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Minecraft Story!


Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
I have no clue why people like reading these, but it seems as though they do, so I decided to write one :3

Let me explain something before we start. This story was not originally meant to be posted here. This was started over 4 months ago, and there is a break where I didn’t write anything for the better part of 3 months. I tried my best to fill it in without making it sound like a diary. Hope you all enjoy this read. If you guys think anything I said was advertising, alert me and I’ll be sure to look in to it. Thanks!

We all have to start somewhere. My story starts somewhere around July 2011, give or take a month. I was at a friend's house, and we were both bored. He then showed me a new game he bought. He started it up, and used the clay soldiers mod to make a mini-war/battleground kind of thing with horses and armour and everything. He had Too Many Items as well, and used it to make a few cool houses. After I went home that night, I called him and asked what the game was called. He told me it was Minecraft, and asked if I wanted to get the mods he had. I kindly refused, and began searching videos of it on YouTube. After I found out the game was paid, I could do nothing but wait until Christmas or my birthday until I could get it. I felt really sad about that, but the major amount of YouTubers that played this amazing game was astonishing. I was surprised I've never heard of it, especially after finding out how many copies it has sold.

After about a month of watching videos, I decided I want to play the game. A quick Google search resulted in a cracked launcher, which I used from 1.7.3 Beta to Minecraft 1.2.5. I had so much fun playing singleplayer worlds, but it wasn't until early 2013 when I discovered the true power of Minecraft -- multiplayer. I introduced Minecraft to my friends (now known as HAHArceus and Vewtwo/Sirvew), and they loved it as much as me. My friend, being the Mr. I'mSortaRichSoICanBuyEverything that he is, bought an account a few weeks after I told him about it. He proposed we play on a multiplayer server, and with Hamachi, I got one up in no time. We started playing, and we got extremely far into the game, even beating the Ender Dragon legit (something really hard to do back then). Unfortunately, I lost all recent saves of that world, but I do have an older save that I want to keep forever, as a memory of some of the most fun gaming in my childhood.

My friends and I played MC all summer on our personal server, until we got so far, there was nothing else to really do. I remember getting so bored, I dug a 21x22 hole to bedrock, filling up almost 10 double chests with cobble. In around July 2013, I searched for a server that I could play that wouldn't get boring quickly. I found an altered version of Minecraft called Tekkit Classic, and joined a server. I asked if anyone wanted to Skype, and one person did. His name was Dablakbandit. We played that server until it closed the next morning. I found a different server, on which we made a civilization so big, it was one of the main reasons he got accepted as Moderator on that server.

A few months later, he decided to take some of his good friends from the server we played on (including me), and make a brand new server that he was the owner on. I became mod, and later admin. Being an admin on this server didn't just earn me bragging rights and a fancy nametag though, it allowed me to become a mod on a much bigger server that I'll talk about later. I played this server for a really long time, and I still talk with the owner. I was extremely involved with that server, and it really taught me the jobs and responsibility of being a staff member. Eventually, survival became boring for me, and so I stopped playing the server. The server unfortunately was shut down later on.

Anyways, around July of 2013, one of my friends found a server called MCSG. This server was the one and only reason at that time that I wanted to buy a real Minecraft account, and play online non-cracked servers. I bought an MC account in August of 2013 and reserved the name 'M3rsh'. MCSG or MCGamer took up a lot of my life for 8 months, until 4/20 2014 (or Easter, as some refer to it). There's a lot to say about my MCSG life, including the people I met, the clans I've led, etc.

I don't remember a lot about my MCSG life, so I'll try my best. At first when I started, I just played with my friends, mentioned earlier. There were many times, however, when I was awake really late, when they were sleeping, and I had no one to play with. I couldn't play by myself because I was horrible at the game and couldn't get any kills, let alone wins. I saw many people asking to Skype team in the chat, so one day I decided to do the same. Someone named TheIronMinecart added me on Skype, and we started playing together. He often added me to group chats with his friends, and because there was quite a few of us, there was always someone to play with.

As time went by, we became closer friends. One member even bought me an OptiFine cape, which I plan to keep. I'm not sure what happened later, because we all sort of stopped talking to each other. It's not that we were mad or anything, because once or twice a month, someone started a call and we all played together. I eventually stopped talking with them completely, and moved on to TeamSpeak. This didn't last a long time because of all the clans going on there, and I, having 12 or so wins at the time, didn't fit in very well.

I went back to teaming with my IRL friends, and when I had a decent amount of wins (60 to be precise), I applied for a clan. They weren't hesitant to let me in even though I didn't meet the requirements because I knew some of them from the Skype calls. Long story short, it was a horrible clan. I'm not going to say which clan it was for obvious reasons. The clan owner was extremely unorganized, the members admitted to hacking, and wins were cheated on the clan forum page.

In my 3rd or 4th clan battle, we faced a clan called Relativity. We had a bit of an argument, and so I contacted one of the owners on Skype to have a professional discussion and work out what was wrong. If you tryhard and go through all my posts, you will find that whole conversation on the MCSG forums *oops nvm http://prntscr.com/4j6db6*. After a half hour long talk, I realized that the owner of this clan was actually a really sophisticated person. After the clan battle ended, I left my clan and applied for Relativity. I got accepted by both of the owners without having a trial, even though I didn't meet requirements for this clan either. I had a lot more fun in this clan than I did in my previous one.

*I took a 4 month break from writing here. A lot has changed, so the perspective I’m writing this in now might seem completely different.*

A few days after I joined, one of the owners quit. I was voted to be the new owner by the majority of the clan members. Owning a clan was one of the things I’ll never forget. The fights you get in to, the amount of mods that you have to deal with in order to get what you want... It’s all a massive hassle. I never want to take part in it again. That being said, I never said I disliked my time there. It was awesome. It taught me things. I wish I could expand on that, but I really can’t.

I was owner for about a month. I didn’t feel like handling all the arguments, so I left the clan and gave ownership to one of my most trusted clan buddies. The only reason I played MCSG at that time was because of the friends I had in the clan, and when I left, I really didn’t have anything, or anyone, to play with. I quit MCSG for a good month or two.

During that time, I tried to find something else to do (obviously MC related). I remembered that back on New Year’s, I spent the night on a server called MineYear. Turned out they had done a few more parties since then, namely MineForever and MineBreak. I decided to apply for mod for the MineParty team, and got accepted.

There’s not much I can say about this complex of servers before it counts as advertising, but I do wanna say that the owner of these servers is the one that brought me back into MCSG. She decided that we should play some games one night, but was frustrated at me not being able to join full games. She decided the easy way out wasn’t to not play with me, but rather to buy me donor.

I eventually got promoted to Sr. Staff on there, but later resigned due to arguments between some administrators and me. I still played on their servers and hung out with the people I met there, though, until a few weeks ago. There was a troll Twitter account started that highlighted the low points of the servers and their staff. The group of friends I was in got accused of making the account, and long story short, we got banned from the TS.

With that and school starting, I haven’t kept in touch with that group as much as I wanted to. Around that time, the Mr. I'mSortaRichSoICanBuyEverything guy I was talking about earlier had gotten Mod on MCG. To be honest, I was jealous. Very jealous. So jealous, I decided to try my hardest and make an application. The work I put into that was ridiculous. I didn’t think it could get any better. I had several people read it before I submitted it, just to make sure there were no mistakes.

I waited a week or so for my app to get accepted, and another week and a half to actually get my interview. Right before my interview was when I got to meet some of my first mod friends. They came into our waiting room and we played a game of ‘Guess That MCSG Map’ among others. The person before my interview actually had ChadtheDJ in his interview room, which made me extremely nervous. Seeing him get accepted boosted my confidence. After a very short interview, I was put back into the waiting room, only to be moved back into the interview room a few minutes later to hear good news. Luckily, I was accepted on my first try.

From there on, it was pretty smooth sailing. I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary, I haven’t tried to join any clans or make any changes to myself as a player, I’ve just been going with the flow. Obviously, I’ve met friends already as a Mod, but I’m not gonna name them. They know who they are.

That’s where my story ends -- at least for now. I don’t plan to quit Minecraft any time soon, so this story will probably have an update in the future. Maybe I’ll share the rest in my resignation letter, if there ever will be one.

Thank you all for reading, it means a lot to me, especially considering the amount of time that went in to writing this.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
I REMEMBER PLAYING GUESS THE MAP! :) That was fun times, haha.

Nice story, and congrats :)


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, that's a crazy story. I enjoyed learning more about your Minecraft career, thanks for writing this!


Feb 14, 2014
Reaction score
Wow, that's a crazy story. I enjoyed learning more about your Minecraft career, thanks for writing this!
Mason took the words out of my mouth. I haven't talked to you too much, but the times I have, you seem like a really cool and mature person.

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