account with, wanted it back, so I was left without an account. So I asked my friend from school for an account and that is how I ended up with the account ShakeSchack.

March-April 2013: The Sentinels
The Sentinels. My brother and I decided to create a clan together because we could now move to the US servers because our wins weren't only on Eu anymore. We created a clan were I started to talk to new people and become a part of the clan scene. In my time at the sentinels my wins were going up drastically. I also met a ton of new people. Of all of these people the only ones who I think are still here are Slayeer, Blazerboy | Noah , and w0wmonkey. This clan went along successfully until just hello's clan wars rolled around. My brother was tired of minecraft, so he decided that after clan wars ended he would disband the clan and quit. Our match was against #TheProphecy. We ended up losing 4-0. This was the end of the first of many clans for me.

May-June 2013: (Nebula)
After the Sentinels disbanded I went to #Nebula, which was a clan run by granteus2 and infamouscookies. Here I met @IAmFusion, Jspwn, piranga and a bunch of other friends, but at this point he played the biggest role. We ended up deciding to make a map, Cursed tomb. We worked on this with all of the members of nebula, but me and Fusion ended up doing most of the work. After we completed the map, I ended up leaving the Clan because too many people were joining. Soon after the clan disbanded because it was too inactive and the active people didn't get to play in battles.

July- September 2013: (Brotherhood, TSG, United, Omega, Team Corruption, Reunited, Storm)
This is probably the foggiest part of my story so i will just do it by big areas and not in chronological order.

Brotherhood, the name was fitting. In this clan I felt like i was extremely close to the members of it. I met so many new people such as, andrewn12, @Hyperfuse12, TylerthePandaHD , richie57777, NewieLordAbiter, @Cat_On_A_Poptart(even though you didnt talk to me yet) and TheManeEvent. With these guys I had a great time and I still remember how whenever we would play moonlight lake, we would empty all the water from corn with flowers.

In the summer of 2013 Aedrift gave me the Gdocs form to apply for a new Sg server ran by eshancowee, TSG. I ended up getting mod, and eventually trial Sr. Mod. I failed my trial, and the server disappeared one day, and no one knows what happened to it because Eshan Disappeared with it.

I had fairly similar experiences in these two clans. The only person I remember being in these clans with is Lqzer. I honestly forgot the rest of what happened at these points in my MCSG career.

As the other two clans above, these two clans had very similar experiences and similar people in them. In these clans I met Makky and @defresa for the first time. I have a slight memory of one of these clans merging with ReUnited/United, but im probably wrong.

Team Corruption:
After I had made my first map with Nebula, I decided to make a build team that didn't turn out so well. We never got a map made, and didn't get any progress. I tried to open it 3 different times, each time failing.

September 2013: (Clanless)
For the first time since I moved to the US servers I was clanless, but I was hanging out with a few people i met with Makky. From this point on my MCSG career started to excalate and improve. The group of people i played with was BlackStarSaga , ItsIvana , Kupi, @Epiicwiin_. I spent night after night playing with them. One day BlackStarSaga stopped coming on, and slowly we drifted apart.

November 2013- febuary 2014: (CyanVolts)
Joining this clan was probably the best decision I have ever made, I made so many friends here, and I am truely grateful for the experience. However, like all good things, it had to end. Throughout my experience with this clan, there was an extreme conflict between SunGodMonkey and I. The conflict got so bad, that I left the clan for a day. Later in the same day I regretted my decision because I would miss the rest of the people in the clan. So I applied again, and they went into the meeting room in TS to discuss what to do about me. All of the leaders (The_Great_Tito, landowicked, and ALL1DO1SW1N), said yes and did everything in their power to get me back in the clan, which was pretty hard, because from what I heard, almost every member didn't want me back. For me, that was the hardest thing, to have people who I thought were my close friends, reveal their true colors as soon as a leave. Either way, I get back in the clan. What makes it even worse, is that when I was talking to them, almost every single person said they voted to let me back in. So, after a few weeks of feeling tension on me, I decided to leave.

February- April 2014: ThePast/Insidious

Well, after the Cyanvolts, I was tired of going into the big clans, so I decided to apply for a "randy" clan and attempt to get a high ranking spot in it. Well, I succeeded at that. I join ThePast that was owned by SertifiedBlocks and after 3 days of being in the clan I got officer. Then after a month I got leader (after we switched to Insidious). One day, we were losing in a Clan Battle and SertifiedBlocks was really upset about it, so we stopped. Everyone started talking about which clan they would go to if Insidious disbanded, and it got me thinking that maybe I should leave and get something new for a change. So I left. And like many clans before, when I left expecting to be treated with the same respect as when I was in the clan, I was turned on. Every single person in the clan stopped talking to me, or kicked me from the TS whenever i came on.

[I'm actually getting really bored writing this, so I am just going to summerize the rest]

After ThePast i joined vanguard. I got kicked for inactivity, then I joined back. Then it disbanded and I went to Ascendancy, I was kicked out for falling off the back of the plane on turbulence in the middle of top clan. Then i went to Valor, but i left soon after because i realized that most of the members had let the success go to their heads and they became egotistic. Then I went with EyeHasNoIdea and SniperSnakez to ascension. Which later disbanded. After that I tried to make my own clan with EyeHasNoIdea which failed very quickly. The I joined #TheRelentless. At this point MCSG had started to bore me, so I left the clan and went to a factions server for a month. Now I just quit the factions server because school is starting next week.

Now for my thank you's:(They will get more in depth, the more recent they are because of memory issues)

Slayeer- Hanging out with you with Sol and Brady during the sentinels was a blast, at that time, no one really cared how good anyone was, and all it was about was having fun.

FuSioN- I still remember all the great times we had together

Lqzer- I have to thank you for letting me be in all of your clans. Even though we ended on a bad note, i feel that my experience with you was a great one.

landowicked- where do i start with you? I know that you left MCSG recently, but i have to say, that you were probably my favorite person in Cyanvolts. whenever you were in the channel you always brightened the mood of everyone. I will always remember the times when you would yell "AIMBOT HERE WE GO, AIMBOT WOOOAHHH."

ALL1DO1SW1N- Like lando you were a great leader in Cyanvolts, I probably wouldn't have considered joining back the second time if you didn't make me feel so welcomed.

Cat_On_A_Poptart- Macy, you were always so quite, but when chatting you became extremely vivid... a bit too vivid at times, but I will always enjoy your amazing fanfics that you wrote about barney.

XxSolarBearzxX- Solar, the times spent with you were great, always listening to your "intense" raging :p

cadbane4321- you were such a chill guy to hang out with like most of the other cyanvolts, im glad we still talked a bit after Cyanvolts disappeared.

SertifiedBlocks- I have to thank you for the experience you gave me in ThePast and Insidiousv1. Those days were amazing, and I regret leaving at the time I did. When I joined back, you got rid of the past and let me back. Although you did let success get to you head a bit :p

Codys_Smurf - Cody you are probably one of the chillest guys i've met. You never really got too upset at anything, and it was really easy to joke around with you.

@Soulknight46- My experience in Insidious would not have been the same without you. You never failed to lighted the mood or put a smile on my face.

@defresa - Being in vanguard with you was great. I don't think there was ever a time when we ever got into an arguement. I know i made a good choice being in several clans with you.

Makky - Fat, you are SupahHotFire.

resistantcorn12- you were a great leader in Ascension, and I feel that you did a great job of creating a close group of friends.

InfinitySx3- Kelly, the countless late nights talking to you were all worth it. There was never a boring time when talking to you. You never really got mad, and never made anyone feel bad.

EyeHasNoIdea- Eye, first i have to apologize for leaving you by going on break after making a clan. Secondly, You were probably in my eyes my best friend in Ascension and never failed to keep people entertained, even though my constant jokes about ItsCarrie bothered you, we always managed to still be friends <3

KingGamerHD- sam, you and the rest of Relentless were what kept me at MCSG for as long as you did. Without you guys i would have left earlier in the summer. I wish I would still be able to play with you guys, but If i did, i would be sucked back into the MC world.

(If i forgot you, just say in the comments)

As these are my final words on these forums, I have to say thank you to the rest of the people who i have encountered during my journey. Whether our interaction was good, bad, or neutral, you being there helped mold me as a person in real life. As a community as a whole MCSG has been a place to escape and meet so many different people. So as I leave this community, I hope i have left my mark on the community, as it has left a mark on me.

TL;DR: I'm leaving, and I've met people.
dang i thought i was the only one who remembered that clan sentinels ^^ seeya dude i really liked you whenever i did talk to you, i'm sure i was in org with you a few times


May 21, 2012
Reaction score
Never really talked to you but I'm pretty sure you were one of the first few members in Erupting Creativity and thanks for staying as long as you did although I was such a bad owner! :p Good luck! :)

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