• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

And with that, we close the curtains.


Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
As some of you may already have noticed, i have resigned from my moderator position. A lot of things are going to be happening soon, im going back to collage, and in a month im moving to Washington DC for 3 months, so a lot of stuff is lined up in my life at the moment. I had so much fun and it was definatly a close 2nd best experience ill ever have here at mcgamer, im going to miss being a mod but it was time to pass the baton. I was not a great mod, i made mistakes as everybody does, i made more then most, but overall it seems that people say i was a good mod so thanks for that.
and now to thank people...and im keeping it to people who are A.Staff or B.Ex-staff
Frazzli185 Your the person who convinced me to apply for mod and your also one of the main reasons it was such a wonderful time, you are one of my oldest friends in this community, and your beyond awsome lauren, your flipping amazing.
AmyGlitters you where one of my first friends in the staff, and you welcomed me into your group of friends even if i was just some weird american XD, you made my staff experience so great, and i really do thank you for that.
laureypop1 your adorable...k that out of the way, your also an amazing mod and friend, you are so caring for people and as ive said before your the biggest reason i unresigned last time. your doing flipping fantastic and you better keep it up.
SharkyCraft_ you pretty much by accident became one of my best friends in the staff team, your always there for me and i dont know where id be without you bro, your really one of the coolest guys i know, and your great at art. i owe you alot sharky and mark my words imma find a way to repay you eventually.
mrmouldymango Jack i love you bro, in the most bro way possible XD, you are an awesome guy, and an all around great friend, im glad you did all that waiting XD cause UnderSeaGirl saying she liked your name is probably one of the main reasons i got to know you so well at the start, your awesome keep it up.
KellieBreanne You are fantastic, and you deserve real props for everything you do, i know im not the only one who you convinced they where a good mod, and you are one of the coolest and most interesting people ive had the pleasure of meeting in my time on the staff team.
Captain | Lqzer My pending buddy :D, your an awesome mod and honestly a role model when it comes to moderating, you go above and beyond the call of duty, and you deserve way more credit then you get, and you deserve a lot less crap then you get.
starwilly12 Star, your weird, like really weird, but in a good way.... i think, XD. but no seriously your flipping awesome and you where there for me in my crappiest times and i owe you alot too, your an awesome person and awesome mod and and awesome friend.
Avaline your adorable too....okay but ya, your awesome avaline, your one of the sweetest people i know, and you are so fun to be around, you can put a smile onto anybodys face, and i can say youve done it to me multiple times, a lot of times when i really needed it.
benholl98 Ben you are one of my best friends, and one of my weirdest too, your a great mod and a great person, and your always there when i need you, your one of the best friends a guy could ask for, and thanks for being awsome <3
Dave eww its dave, no just kidding, dave your awesome and your a really great administrator, you are definatly the best, you deserve way more credit for the things youve done for this server, and none of the crap people give you.

And the rest of the people who made this ride a very memorable one JacksonReaction TheOneHarry Equalitee Zacharoutio SammyMariee 123456789matrty Sean Nacho115


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for not only the iron donor, but also for being a forum Moderator sometimes <3


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry to see you go :( Didn't get to know you much but we were moderating the same channel occasionally.

Good luck in life!


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Sad to see you go. You were a really good Moderator in my eyes, Goodluck in life. :)


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
I didn't get to talk to you too much, but you seemed really nice (funny, too :p).
Best of luck in your future, and I hope you can stick around :)


Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
landowicked Where do I start with you buddy? You have just made me smile SO much, you are always there for me in my darkest times. I love you, and you start to feel down you know exactly where to find me! BTW you still have not linked me to that anime.


Aug 9, 2012
Reaction score
It is really super sad to see you go :( But I'm so happy you tried for the place in the first place, as it seems like it made you more confident in general! You've always been a great addition to the staff team and its sad to see you gone from it, and I hope everything goes well for the future. :3


Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
Lando, it is really sad to see you go, you were probably my favorite leader of cyanvolts. Wish u didn't have to leave :(


Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
It is really super sad to see you go :( But I'm so happy you tried for the place in the first place, as it seems like it made you more confident in general! You've always been a great addition to the staff team and its sad to see you gone from it, and I hope everything goes well for the future. :3
landowicked Where do I start with you buddy? You have just made me smile SO much, you are always there for me in my darkest times. I love you, and you start to feel down you know exactly where to find me! BTW you still have not linked me to that anime.
aww ;~; i love you guys *tackle hugs*

I Am Not Leaving MCSG okay....that outta the way, :3

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